Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 24

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··~;4====================================~W~l~L~M~E~T~T~E~ ' -~L-~I~F~ -E======~=======9~==============Ju~ly=:1:6,= . 1=9=Z6 ~ fourth of July ·Trips on I ncrease Th is Year SET PUBLIC HEARINGS · ~- ·· · At the meeting of the Board of Local Improvements held last week, . -~~ &D tJ Touring over the Fourth this year Tuesday evening, ] uly 20, was set as l -.,-... . . __;:::;.;;..,~i!:·--------- ' : showed a decided increase over last the date for public hearings on petiyear according to a bulletin issued by tions to pave the fitst 1itlley north of Ut · the touring bureau · of the Chicago Forrest avenue behYeen ·- ~leventh and Motor club. · Twelfth streets <i1ld the. fi.rs.t . alley ~ VILLAGE THEATRE During the \\'rck prior to the Fourth north of Lake aven'u.e between · Sixth . Dot·o res Costello triumphs · again. · the main touring hurrau in Chicag:::> and SeYe1_ 1th street's. ' · Thi~ time it is in the title role of : had an aYerage of 958 calls a day: last ~ . "The Little Irish Girl." the Warner year the a,·crage was 717 calls per ).1 rs. Robed ·¥-'qoden of Da,·ehpo~~ : · · Brothers' m)'s.tery-comedy that comes · da~· . Figures from the branclte~ in fo\\'a. and her . d<t\tghter, , Jean, . ,~·1d to the Village theatre next Monc!ay ; Chicago <ind out. ide of Chiragn ar ~' ~~~end the r~mam~er of the sumnu·:- and Tuesday, July , 19_ and .20. 1he 11 ot inclucje(l in thi~ report. \\'tth ).Irs. \\ooden:; pare_ttt.s, : Mr. and pictur· e is i'n!portant becau se It reveals The majority oi the call:; \\'l'rt' i:' r ~frs. Thomas C. ~foulcbng, oi 1004 11iss Costello as one of the dcftc:-.t t~r~it~ls~i~n~c~x~c~cs~ - ~~ · ~o ~f~~~~\\'~ ()~l~~u~n~<~lr~ e~ cl~~~~i~IL~ ' ~~ -~ G~,r~e~ c~n~"~-~ oo ic~l~a~\i ·e~n~t~te~.~~~~~~~~ ·c 0111 eclic 1111 cs 110," 011 tl 1e screen. Iii -~ In "The Sea 'Beast," with John Rarrntlorc, when she made her fir st great success. coming from ·no\\'11cre as iar as the . creen is concerned, to immediate stardon1. :;he \\'as rcyealed as a romantic actress of unique potc 11 t iali tics . In her appe a! ing " ·is tf ul heaut\·, one felt the S\\'a\· of the girl just turning· tn womanhood: the ro man til' \·ision oi all ,-outh's dream :;: the far off poetry pf classic heroines: t hc Io" e Iin e s s that . " .as J ul il't. t h c dainti11ess that \\·a::. · Perdita. A conqucrer in the fields of ro111ancl·, of modern elrama. and thundering 111e1 odrama. ~1 iss Costl'llo now turns to con1cch· for another triulllph. · And, according to <Ill report:-;, "The Little frish Gi-rl" is lifted to ' a shining place among the year's pictures by the star's acting. In addition to the feature picture there will he a Charlie Chase comedy and a Pathe nc\\·s reeL Perhaps the best n·mcmhertd inci dent of the popular musical comedy, Foolish woman! She denies herself the pleasure "The Prince oi Pilsen." played for a of a Bridge party for the worry and trouble of the long while on Broa dway, is the scene in \\'hich Hans \\' agnrr. Cincinnati weekly wash . And all so needlessly. hrewer. falls in the basin oi a fountain of the village inn. Theatregoers never fail to In the hours that she spends in overseeing the ., recall this funny "fountain scene. laundry work, she could be free for other pleas In the motion picture version of Sta d c;creen News j,.nd Reviews l' d love to go, Helen, but my laundress comes on Monday "The Prince cW Pilsen," which· witt ·be presented at the Village theatre next Wednesday and Thursday, t~is f~uti tain sequence is shown wtth stdesplitting comedy effect, an? G~orge Sidnev in the part of the mebnated Hans: ~plashes about in the water like a fi sh. \Vhen he searches his pocket for a match to light his cigar. lJe pulls out-a goldfish! · Other prominent roles in this rous ing farc e cou1cdy arc played by Anita Ste\Yart. Allan F orrest, ).f yrtle Stedman, Otis Harlan and Rose Tapley. "Rah! Rah! Heidelberg," a Van BihhN con1e<h· and a Pathe rcYic\\' ,,·ill cotllplctr the bill. On Frida,· and ~atunlay, Jul~- 23 and 24. there "·ill he a double fca1un· I> ill, "it h "Grass" and a Charlie Chap lin rn·i,·al, "The Idle Class." Therl· \rill also he a Pathc Ill'\\'S ret:!. Tnto tl1e far-lhmg ,,· ild~ oi \\'otnn Asi;i \H~nt the tllrt'C adventurers \Yhn ma<k the picture calll'd "Cras:-.." in tent 011 getting a film ()i t'\Tnts \\'hich nn white lllall had eYer seen hdorc the picture of a forgotten people \\'lll· !iHd as our anct·stur~ did renturir=agn . 1·:;-; pl'ria IJ _ ,. thrilling a rl' t h t' scl'llC:' sh<l\\·ing thl' crossing oi \\·ildly ru:-.hing rinr~. outdnii1g en·n "The Co,·erecl \\'agon"-for th;tt was deliberate : \Yhile tlli~ i ~ thoroughly spontaiH'Othoften too nlucll -;o for the cattle. anter duties - reading- charitable work play hours with the children. 1ong --------------------------------- A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and washday would be removed from her mind- her calendar- and her home . * * Have you been looking for a solution to your washday problem? If so. call in Bill today. I 1 !Health and Winnetka I Samtary . M~lk Go . 1 1 i Together For those strenuous days of outdoor activity be sure that you supply your children with plenty of our fresh milk. Clean and wholesome and health giving qualities. That's the kind of milk you receive from us. CALL IN BILL TODAYo· · HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY 20% Discount on work brought in and called for NEW CAMPUS THEATRE Thi:-. SaturdaY, luh· 17. l'harlil· Chaplin and Jackit: ·Coogan in a re YiYal picture, "The Kid." \\·ill he shf,\\'11. "The ~fasquerade Bandit," and Ae~np'.., Fables arc als11 011 the progra111. On ~fonday and Tue:-.day, Jul y }fJ and 20. Ernrst Torrence and \\' illialll Collier will he :-een in " The Rainma k er." \\·hch \\'a~ adapted from Cl'rald Beautnont's racetrack snial, "Hl'aH'Il bent." The moYie has many thrilling scenes " ·hi clt make up a gripping arHl dramatic story of romance . } farold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, Btt:- ter Keat on, l't a!, had better l(10k t(, tlwir laurel ", inr Leatrice Juy ba:-. en tered, the field of feature comedie:- in competition. ln "1·\·e \ Ll'a \'l'~." \\·hich \\'ill he on Yie,,· next \\'ednesda ,·, Leatrice ha-launched o 11 her comcch· carel'r. She ha~ hecn ItOtl'fl for hL·r ·ahi lit,· in rnnr edy sce nes. although unlik e. man~· rti her sis t e r :-tars, ~he n n t' r appear l' d i 11 '"·n-n·t·l slapq irk-. . The locak oi "he\ Lea H-. .. i:-- l 'hi 11a, a -.ettil11.! pre..,entill.t! the (lpportllll ity i(lr a \'aril·t~ · oi iun11'· hu-.inl·~--. "Tittl'll i111n tilt' ;H iant ation Flmt·r I Ltr ris pn·par,,d irn111 t};,. \l'\\ Yrn·k ~laL:'l' succl·~--- The up\\·arcl tn:nd oi 111<1tion pirtttrl' s ha" c;trried till' t'<llllcch· intn the dignity ni 'ol'\'en reck · Pttn··rt Julian. \\·l·o..;e n·putatiun as it "huildn oi thrill-;" \\'~Is ronYinr ingh· <'-.tahlishcd ll\· hi" two mo~t l'l'Cl'll.t directorial eff<1rt:- . "The Phantntn of the Opera" and "Three F:trts l ~a-- t." din·ctl'd "~ill·n n':· B('l! l;lh ).[aril' Dix'.., scree n adaptation oi \lax \farrin' , sensational crook pia~ ·. Thl' l>icture will be sho\\'n ;tt the :\l·w Ltlllllll' theatrl' next ThursdaY and Frida\·. II. B. \\.a nwr, star (,j thl· ori)!in;d Kc"· York .<..t;ll.!'l' pn·~entation. is fra tured, \\'ith \ ' n a l~n· nolcl--. Ranll(l!HI lT;ltton. Rnrkc·liffl· F'rllo\rt'S , lark ).ful hall and \"ir)!inia Pearson·. ·The pic ture is said to be thrilling · in tht extreme. Thrre \\'ill also he an Our Gang comedy, "Cncle Tom's Unrle." HOYBURN THEATRE . Eating hroilrd lobster n-ltilr listcnim! to the spirited ·s trains of a jazz h~ncl may not !>e associated \\'ith jail life. hut that ts shown to lH· Pxactlv the case in "Sweet Daddie s." the nr."' 1J. C. Levee picture for Fir-;t National which is booked tn he shown at the Hoyburn theatre herr next Monda\·, Tttnc;d~v and \\.t'Onf'sdav. · The jail is not really ,; jail, ho\\'cver. ( Drink A1 ore Milk! undry

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