30 WILMETTE LIFE July 16, 1926 I To Open New Store for Household Appliances The storeroom at 607 Main street, Wilmette, which was formerly occupied as a real estate office by F. H. Gathercoal, who is now located at 1213 Wilmette avenue, is being redecorated for occupancy by a household appliance shop, about August 1. It will .be under the management of W. C. Beers. Mr. Beers formerly was with the North Shore Gas company at Highland Park and Winnetka and the Darby Electric shop in -~vanston. Many Visit New Model Home in Winnetka Sunday A conservative estimate of the ·number of people who visited Winnetka's model home, at 420 Maple avenue, last Sunday is placed at .5()0. Edward T. Leonard, the Winnetka contrac!or an.rl builder who designed and bUilt thts 11ouse, and whose fir st and only publ!c announcement of the same appeared tn the form of an advertisement and an article in the Wn,METT£ L1n:, Wrxm~'fKA TAr,K and Gu:~co~ N 1-:\\'s last week, declared the . re spo nse thereto, was marvelou s. It resulted in an all day reception. People began coming ~arty in !he morning and they conttnued commg all cla y. 'They have continued to com e all week. The house is not yet finished, particularly the decorations, but it is so nearly ready for occupancy that the public is ~blc Y? apprcci~te what ~fr. Leonard ts gtv tn g 111 hts 1Iodel Home plans. He is being cong ratul ate d upon every hand fo r the introduct ion of plans that arc different, ~nd .who se artistic bcattt v .as emhocbccl 111 the Spani ·h arch(tectural designs arc s fittingly appropriate to north shore sections. l\fr. Leonard says he has rccci,·· e<l numerous requests from p~ople who are contemplating home building for co nf ere nces with them r egarding plan" of a simi lar h ome. BUYS NEWMAN HOME YourNeighborOwnsHisHome! Do you envy him? Perhaps you think he ha s "had all the · Juck. " But it's not a matter of luck. I le r ea li zed that the amount he was spending on rent could ju st as well be going into a house of his own-and he acted on the idea. \Ve will build one for you and through our financing plan it need c,o st you no more than yon are no,,· thrc)\\:in g a ·w ay on 'r ent. Mail~trd confectionery company in the Strauss building, Chicago, has leased the .residence of Mrs. Alma Calkins, at 400 Eighth street, through Mrs. D. ]. Garrison of the real estate firm of Paul Shrocder and company, 407 Linden avenue, \Vilmette . LEASES RESIDENCE Henry C. Gordon, manager of the 1-'or safety and profit there is no better security than North Shore R e a I t y Bonds. We recommend some very attractive issues for re-investment of your July funds. Cairo Building Material Co. 1230 Leon Place Phones Univ. 7614-4255 John Kelly of Chicago, has purcha ~ ed. through !\frs. D. J. Garrison of the real estate finn oi Paul ~hroedcr and compan~·. -107 Linden annue, \\'ilmett(', the Xeal E. Xc,,·tnan re.,idt'tH.T at l OtH Oakwood ~r,,· man:- an·nut·. \\'il111ettv. t 11 diate occupancy is to he given. :trl' mc)\'ing Imme The ~t. Louis. George · H. Taylor Real Estate .Mortgage Co. Can Lend You $2,000 to $5,000,000 or More, Slf2% to 6% LIBERAL PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES ON ·ALL LOANS Monthly Instalment, Amortized Loans on Residences, Apartments, Business Property under 3 Different Plans up to $100,000. 312 South Clark St. Phone Wabash 1246