Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 28

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July 16, 1926 ,NEWEST BOOKS AND. BOOK REVIEWS Yersity press brought out the 'Chronicles of America,' and how those little volumes were practically best-sellers for months? The\' are · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · now bringing out something similar Letters from a Librarian to a Girl in called the 'Pageant of America.' Thi s Montana is a history o! America told in pictures with a very brid text. Tlwse who be"Dear '.:\[arion: lieve in visual education will ha,:e their The Fourth rather interrupted my innings with this set. plans; I had too pleasant a time to "They arc simply enchanting, and read, but I played with a number of are Yeritable mines of source material things. from ships to literature. and from "You remember the 'Pepy's' that plows to styles. sat on our shelves? I have ne\'er read "The first Yolume is ':\dn~ntures in it because of the fine print, neYerthethe \Vild erness,' the second 'Toilers of less it has always been on the list of th,ings I simply must do. and last night Land and Sea.' This hook has a numI started in the middle of the hook. in ber of ).1 ontana pictures in it. and I oi comse think it all the more Yalu16(>6 to be exact. ahle. The next two arc 'The Epic oi "Pepy's was still talking about the Industry' and 'The American Spirit in plague and had begun to talk about Letters.' all the authors ' pictures from the family plate. I became so inter - John Sn1ith to Sinclair Lewis. ested in wondering " ·hat he might "But it is the last yo)umc that T am ha,·e in the wa\· of silverv1·are that I looked it up. fudl('ing irom \\·hat the wildlv enthusiastic ahnut, 'The Ameriencylopedia said his drt'sser must haH can ·S pirit in Architcctmc.' You know resembled a jeweler's shop for it in- my fad of period homes and here they cluded platters, porringers. mugs, arc from. '.:\faine tn Florida. and from tankards. sugar hc)\\'ls. creamers. awl Puritan to presrnt-day. Tt is . the best spoons. :\o iorks or knin·:-; you nh- ,·iew pO:':'ihle of the -;ubject, and I \H'nt into raptun·s on almost erny serve. page. "Then T clipped into a book on edu .. "T am extrrnwh· anxious to see what ration (we arc buying quite a hit on I he r('lllflill ing YOlUmt'S Wi)J he like . that subject) and reread Rose ).J acaulay's "Told by an ldiot ." 'fh<.~t rapid The whole :-;eric:-; ha~ my unhou11<kd suney of Victorian, Edwardian and praise. ").fore later. Georgian manners entertains me morr Alway:', than anv hook a\'o\\·edeclh· colllic . "You ·remember when tl;c Yale l-ni- , A 1111 t· ,,.iII i :-- ." : IT IS STILL CONRAD "LAST ESSAYS" By Joseph Conrad. Doubleday Page & Co. Library Letters Fountain Square Evanston Phone University 1024 Delin'ries twice daily to the :\iorth Shore. Phone in your hook order:-;. Suggestions for Summer Reading :\RCTl-Rl'S AD\·E~TlRE \Villiam Beebe Putnam ............. ·...... $6.00 THE :I THE LOG OF THE SUN, A CHRONICLE OF NATURE'S YEAR \Villiam Beebe . Hou·y flnlt & Co . ......... $5.00 . DIGGlNG FOR LOST AFRICAN GODS Count Byron de Prorok Putma11 .................... $6.00 TO - ).lORRO\Y'~ TAXGLE ).[ argaret Pedler Doran ..................... $2.00 THE RO~lAXTIC XIKETIES Richard Lc Gallienne Dn11blcday Page ...... ..... $2.00 ~IL\'ER SPOON ] ohn Gal worthy Scrihncrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 Canadian Pacific Cruises Empressol Scotland It \\'Otlld indeed be inexcu :-> able to mar the memory of '] oseph Conrad h~· the sort of \\'aste basket emptying which sometimes follows the death oi an author. That has not been done here. These "Last Essa ,.s" are a collection of works almost. all of which ha\·e been published before in magazine" or ne\\' spapers, in some ca ses a:-; thl' · preface to a book. In all of' them. to a slightly varying degree of cour:--e, depending on . the type of the artich-, ~·e have the Conrad of thoughful. measured prose. \\'ith the re strained exquisite choice of \\·ore!:' revealing a mind which worked \\'ith the delicac ~· of a scientific in strument. The articles fall under the head c1 i reminiscent essays, \\'hich Conrad sometimes wrote a:-~ a :;o rt of diver :- ioiJ bet\\·een more taxing things, :--nmc short articles on England at \\'ar. ~()me critical essays or appreciations. t\HI ' ·r. three letters on foreign affairs. hi~ only recent!~· publi shed "Congo Diary," and prefaces to se,·eral hook .-. Of tl1ese last. perhaps the nH1st in tcn'~ting. is the Prtiarc to the P. iography (,f ~tepht · n Crane. for it ttllc; so nntch not only nf ih ~;,uhjert hut it.:: author. and the gentle affectionate yet pa,sionatt· admiration he could he . . to\\' on thn ~t· wlwrn he thought " ·o rth .\· c ~ i it. Tn 1 he t rihute to the "Dc,\·t·r P;t t rt ,]" he s hmr :' the gracintt ~ ne:--:-. " ·it h \\hi e 1 hi s mind n·:-- poncled to a job \\Til do rw. l t i~ fj t t iII , l!' I h a t ()II ( li lt ' I I j I 1J t · t \\ t 1 t i' thrt·e Ja-,t page . . th:rt Cunr;td " r· · t' there should ht· a Ja,t \\nrd -,p,,J.;<·n, ~~ 1<1:-.t tla. l!' nf ;tdmirati"n flr,,,.ll j, ;r h: . . liic -lonl!' care. th C' ronllll<)n <;l' aman. :\ 1111' llltll' l ' llll' ll t i, 111 ad l' o i t lr(' 1.1;. r ria ge t,f :..r i~s \fa n· ~\\·;tin to tlrl' 1\ n. Scott \\.ithrm\· (li ·. \u r1·ra, \\' L·rlnt·'dil ">' en·ning. Jun<' 30, at th e hon1e 1·i the bri(lt.:'s :--i~tl'r ;md !Jrothn- in -Lrw. Dr . and .\1 r..,. R. II. llt rrdn~n n . I) ;·. I. B. \\ ' or\.; 11I T :tr kiu. \[c, ., r(';trl 1; ,. ~cr nce . THE Dl~FFER 'S HA::\DBOOI' OF GOLF Grantland Rice CLare. Briggs .\Ia ~· mil/a,l ................ . $3.50 Empress ol France World Cruise Leaving New York December 2, 1926 132 glorious days ··· S 5 ashore for sight-seeing ··· timed with climate at its best ln every country vjsited. Plan now to take the Canadian Pacific world cruise-from New York Dec. 2, on the palatial Empress of Scotland, 25,· 000 gross tons, famed for cruisins comfort. Spend Christmas In the Holy Land; New YeM's Eve In Cairo; then on to India; Malaysia; China, 4¥2 day· in Peking; Japan -20 countries in all. Rates, Including all nee· essary expenses, shore ex· curslons, hotel accommo· dadons, etc., surprisingly Mediterranean Cruise Leaving New York February 12, 1927 15 countries-1 7 ports -with varied, fascinating shore programs at eachMadeira,Cadiz, Gibraltar, · Algiers, Malta, the Riv. ieras-French, Italian and Dalmatian. 19 days in Palestine, Egypt. You miss nothing worthwhile on this ship·and.shqre managed cruise under expert Mediterranean travel guides, who attend to all accommodations, transportation, etc. Make reservations now-on the steamship twice chosen for voyages by the Prince of Wales. Send for the complete itinerary, in· eluding schedule of intecesting shore e"cursions. You're going to see the Mediterranean-why not this winter-when it's like spring there? Portfolios That Are Compact Ideal for your \'acation correspondence arc the:'e conYenient portfolios of 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. They may be had in the pa stel rolors with harmonizing enYdope linings in plain color:' or figures. at prices ranging from 55c to 90c. Ait~ · r l'l'tttrning ir()ll l :t lllu!ltlr ·. . \'.tddilll!' trip 111 l, c,ng lka ch . Cal .. !ht·'.· \\ill rnick :tl 3R~ ~(IJlllr Lakt· -!I'll', :\urnr ;t, \\'lll.: rc tlw grnntn j.., fl;'l.,ttJr <·i tlrl' Fir --t L·tl ited Jlr l' . . hytni:tll rhmch. ( 1- \lr. :ttld ).fr :--. Ju ..,l'ph () . l ·cJm·n ... t · . l<dO Hi . L:hland aHntte, han· a" th<· ir g-uests fnr tIll' ~ u mm t· r, the 1:t 1 tcr' .;; fathtr and mothc·r. :..rr. :ttld \!r ~. Frl'rl .C · Ir\\·in. ni \[ elh oume, Fh . T ht· Trwin s. re ~ idenh of \\'i lnlttte for rnanv y c a r s, sold tiH.' ir 110111 e h ne a I itt k ·n.'r tweh·e month s a. [.!.o, and ha,·t· hn· 1 . pending their wintc·r . . in the ~n uth c Oppenheim Hu Best at You'll Need a Fountain Pen A serYiceable \Vaterman whir h so many baYe found satisfactory \\·i ll prove to be almost indispensable on your vacation. This !Tiay be had with rl ring in th e top to be worn on a ribbon ~round the neck, or with a clip for convenience in attaching to a book or keeping it secure in the pocket. Either style, $2.75. . THE GOLDEN BEAST low. See· This Worll;l Before the n. :.-;, ~1\, Ul'dly, ~ll' <llll!1hip ( ~ext ·Ja o;kson nl\·d., B, E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM Furthir informario..\ irom 'loccd steamship agents, oT ;l'n<"ra' ;,gL·nt, i I J~ . ·erv " It is one of the beat of hiJ long stories."-The Boston Tr.:n.sCTipc. $2.00 at aU Boobelku . .. caDiidiaffPaCmc World's Greatest Travel System ... LITILE, BROWl\J & CO ··· ........... Botto· , ......... 1b.. ) s -=. ·~ ... · l. ~t.. .. · ~ - . ....... - r . . , . ,·J-·

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