Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE 1' July 16, 1926 Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORB I DOG RACE TO FEATURE ORNER WINS FIGHT ON WILMETI'E DAY PROGRAM HUGE APPROPRIATION Ittffic rs,(Continued from Page 1) clerks, of said Villa~e, the 1 11 sum of $2~.000 is hereby approprmted. Sixth: For operation, equipment , support and maintenance of the Fire department. the sum of $12,000 is hereby appropriated. . f S.evt>ntmh: For f ~~~dyin,~· ags~la~~ees su~ po 1tee o eerH o Sed < , or $3 6,000 ~~ hereby appropriated. Eighth: vor paying- the interest on hondt:'d ind(·hh·dness of said Village, the ~um of $1,2fi0 is hereby appropriated .. Xinth: For a sinking- fund to prov1d e for the lil(uidation of the bonded inclebtcdn<'ss of said Village as the same maturl:'s, thP sum of $3,500.00 is htreby hJ.proprlati'd. '~t..·nth: For a Library fund for the mamtl'mm<·t~ of a Free Public library, in said Village, the sum of $10,750 is ht-reby appropriatt:'d. Elt·\'t..,nt h : Fur t ht..' otwratlon and twtintNuuw·· of the pumping- station, the sum of $2,000 ili h ·rehy appropriated . 'l'wt.>lfth: For paying public benefits, payahiP by the Village in sundry special a~s t:'sH mf'nts. the sum of $15,001) is h en t by ap)lropriatt'd. Thirtl·t·n th: For t·~tahlishlng and maintaining a g-~rrh;lgt· system for the <'Ollectlon and dist>osal of garbagt:> the sum of $1 il,OOO is h e reby appropriated. Fou··tp (· nth: For t·ollection and di Hpm;al of a:-;lws, eans, hottlt·s, and mi s<'t:llant:>ous wast P. tlw sum of $1fi,00(J is hereby ap[)roprlated. Fifth·n : For ere a ti ng- a Fi rt·nwn ·:::; 1 Pension fund, th e sum of $1,:!00 is h c r·'hy appropriat('d. SixtPenth: For crcatltlg- a Polk·' Pt·nsion fund, th e sum of $1,!.!00.(10 is lwreby appropriated. St>ventc·t..·nth: For tlw Ntuipm··nt and n1aintt>nan ce of a puhli · pla:o:g-round the ~urn of ~8.000 is h e reby appropriatt:d . l·;ig-hh·('nth: For (·r('ating a fund for public charity, th · sum of $1,1100 1s lw r t.:hy appropriat ed . ... ' Funeral Direc·tor Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, has had twenty-one years of successful service , in the professional field. The best testimony to their careful, courteous, and conscientious work comes from those whom they have served during their residence on the North Short. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis. Our new D~ Lux~ Invalid Coach is available for emergency calls at out Wilmette Funetal Hom e. V try Lat11t in MoJern Limowine Equipmtnt 1120 (Continued from Page 1) There will be races for children and · · ' f or g1rls, and for thetr moth~~s . The date has been for I hursday, August 18, and all the village is invited and urgently requested to take part in this big community celebration. The '11 b e c 1ose d, f or ! h e most part, stores WI and all the merchants wtll be on hanrl to help with the program which then· own organization is staging. There '11 h f ~~ be. refres ments or sale and nmstc to ltsten to and everybody who attends will have the time of his life, it is .promised. That promise was made good last year, remember, and it ,.,- j1J · ~ IJC t I11s year, all are conndent. l\fiss Elizabeth Fitch left ~fonda\· for Washington, to resume her cours.e of training at the \:Vatter Reid hospital after a visit at the home of her father and mother, Mr. and ~Irs. Claude E. Fitch, 1033 Elm\Yoocl avenuc. ~ltlttllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllltllllllltlltllltlll:liluttllll~ Central Avenue Home phone, Wilmette 355~ ·- WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3552 - Experienced Users Are·Buying Now This month offers a money-saving opportunity fo .. you. From · time to time the price of all sizes of Chicago Solvay Coke will advance until the heating season opens. Buy this dependable fuel for your home now. Order it from your dealer. Phone him, he will quote you the lowest price whether it be for your hot air furnace, hot water boiler or stove. Buy out of season at a low cost per ton. Chicago Solvay Coke is clean, smokeless and costs you 30% less than hard coal. It is by far the most dependable and the most popular fuel of Chicago home owners. Thousands of families burn it year a. fter year with satisfying results. Buy before next fall, buy before the rush of deliveries. Buy before the prices advance. The P L Ay D Ay are the best days for having new photographs made of the children. We find summer the time that children make the m o s t charming and attractive pictures in your home~ garden or in the studio. ~ \) -- Playground Boys See Boston-Cubs Ball Game About fiit,· \\'ilmctte playground bo,·s irom the hcac h and the Village I Gr.ecn. accompa n icd hy Dudley C. Stone and (~len Gathcn·(,al, attL·tH!ed the B o~to n -C uh ba se ball gamt· at th~ Cubs' park la st \Vedn csrlay aftern oon as ·gucsh of Pre si dent \·eerk . :\ Ycry cnjoyahk time wa..; expniL·nn·r by all. Thi-, j.., (tJtL' ()i tht· t,,.(, trip-, pLtnned 1to the t 'uh~' park during the ~eaS(JI1. The next one , rot11ing lat e r in the !->CaI son, " ·i ll he op<.·n to r L·gular attt·nclanh at the playgrounds and ht·arhe~ oi t ht· ,·i!lage. · I II Cl:Hh·.:; \\" l'rl1akn ,,j .110 Third s,trcet, i..; at · the H.an·n~\\ "od IHhpital. . ,,·here she undcnrcnt an nperati(,ll ior I appendicitis Saturda,· la-.t . ~ri~s - I j ~f r. and :\f rs. A. ~. ).f t·-.tjian. ~II Jfain street. spent tlll' pa-.t " l'l·k-L·Jtd :1t their cottage (l\J Lake Geneva. 3347 C· HICAGO 1't>lep1aone \\' llm~tt~ Solvay Coke Buy it, Bum it You'll Lilce it Sold exclusively by DR. FRANK B. ERWIN 615 DAVIS ST. H oylmm Building EVANSTON Phone University 2238 VETERINARIAN In tile trentment of your he11t frlend8 the "Dog anti Cnt" All cnll8 rt-ct."lve my 1·er·onal ntteatlon 1000 Ridge Ave. · Wilmette, IU. ~Jleelnllzlng ·:··--·-·-,,- _._ ~llllllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllll llllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii'. I I I " ! __ __ __ __ ,,_,,_,, , ,_,, ,_,_,_,__._._..· ! MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Call F. C. Heaney for a demonstration in the New Marmon. I I I HOFFMANN BROTHERS WILMETTE Phone 131 .~,._,.~~-.--,._.,.-o_a_l~- Marmo~ North Shore I ·! ! I --.,--.~- oe.o--~· i

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