Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE Slf2~ LlFI! July 16, 1926 Have funds to loan on C'l10ice improved North Shore Subul'ban r esidence property at 5 Y.!% interest. See us on r enewals. MONEY Consumers Co. Buys Sites for Yards; Sells Old as Park Marshall E. Kcig, executive vicepresident of Consumers company, has announced the · purchase by Consumers company of sites for two new fuel yards in the north shore districts, near Glencoe and Highland Park. Con- E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Read the WantAds ~##########################~~#####################~####~####~, ' struction work is well under way and the yards will be put into service about September 1. "Our business on the north shore has increased steadily during the past few years," said Mr. Keig, "and the acquisition of this property will enable us to serve b e tter our many fuel customers in Glencoe, Highland Park and nearby suburbs." One of the new Consumers yards is located at Northfield, on Willow road and the Chicago and North Western freight line. This yard will se rve the Glencoe di s trict. . Th e Highland Park yard is also on the North Western railway, at Blodgett, one mile directl y "·est of Highland Park. The property, at present occ upied by the Consumers company yard in Glencoe, ha s been sold to the city and will be . incorporated into a city park. Spea~ing of this sa le, Mr. Keig said: "\Ve arc anxious t o co-o pcratL' , in every possible way, with the cit y auth ori ti es and to contribute our support tO\Yard the beautifying-· of the n o rth s hor e district. For thi s reason, we arc voluntaril~· turning thi s property ove r to. the citv of Glencoe. The ya;d will be vaca'te.d about September and the office and operating personnel tran sfer red to the Northfield branch." June Was Good Bu. ilding Month . in Kenilworth While the July building permits . in Kenilworth are not keeping pac~ wtth those of June, the tota_I valuatton of the five buildings authonze~ last month represents a showing su~ctently creditable for a sixty day penod. '_l'he total for ] une was $125,500, rangmg from $15,000 to $34.000. Permits iss ued last month follow; To the Kenilworth Realty association, for F. M. C rommelin, for a twosto ry re sidence and gara_gc attached, at 544 Earlston road, costlllg $20,000. To I. J. Knudson, of Evansto.n, for a two -sto ry, brick veneer re~tdence and garage attached, at 211 Ahmgdon :t\'enur, costing $15,0(:X). To Charles Rasmussen. for \V. J. Ryan, for a two-story, bri ck r e:-;ide ncc and two car garag-e, at 567 J·.arl ston r oad, costing $20.000. To Jam es Crabh, for . H. A:· \Vhe <: lork, ·ror a two-story, hn ck r~st <lcnc e at 79 l~obsart rnacl, costing $36.000. I I To James Crabb~ for _Cla ude . Smith. two -s tory, hnck n·sidcnce and attached three-car ga:age, <~t 123 Kenilworth ;n·enue, cost 111g $34,,100. c Builds Business Block at Glenayre Station For beauty no other building material approachesFaceBrick. Beautifolwhen the house is built it grows more charming with age. In the long run it is also the most economical. Our free booklet, "Hy-tex Brick," gives interesting facts on home-building. Get a copy. F. H. Gathcrcoal of 1213 \Vilmett r an·mH·. annotlli.CtS that the well which j_, t() -.upply " ·ater ior King\ ro11rt, at C ll'nayer, has been cum pkttd <~ nd -.t·\'. er and water 111ains arl' 110\\' being put in. \Yitl!in a week or ttn day~. Ill' ..,a,·-.. \\"<trk will ht: -.tartcd nn a llt'\\' · l;uilding, to bt: med as an offict·, \\·i th li,·ing quarter-; attachl'cl theret o. TAKES CORRIGAN HOME 1·~. Udridg~ of Freeport, 111., has ka :--l' d throu gh thl' H·al ~ :-;ta te firm (,f \\. C. Stacev and C<tll lpa ny, 336 Lindt·n a\"l'lllll'. \\'i !Iudtl', thr John , F. C'orrig;111 re si dence at Hi20 \\'a shington a\·enuc, \\'i lml'tt c. The Corrigans are moving- to ~1ilwauker. ._. E. Hy-tex The Standard of Quality in Brick . HE aim of the Hy-tex organization is to produce the highest grade Face Brick and market them at a reasonable price. And not to .c ut quality to meet competition. The Hy-tex line embraces all colors of Face Brick in smooth, semi-slnooth and rough textures. Many kinds of the beautiful Hy-tex Brick·are displayed in wall sections in our Exhibit Room. Visitors are always welcome. If you have any questions to ask about Face Brick, the Hy-tex man will answer them. HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK COMPANY c./J1ember, American Face Brick Association CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING · CHICAGO T Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of .the EYES that makes them ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ur. less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. oT "E~·e Our illustrated books on "Eye Ca~· Beauty" aTe fREE on rcquae. The Murine Company J)£pt. 33. Chicaso L .E A D I N G C REA T 0 R S 0 F C 0 L 0 R S AN D T B X T 0 R E S I N PAC E B R-1 C lt ~-----------------------------------------------------------~--------------------~

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