Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE July 16, 1926 In the vast exploration program carried out recently by members of the Archeological cong-ress in Syria and Palestine, Dodge Brothers motor cars anrl trucks were an important link in -You find what you want-quickly the success of the operations, accord· ing to C. M. McDonald, Wilmette and Evanston dealer. The Archeological congress consisted of about 150 members, who 'pene· trated Syria and Palestine to make an intensive sea rch for evidences of the human race which existed prior to the time of Christ. The con!"ress was well enuipped be· fore arrival at Beyrough, Syria, from OF· which point caravans were organized for penetration into the Holy Land and nearby. Knowledge of the purpose of the ::ae.t·t"nnnunnnnnnnnnmnllnullnmnunnmttnullnllttuutlltllutuutttmttuntuttlluttulllllllllltllllttunllnnullutnumntnlltntttmllmiiHniiiiiiUullml.!l congress was sent Major Bourd ill on, = French High Commissioner at Bey· ~ 1mmrh, who had been instructed to ~ J assist in providing tran~portation ~nd § other comforts for thetr penetratton ~ into the ancient lands made prominent ~ :n Biblical history. ~ Commissioner Bounlillon at once g-ot ~ in touch with F . A. Kettaneh, of the § Eastern Motor comnany, distributors § for Dodge Brothers, Inc., at Beyrough, ~ to arrange a fleet of Dodge Brothers ~ motor cars and trucks. § Major Bourdillon owns a Dodge ~ Brothers motor car for his personal § use at Beyrough and for travel in his ~ work for the French government. ~ Thoroughlv faniiliar with the coun~ trv over which the congres" would ~ ·pass, he knew that an unusual!~· storrh· ~ <'ar would he required and thi s w ;1s ~ l1is reason for calling upon Mr. K et ~ taneft. = "The authorities wanted the trip to - hr romnletrrl without a hitch, anrl it - ,\.·as." Mr. Kettaneh said lat"r. "Thl' :nllrtH"' into the interior of Syria anti Palestine was made with ease. at- thot1gh thP~c conntrics possess l)ut - little semhlancr of roads suitahle for '1"e of automobiles. The memhers of the congress were enthusiastic in tlwir Praise of the performance of th~" Dodg-e Brothers motor car." -Evanstorl stores carry articles specifically se.. lected for North Shore people Dodge Brothers Motor Cars Used in Bible Lands IlliNOIS UNIVERSITY BARS STUDENT AUTOS Council Adopta New Regulation to Prohibit Autos; in Force September 1 · Student automobiles will be barred at the University of Illinois starting September 1, according ~o a reg.ul.ation adopted by the counctl of admuustration of that institution and announced today. The council, composed of the president, the deans of the va- . rious colleges, the dean of women and the dean of men, is the bo~y charge~ by the Board of Trustees wtth matters pertaining to student welfare. The regulation, as adopted, stat_es that "no unde.r graduate students regt~· tered in the departments of the Umversity of Illinois in Urbana and Champaign is permitted to operate an_Y motor vehicle during the time the umversity is in session (excluding regular vacations) unless he has from ~he council of administration a spectfic permit based ~pon de~onstrated necessity or spectal convemence. A student who lives with his parents or guardian must present from such parents or guardian a written request for a permit. No p.e rmits are grant~d minor students except upon the ~nt.~ ten re(]uest of the parent or guardtan . Five reasons for barring cars are cited in a letter being mailed by the council to the parents and guardians of all students scheduled to re-enter ~ chool next fall, and to those of prosnrctive freshmen who are applying for :tdmission. · The reasons advanced are: Reasons Against Can "1. The scholastic standing maintained by the majority of students 0wning or operating automobiles has hren below the average scholastic · standing- of the university; "2. The owning o f automobiles ha s involverl a con stant and se rious waste of time; "3. There have been numerous ac cidents involving considerable damage and serious hodily injury ; "4. There are con stant violations of local and state laws governing motor traffic, and whotlv unnecessarv and dangerous congestion of traffic in streets adjacent to the campus; 11 5. The use of cars has contributed to moral detinouencies which have resulted in the dismissal from the university of the students concerned." The letter asks the parents to co· operate ,,..·ith the univt>rsity in carrvingout this new regulation, telling them that 11 students in ~eneral have ahso lutelv no need for an a11tomobile during their residence in the universitv." The letter also points out the fact that at the beginning of the school year for ttle past three years a letter to parents and guardians has referr,,rt to the dangers involved in stml,·nt" having- cars,· but that conditions have C'f\tt<:f'rl th~> ro11nril r~"l11rtantlv to ron1c to the hPiid tl·~· it is n,,..essary to pass the reg-t1lation whic-h it has adopted. Mrs. Hugh R. Littell (Mary ~-~: o;on) is return in~ to her home m Srattle thi s week t~fter a five w~eks' visit at the home of her moth~r. Mrs. Harry Wilson, 71!) Greenwood avenue. Mrs.· Burnham Jenkins o· f Evanston ~ave a bridJre-luncheon in her honor Tuesday of this week. -oMr. and Mrs. B. W . Lynch, 827 Ashland avenue, and their four chit- . dren, Mary, Helen, Joseph and WitHam, have gone to Pettibone lodge · Shoreham, Minn., in the northwes.tcr~ part of the state. EVANSTON CHAMBER COMMERCE -·' - Famous for its Genial Living Quarters ~ BERNIE'S I ! ' .... t--.c~..-..~~~..-.c ·.-.n-..c~ ........·· i F OLK.S who know this residential H.otel p r a i s e its genial accommodations, attentive service and excellent cuisine. There is no place in all th~se parts more enjoyable for a long or short stay. Reservations may be inade by telephoning University 8000. I I Bernie ! = · · I ~ I I I I ITwelve5"x8" Studio 1623 Orrington Ave. I I I. I I $ .85 t Evanston, Illinois I~ § L"'IA~~IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUHO!:IJIIIIIUUIIIIIflfiiUIJIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIUUIIIIIIfiJUIIIIIUUIIIIIUWWJUIUIMIIIUUt..._l .... .........__ ____ ~ EVANSTON Phone University 8998 -o- _. .. Mrs. Ira Jones of Glencoe entertained the members of the Wilmette Thursday club for luncheon and bridge at her home this week.

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