Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 18

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18 WI-LMETTE .LIFE t61.-~ .... 1926 '" . ..... J .w y -~---- TWO SHOPS 633 North Christian Science Churches 12 "Sacrament" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, ] uly 11. The Golden text was from John 6 :57, "As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: . so he that eateth me, even he shall ltve by tne." . Among the citations which co_mpnsed the Lesson-Sermon was the tollowing from the Bible: "And a s they were eating, Jesus took bread, . and blessed it, and brake it, and gavr tt to the disciples, and said, Take, cat; this is my body. And he took. the cup, and gave thanks, and gave 1t to them, saying, Drink ye all of it: F or this is my blood of the new testament, whch is -shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew Zo:Zo-28). The Lesson Sermon also included the fotlnwi:~g passage from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Kcv to the Scriptures:' by M ;ry Baker Eddy : "The true sense is spiritually lost , ii the sacrament is confined to the usc of bread and wine. The disciples had ~:aten, yet Jcsus prayed and gaYc th~m bread. This would have be en fool1 sh in a literal s<.·nse; but in its spi ri tual signification. it was natural and beau tiful" (p. 32). MCANDREW SUGGESTS CMC DIPLOMA IDEA Adclresaea Kinclerrarten CoDere on T eacbing Children Better Citizenahip "The business of the school is to give to the community a better citi zenship than it has had before," said William McAndrew superintendent of the Chicago Public schools in an address before the summer session oi the National Kindergarten and Ele mentary college last week. ··The school is bigger than the in dividual and the Amercan ideal is tha t the sc hool should serve, not merely the individual child or his parents, hut the entire commonwealth. The ex penses of education are defrayed, not to any great extent by the parents o( the children in the schools, hut by even-one in t"hc community \vho spen-ds a cent 0r earns a cent~ These persons pay their t41xes, not to a~sist one chilrl or anothrr to become suc cessful business men. hut to insure in telligent, thoughtful citizens for the future welfare of the community. "In th e past." said ~fr. ~frAndrew ~. "we have he ld hrfore the children the St'lfish ideal of nrrsonal gain. \Vc have offered re \vard . for · the individual who ~cc ured the highe st mark s and we have said 'If you study you will ri se in the world.' ··Jnstrad of thi s, the child :-. hould h· remind<·d that the comrnunit\· ha :-. done mu ch for him and that he in turn ha s a debt to the rc,m nHlnitv . Our :-.chools wrre nnt founded 1 ;,. '";tdwrs. Th rY were founded hY <;t·~t,· ~nwn for r:i ,·ic purpose<, - for th~· "':lr·hing- of American patriori . . nL \Y l· ·m· llCJt ohlitrat<'d to teach children tn r1· :· rl or ,nitr or cipher unkss we US(' tlwsr· :-.uhiects as instrument. 111 tr·arh;ll" th e AmPric::~n ic! Pa l.; for tht· ·-"Pf'ra l a nd not for th e indi,·irlu al wel L· re . Must Teach Ideals l -n k~~ ,.r>11 are teaching :\ Ill e rica n ;rlr·al-; and citizen..,hip \'011 are not worth Your sa lt. Yom hu:-.ine -;s i. . ,,.. rriH th ;, rommunit~· a hett<:r r it izt' lhhi p th:->n it ha~ had hdore. \\"l' l1an· 'alk<'d aiH,llt it anrl suncr about itnn"· it\ timr· to do :-.ometh in g ahnut it. "Tht· teaching fli the plt'clgr ni alkvit~nce :b a nH·a ningk s . . rep etitio n (If \\'ords is ahsoluteh· harmiul. C'hil rlr, ·n an· ranahh· oi understandin g tktt the rep ublic thn· promi se to pro ,,. ,., i·. . t·o1nnnsed ni their -:c hool mate<:. t l wi r i :t m ili e.... their neivhhor s and ,.,,P ' Tilllllit,· and otlll'r ~imihr C<Hllllltl"i ti'·'. ··n d " ·ht·n t11t\' allnrr·r·iate what tht'ir cit,. and cnnllllllllit\· ha\·e <lon e inr tlwm. tiH ·\· \Yill h e ea~l'r t o prote ct ntltcr than rkstrn,· puhlir prnnrrt~· ' f't, ,. 11nint j..; nr!l '\\"ktt ;11·r· , .(Ill talking ··nrl ..;itwing :d><·lll :· hut '\\"hat arc vou rlllitw fp;. , .,)11r C(· llntn· ~· . Pa 'ri~)tir "111t·tiC1'1 j.., .not l·nrllwh . P;1trio ti.-m is ln,·t· (If rountn· atl'l thnl' j, llll Jon· without sa crifice . ).fr. ).fcAndrew suggested that at the end of thr srlwol vear the tracher or principal shoulit he ·ahle to saY that t·vcry child i·1 the sc hoc~t k1s done at ka:-;t one definitr thing for hi..; city. anrl that a rivic diploma. granted for a r·nt;litt amount of such service. would have more meaning to the child than a diplollla of graduation . The latter represents what the individual ha ~ done for lti111 se lf. hut a civic dinloma would shnw " ·h;tt he has heen able to do for his community. \.f r . ;1rHl \fro; . F. D. D<l\", 12J3 Elm" ond av~'nue, !Ph vesterda\· to motor to Pine Lakr, \Vi-:.·. for a ~veek\ visit :tt thr s11mmrr homr of U r. and M r~. Hrnry C. C'ooprr. 82~ Lake avPnUP who with their daughter, Miss Edith . arc spending a month there. Michigan Ave. Chicago Market Square Lake Forest, Ill. '· JULY CL ·E AR-A WAY SALE Sports Clothes--Coats-Enning Gowns rtductd to ridiculously low priers Hats formuly up to SJs.oo Now Ss.oo. S7.50 and Sto.oo Special salt n ttmptivt reductions of French Hand Made lingniecbiffon and suvace bo~r-wasb suedi glovtt--<bildren's sweattrsbabiu' drtssu, also Italian potttritS-vasts--lamp~tc. THE SPORT SHOP OF LAKE FOREST Read The Wa11t Ads THERE'S nothing to put your spirits on the upward trend like a wellcooked wholesome meal at the I.:.ibrary PlJza Cafeteria. There's always an assortment of iced drinks, dainty salads and sandwichest and chilled desserts. Something to suit each in4ividual taste, and always · a proper menu for healthful summer diet. The tables are larget . the linen spotless, and die chairs are built for comfort. You cannot help but enjoy eating at the ~Wisconsin ~Minnesota ~~~· "i~ o·~~ UBRARY CA ~~~-- TIE RIA PLAZ~ Utah California (Pacific c Northwest Jasper ~::~·nal Black Hills OF SOUTH DAKOTA Colorado Yellowstone In the Library Plaza Hotel, Orrington Ave. at Church St. Evanston Open 6 a. m. to 7:45 p. m. 7 a. m. Sunday VISIT THE ROOKWOOD ROOM Wi.le choice of routea. Stoponr anywhere-Splendid throuth tralna . Ask for our popular booklet "Forty Way· and MoretoCaliforniaand the NorthPad6cCoaat~ · E.corted oil· ezpenae four a to Yallow· atone, Colorado, Zion National Porlr find Cali/orn;o, Aelr about tltem. 1 I ...,. Chl~o Por fulllnformadoo aod deacriptlve folder ( apply to ticket atcnta f . A North Weate··n Ry.

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