Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 37

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... . July 16, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Jack Howe, 240 Melrose avenue, and John Adair, 320 Melrose avenue, left Kenilworth Tuesday to spend the summer at Camp Manitowish, Boulder Junction, Wis. -:-O- Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shipman, 432 Warwick road, Kenilworth, will leave Monday, July 19, for California. On the way out they: will stop at Lake Louise·, Vancouver and Seattle. They will make several visits with sorhe of their friends and relative s in western cities, and will stop for a time in the Yosemite National park. Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, was a guest of the Barrington Garden club on .Monday, July 12, when it met at the hotne of Mrs. H. Stillson Hart. Mrs. Street gave an interesting talk on her visit to gardens in France, England and America. - oMr. and Mrs. Val Smith of Florida, formerly of Kenilworth, are spending a month in this vicinity. They have been visiti~1g their relativ es in Chicago and they spent the past week-end as the guest of Mr. and J\frs . Herbert V. ~f esick, 331 Essex road, Kenilworth. J ack Griggs of the Kenilworth Inn left Tuesday to motor to Atlanta, Ga., to attend an eight weeks' term of summer school at the Georgia School of Technology. Dr. and Mrs. ·Herbert Walker, 303 Cumnor 'r oad, Kenilworth, left the first of July to remain on their farm in Connecticut for the rest of the summer season. -oM iss Margaret · Backus, 24 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertained the girls of her bridal party on Monday at luncheon at Marsha11 Field's. -o- -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur vV. Wakeley, 234 Leicester road, Kenilworth, enter-· tained at dinner and bridge Wednesday evening, July 7, in honor of Mrs. Wakeley's brother and his \vife, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. Mrs. vVakelev -agave a tea in Mrs. \\T .h ee ler's hono-r The ~Ii sses Loui se and Isabel Lovepreceding the dinner. ' dale, 42 Kenilworth a venue, left Kenil-oworth Thursday to Yisit Glacier Park, ~fr. and Mrs. ).fals bv Forrest arc Col. At the . c onclu sion of their stav now on a motor. trip. - Mrs. Forrest . there, they will spend the remainde.r spent a week in Canada while Mr. of the . ummcr at Two ).ledicine Lake. Forrest fi shed in northern \Visconsin. Col. Their small son and hi s nurse are -ostaying in Barrington with Mr . For11fiss Dorothy Smith, 324 Cumnor rest's parent s, ~~ r. and Mrs. A. F. road, left Kenilworth Thur : day, July 8, Reichmann. to spe nd a month at the P. B;:tr P. -oranch, Cody, \Vyo. From there s he 1\[r. and ).frs. Frederick C. \Yilli s. expects to Yi s it friends in Gra\'hull. 322 \V anvick road, Kenil\\'orth, and \Vyo. Lvnn \Villi s are at home after a winter -ost1ent in California. ~~ r. and ).frs. ).frs. \Villiam T. Gaskell. Sheridan \Valt er ]. Cox, ,,·ho occupied the road, Kenilworth. who has been Yi sit\Villis hou se last winter, haYe mewed ing her ria ughter in Clrn:- land f::>r ":x Your c1othea washed hto their new home on Essex road. " ·ee ks, has return ed tq lH·r home. f!ft if you 1 nng us -00 1 ~fr. and ).fr s. Herman C. Heaton of }.f r s. \Yalter ~X~>k Gillett, 533 KrnihYorth sa iled July 8 to ~pe nd hro Rowln road. KenihYorth, is entertain- 1 and a half month :-. traYeling in foreign ing -her bridge club at luncheon Fricountries. day. J nly 16. ~fi ss Pln·lli~ Ruf and ).fi ss Florence -:\frs. Leon \f. :\llen, 258 ).f ·!rose Ste\'ens o(Kenil\\'orth left Tuescla\' fot a\·enue, Kenilw orth , ,,-a~ the luncheon Kan sas Citv where the\· \\:i ll - Yi sit ho ste ss for thC' mcmh e r . ·of her bridge ).frs. Ogrlet; Cook. . rluh Tue sday. Mr. and Mrs. AI Lovedal:!, 42 KenilOn Monday Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, worth avenue, spent last week fishing 132 Oxford road, Kenilworth, enter- at Eagle Lake, Wis. · -0-tained a group of those who are sewing for the bazaar to be given by the Mrs. Alfred McDougal of AbbottsKenilwqrth Union church in the fall. ford road, Kenilworth, is visiting in Peoria, IlJ. -o-oMrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, for twelve guests at the North Shore left Ket:tilworth Monday on a short Golf club Tuesday, July 6, in honor of busine ss trip to Iowa Ctty. Mrs. E. F. Pease of Altadena, Cal. -o--oMr. and Mrs . . Sam Ro ss of the Mr. and ~frs. Earl Mo ss, 316 Cum- Kenilworth Inn spe nt the week-end nor road. are leaving Kcnil\\'orth .Sat- at the F.Oresman £ann at Barrington. -0turday, July 17, "·ith their three chi ldren. Earl, Jr., Irving and Robert, to ?\fiss Harriet \Vebster, 314 Oxford spent a \\'eek at Hartland, \Vis. road, Kenilworth, has returned from ~oGalesburg, Ill. The Home and Carden club \\'ill -0: meet ).f"Onday, July 19, to hold a picnic Charles D . Howe , 2-tO Kenilworth ! on the la\\'n of Mrs . Earl ?\L De ).foe's avenue, Kenilworth, is away on a short ! farm on the Dundee road. hu sines. trip in the East. -o-<rJohn Keith, 310 \Van,·ick road, left ~f r. and Mrs. J oscph Joyce, 531 K en ihYorth this week on a business trip Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained to S:->uth Dakota. at dinner \Vednesday evening, July 7. j -o- . -o- -o- -o- Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eveready "B" Batteries Music Master Loud Speaker& Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Lighting Fixtures VacWlmEleetrid E A S '-.4" . I WASliER 4r* Phone Wilmette 104C Adams Electric Shop ;21 Fourth Street An Invitation cost, actractive design, skillful planning. permanence and fire-safety. As dealers in dependable building materials, it has been our pleasure to be identified with this unusual demonstration, and if you are thinking of building . now or in the future, we believe it will be to your advantage to visit this home and consult with us concern·· ing your plans. Have you visited the LEHIGH PRIZE · HOME, at the corner of Abbottsford and Warwick Avenue, Kenilworth, Illinois, which is to be completed this week? The design for this house was developed in a National competition .sponsored by the Lehigh Portland Cement Company, and it embodies the five essentials of permanent satisfaction in home building - moderate HUBBARD WOODS LUMBER & COAL COMPANY PHONE WINNETKA 452 HUBijARD ·WOODS, ILL.

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