Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE sum of Two Thousand Dollars (2,000.00) h> laE>reby appropriated. TWELTH: For paying public benefits, payable by the Village in sundry special assessments, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) is h er eby appropriated. · THIRTEENTH: For establishing and maintaining a garbage system for the <:<' II dion nnd disposal of garbagt> the sum of Fiftee n Thousand ' Dollars ($15,ttliO) is heFcby appropriated. FOURTEENTH: For collection and di:-;posal of ashes, cans, bottlt>S, and misct lianl'ous 'vaste,· the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) is herehy appropriat t·d . FIFTEE:\'TII: For crc·atin~ a F'irenwn's Pension Fund, thl' sum of One Thousand Two Hundrt' d Dollars ($1,200) LIFE July 16, 1926 Village Clerk of said Village this 13th day of July A. D. 1926. NICHOLAS J. MILLER, Village Clerk. Approved by the President of tht- Viilag·e of Wilmette this 13th day of July A. D. 192G. EARL E OR:\'ER, · President of the Village of ·w ilmett e. ATTEST: XICJlOLAS J. ~liLLER. · Villag- ' Cl£·rk. Published on the 16lh day of July A. D. 1!·26 in the Wilmette Lifl' a s t>r· ular n(·wspapt·r puiJlislH'd in said Villag(·. ~IC'llOLAS CONCERTS ARE VERY POPULAR AT RAVINI.A (Continued from Page 3) Francesco Curci. :Mr. Papi will conduct. "The Barber of Seville" another of the· humorous works of the repertoire which is always productiYe of much hilarity in addition to being one of the most tuneful of all operas, will be giHn on \Vedne sclay night, July 21. Florence Macbeth will he heard as Rosina. a part abounding in colora tma singing. and Mario Chamlee wilt he cast as the lyric and amusing AlmaviYa. YILLAGE OF WIJ,JlETTE ORDIXXS('E H30 THE AX:SF"\JJ APPROPUL\TJOS lHT.IJ is hereby appropriated. SIXTEENTH: For . creating a Poli~e Pension Fund, the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200) is hereby appropriated. SEVENTEENTH: For the equipment and maintenance of a Public Playground the sum of Eight Th~usand Dollars ($8,000) is hereby appropriated. EIGHTEENTH: For creating a Fund for Public Charity, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) is h ereby appropriated. SECTION 2: This ordinance s;hall be i !1 force from and aftt'r its paH:;age and due publication. PASSED by the Pr"":-;id(' llt and Board of Trustees of the Village of \Yilmette on the 13th day of .TuJ~· A . n . 1!!26 and deposit<'d and tiled in the office of the .J. :\TILLER. Yillagt.· Clt-rk. 42L-lt c- ORDINAXC'E making a,ppropri:ttions for C'orpora t(' purposE's for the YillagP of \VilnwttE>, in the County of Cook a.nd State of Jllinoi!3, for the fiscal year commencing .AtH'il 20th, A. D. 1926 and ending April 18th, A. D. 1927. BE IT ORD~\ T~ED BY THE PHBSIDE:\'T AND · BOARD OF TIU J~ TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF \VIL~JET'l'g · SECTIO~ 1: That there be and hereby is appropriated for the corporate uses and purpO!-;(·S of the said Villag-0 o~ \Vilm C'tte for the fist'al year b(·g·inning on the 20th day of April, A. D. 11)26 and t'nding on th<> 18th day of April, A. D. 1!12i including thP amount:-; hPreinaftE'r sp c ifi t>d for maintaining a free publi c litrary, for a sinking fund for tlw liq uidai.illl1 of bonded indebtedness and int t" r t:st on bondt"'d ind£·btl' dness of ~aid Yillag._., f('r ·stahlishing and maintaining a gariJagt· systt·m for tht' collection and disposal of gnrhngl>, for ('!'t>ating a. tirt'men ·.· p t>n!" ion fund, for rrrating a polkt · Pt·mdon fund, and for f·stabli~hing and maintn.ining a municipal pla:q.;Tound, t ht· aggrt"gat(· sum or T\\'o IIundn·d ~~·,·t·n .t N·n Thousand Four · 1Ium1red Dollar s (S21 i ,400.00) nr so mu c· h tht ·rt·of as may be authorized by law, ::;JwC'ifkd as f(d Jows : FlflST: For ('O nstrU C' tinn and rt.·p:~ir ing slrPets. alll·ys, sich·walks, and crn:->swalks, and cleaning stn·t>ts and alit·~·~ and car(' of tre· ·!", tlw l>Um of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($::0,000.00) is · h c n·by appropriated. SECO~n: For otwning and rc·t1airin~ drainti ami n·pairing- Ht.:\\'Prs and wat e r main~ and tht·ir conn(·t·tiong, thl' surn of Two Thousand Fi\'t· J lundr ed l>.,J . Iars ($2 ,500.00 ) is lwn·hy appropriat Pd . THIRD: For h e ating and lighting· Yillagf' offi~'(·s, for stationt·r~· and official supplil·s, C'Ourt and )!·gal eXt·lenses and costs, dcdion PX))t·nses and otlwr n eC'('Ssary indd(·nt:~l ('XJH.' I1Sl'H, in cluding <·xJWnsf's of ""ilnwtt(' Plan <.'ommi~sion, tlw sum of Twenty Thou~and Dollars ($20,(100.00) is ht·rt·by appropriatl.'d. FOURTH : For supplil·s for and (·Xp~nscs of strl·et lig-hting and incidental expt>nsel'i in C'onnt.>ction thL·n·with, the sum of Twenty 'rhousand Dollars ($20,000.00) is hPr by am1ropr·iatt-d. FIFTH: For paying sala.rh's of tlw . offiet' rs and ch'rks, of s~ id Yillag(' the Sum of Twe-nty Thl'l'l' Thou~and Dollars ($23,000.00) is hereby approprialE'd. SIXTH: Fo1· OJwration, equipm(·nt, support and maintt·nanct· of the Fire Department, the sum · r TwclYe Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00 1 is hereby appropriated. SEVE;\TTH : For paying salaries of police offict·rs of said Village, the sum of Thirty Six Thousand Dollars ($36,000.00) is herehy appropriated. EIGHTH: For 11aying- the interest on bonded ind(' btedness of said Village, the sum of One Thou!-land Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250.0(1) is hereby appropriated. XJX'rH: For a :-;inking fund to pro\'ide for the liquidation of the bonded ind ebtednP-"H of said Yillagl·, as the same matur(·s, the sum of Thrre Thousand Fi\'C' Hundred l >ollar::; ~~:~.&00.00) is h ereby ap)JI'Oy1riat(·d. TE~TH: For a Lihr:1rv Fund for tho maint(,'llance of a Fn·e J>ublic Libra.ry, in said Yillagt.·, thP sum of Ten Thou:-;and St·n·n Hundn·d Fifty Dollars ($10,i50 .00) i~ h <'r<·by appl'opriated. ELEYEXTH: For tht.· otwration and maint(~nance of th l' pumping- station, th e A~ 1s rec1pe won Sour Cream Drop Cakes %cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter (creamed) 1 or 2 well-beaten eggs -%cup sour cream 1 cup flour Y2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla · · Cream butter and sugar. Add soda to one tablespoon of hot · water. Add to sour cream. Sift dry ingredients. Add sour cream to creamed butter and sugar. Add dry ingredients and mix well. Bake at 350° temperature. This recipe makes 17'2 dozen cup cakes. in Radio Recipe Contest of Home Service Department The above recipe was selected by the judges as the most unusual, economical and appetizing of all the· 2500 recipes submitted in the recent Radio Recipe Contest conducted by the Home Service Department of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. Mrs. Eva Hawkins Shanks, Director of the Home Service Department, will broadcast this and the other prize-winning recipes over Station W 0 R D in the near future · and will also tell about plans for a second Radio Recipe Contest to be held this fall. Tune in on the weekly Home Service Talks, Station W 0 R D (wave length 275) each Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. Prize Winners in Radio Recipe Contest Grand Prize $100 to Mrs. Edna Herbert, 215 E. Henry Street, Pontiac, Ill. $50 Prize to Mrs. E. M. Evan&, Libertyville, Ill. $25 'Prizes to Alice Rachael Miller, 310 So. Mill St., Pontiac, 111. Mrs. M. F Walter, West Bend, Wise. Miss Margaret Hubbard, Dwight, Illinois 'Bessie Hagie, Grand Ridge Ever Ready Club $15 Prize to Mrs. R. L. Tryon, 330 W. Navarro Street, South Bend, Ind. $10 Prizes to Mrs. A. F. Schlauder, Peotone, lllinois Mrs. 0. J. Jacobson, 2116 Birchwood, Chicago, 111inois Mrs. E. Christy, 7351 Lafayette Ave., Chicago, lllinois Miss Nonnie Van Kenren. 232 So. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, Illinois Mrs. B. M. Rice, Zion, Illinois Julia Cann, Peotone, Illinois Mrs. Minnie Buschel, 502 W. Grant Street. Streator, Illinoir, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Wilmette Wilmette 2899 Jno. S. Reesman, District Manager Avt.~ Auto Repairing Guarantud Work Rrasnnable Rates Rou Skelton .flo Prairie Ave. Wilmttte 3 5 5 5 ..,..

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