Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 25

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July 16, 1926 It is a cabat;et, one of the oddest ever I NORSHORE THEATRE J· seen. . .Levee ere~ted an exact replica of th~ double tiered. cells of S~n Quentin Pnson, below whJch was bmlt a dance Ao?r. .He called thi~ e~otic place "The ] a1l Cafe." The dmers and dancers \Vere locked in cells at~d w~re waited ~pon by men dressed m pnson g.arb. fl~e orchestra als? \vorc th e stnJ?Cd smt s of the convtct. When <lancmg sta rted, the ja iler opened t)1e cells and the merry-make r s poured 1orth on the dance fl oor. Tn addition to this bizarre setting, many sce ne s of scenic splen dor. filmed off the west coast of ).f cxico and (Jn the islands of the Pacific. arc to he seen in "Sweet Daddi es." .George Sidney, Charlie ~r urra_v, Vera Cordon, Gaston Glass, Jack ~[ ulhall and Jobyna Ralston arc in the cast. Alfred Santell directed. Johnny Hine s, First National comedy star, scored a new record the other day. He is now the proud posses sor cd 500 br0\\'11 derbies. J o lmny needed these ha h ior "The Brown Derby." hi s ne\\' production. whic h comes Juh· 26 to the Ho\'hurn theatre here, and on first thouglit believed that he \\·ould be ahk to sec ure them without an~· troublt . J Iowcvcr. after making a thorough inHstigation Cit hat stores and hat manufacturers throughout New York thl' sum total he co uld find amountecl tn IS hrmrn derbies. Since the particular ,r<:nt·, in ,,·hirh these hro\\'n dcrhi c:-- \\Tl'l' n:-ed · ~( · · qutru1 at 1 ea't ~ )() ot them. the ta!llous Richard Dix throws an entire nation in upheaval, one of those Balkan motion _ picture countries , fights furious mob s, conspiring royalty and wins a civil war to find the lady of his heart in "Say It Again." the Norshore theatrc feature starting this Sunday for fo~r days. Dix virtually fight s his way through the seven reels of happy, spee dv comedv-drama · Ch~s t er Co;lk lin, \\·.i th a ne\v twist to his mustache Jla,·s th . ·'It' , . 1 . · e ~m' t mg .1e1r. tQ the throne who 1s dt scovered a s a dclica tesse n store keeper ·in the western part of the Cnited States.· He contribut es sen·ra l ~highlv amusing hits Alyce ~fill s. a new-c0111er among leading ladies. pla~·s opposite Dix and ··r. unhoat" Smith, the ex-pugilist; and Bernard Randall complete the cast. A spectacu lar comedy singing and dancing ren1 c i:-- promisee! b,· Bob Cilhert and :\n·i! :\ven- \\'itl; their entourage of entertainer s. Additional ~ tage delights \\'ill he ofiered bv Pablo De Sartn. n oted F.uropeai1 violin \'irtu os(). Th e tit··atrc o r chestra und er the directioP. oi J. \\.alter Da,·idson will pia,· se lection s fr om Victor Herbert':- "The Chocolate Sol{lier." There i.; to ht· an organ ,n}o 1}\' Cha un cev H a inc:-. . --------THE NEW EVANSTON \ ' i!1;1ni l\: \ .i llani. "The Colden Bird" and llarn· Barris art headliners 011 1ht hill o.i <k lu xe ialllih· vaudeville . i(';t!uriiH! tlw \\'t.:l'k-cnd J;eri,lrma nccs a.t tht :\~· " ,l:~'·an:--tt:n thi:-. ~rida~·. and Saturcla,·. I hl' JHCturc 1s "Silken '-'] kl ·.. :- t arnng · 1rene · R' 1 d . . . . ,, 1ar · e:-, \.IC 1 an l'<llltt' dlall \\' it:- ·'l'tlllltiJ.d~· ttp aga1n't lt. lluntley Cord()n. The charllling and It f]n;tlly d;n\'ltl'd UJl<lll him to appl _ ,. ltl\' <.:1~· Cn·ta :\il·:-- ~l'tl. playing with i 1 ; r in i rrt 1a ti o n t ~ , t h l ' 1 Iat t e r, · ;1 , :-- o- \' 1 1rIll a 11 K er 1'\' an <I \\'a It c r li i c r s in riiltion 1 ,j :\1 nnira. \\'Ito rtit·r,red him "Tiw L< 1H" TJ{iei." \\·ill graceiu!h· hold tlw ..,rrt.Tn tht f1r~t three day:; 'o f the to till· ,,rigin;tl tll:thl'r' ui till' \!elt nn Ill'\\' \Yn·k. Thur,day \\·ill (>ring \. In (lrdn !<· rc·tnpl~· othtr rh<tllgl' (li y;ulde,·ilk bill hro\\11 dnlJ _ \\ith Jti, rvqtH·,t th(' 111akn~ ui tilt hat ;t IH'\\' picturt. d v t a iI<" d a . . Jll' ria I i 1 1 r r t n i d HT =' to lllanui;lrturt' tlw . . ;!lllt' t~ · pc (I( hr<;\\'11 dnll\ that \\a :- origin;tlh \\'Ortl In· the 11ltr;; "lllart oi tltl· .F()ur ·I Iundn:d ·:--ome hn:n ty- fin· _ q ·a r, ;1g(l, T ht J·a 1 ter 11 tlJH·Il ,,.ll ir!t tllot· dnhie:-- \\'l'rt' 111ade \\';tc.. !Ja,cd 1111 tit{)"<.' that \HT~· the C'ontlnuoul'l from J :30 to 11 P. M. ,.(>gltc· \\'ith tht· lllli't ia,tidious of the Tt"lay-sa t u rtl ay Fiith and Park aHntlt' circles. Hou IJ!t· FNtture Program NOW SHOWING &ene Rieb .... Huntley Go·don ··SILKEN· SHACKLES" DELUXE . and FAMILY Y AUD·EVILLE MO~DA Y, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Norman Kerry .... G·eta Nissen ··THE LOVE THIEF" and WALTER HIERS T H ~An Eva~o?~~tio~R N NO\V SHOWING Paramount Junior Staa-s ··FASCINATING YOUTH" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY n :-j Charlie Murray .... Geo·ge Sidney ··sWEET DADDIES" Thur~<.lay, <, July 22 \\' illiam Haines "BROWN of ~-Ion day, HARVARD" COMING July 26 Johnny Hines "BROWN DERBY" Thursday, ] uly 29 · · Lewis Stone "OLD LOVES and NEW" I"' NEWS '-AMPU in HOWARD AVE. BETWEEN"~' t.NO COOL COMFORT! No matter how warm and humid it may be outside you will always find it cool and refreshing at the "N orshore." Now Playing I Village Theatre I ··THE K·ID" ·;· ~ ~ ~ ~~~C ....t..-.c.....t~tr~t.._,IJ._. I, ._, , ·._,t ~ CHARLIE CHAPLIN "it h I I I I _ I Your Home 'fhefttre . .T. C. 1\oppcl, 'Innagfng Dltector ~lal. . I w Tu.o., 3:30 TBE . ' Evt·nlngs 7:30-D; )Jon., RAINMAKER" 1 Ernest Torrenee I William Collier, Jr. 1 ~ 61 rhe Little 1 Irish Girl" 1 44 TUf'!',, ,Jul,r 19 HlHl :?0 - i i . I ' JACKIE COOGAN .\1:-u 461 The Masquerade Bandit" with 'fO)I TYJ,f:U . \I~() JOHNNY HINES in ( 'omPcly-l"nbles "THE BROWN DERBY" · --,l11111lay a1ul Tues(ln~· a Speed Mirthquake -Starting Sunday- lJolores nl'osh· llo 1 RICHARD DIX Fighting and Romancing His Way Through the Comedy-Drama Al~o ( \ ' I I HThe Pri~ee ' I _ C' ha~. .\ ·1!'0 Chasr ('omedy :Xews and )lath(~ C{f,, Thurs., ;rni.r 21 anti :\nita Strwart and «eo. 2~ Sldne,· I ~ · f'li .\!"'E In "LO\(; FLIFJ: THE Kl~(~" ( ' fl . \~. "SAY IT AGAIN" with Chesler Conklin and Alyce MiHs Pafht· '\t·w~-'l'O}llc'S --- - . . , - w,·ttnt· ;;,ay Leatriee Joy in - On the StageGll.Bl~RT and :\\'EHY HE\' l'F ~pertacular Dancing- and Singing ·~ -~~ Pilsen" . I ' "Ha h! G~~SS" ~<'hnrlle ('hllJllln In hi s latest rHh'nl I uThe Idle Class" i n.ncl Pathe News f I f Snt. · Mat~~o., 2 nad 4 p. · · . f . . ·.·,_a_t _n_a_·_u_a_ft_r~-~-·;. I Jl··fd(llherg", a Van Bil1ht-r ( 'oml·dy and J·nthe liHiew. ltnll! t ' rl., Su t., ,July 23 nnd 2t 6161 ! I '-EVE'S ,\LEAVES' l~o "TifF 'Fif;JJ1'1\'f~ HE .\H1'S" ( ' hft'lH!'O nnfl\·. ~f'WS l·~u.ropea 11 ~orslwr«- P.-\BLO DE ~ :\ RTO \ 'iolin \' irtuo~·n TIH·atre On·hcstra (·rarule Orgam Haines, !i\ololst Ttlnrstlln·- rlti·l - f'rlll a,-=---- ··SILENCE"· B. B~ Warner· Vera Reynolds J_ ack Mulh·ll Raymoacl··aatton Also OTT R GA.NG In -~'r~CL._f;~ ~O~l'!; U~~-·E" Hirec.'tlun, ,J, Walter Hnvidson ~orstrore ('hanll'r e:r NOTE 25c Matinee Price 6:30 p. · m.· ac.imiti to first stage show of evening. Sat· urday Matinee Price to 6 p. m. Doors Open Daily 1:45 p. m. Ja

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