Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 16

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16 .WI L M E T T ·E L I F E. . ] uly 16, .1926 Wilmette Children Help Tribune Free Ice Fund PLAN BUFFALO HUNT Carload of Animals Coming for Cele- · bration and Jubilee on Old Sauk Trail RUBY'S SHOE SALE 20% Discount On Our Entire Stock of Quality Footwear for Women and C ·hildren WE HAVE ALSO PLACED ON SALE OVER 1700 PAIRS OF SHORT AND DISCONTINUED LINES OF STREET SHOES, SPORT SHOES, EVENING AND AFTERNOON DRESS SLIPPERS. Among the energetic Wilmette children who have helped to swell the Chicago Tribune free ice fund are George and Virginia Browning, 423 Ninth street, and Milton and Geoffrey Vore, 422 Ninth street. The children have contributed $2.59 to the fund so far this year. They earned the uwney by having a magic show and selling lemonade at the show. According to the Tribune, donation for the fund from Wilmette have been more numerous so far thi :-; season than from any other suburb. ).[rs . \Villiam Holmrs and her daug!J tcr, 1Irs. George Dorman, ()22 Central aYenue, will he hostes ses at a luncheon and bridge July 23, in hono:- of Mrs. Barker of 1Iountain Lakes, N. ] ., who is thr guest of her sist er, :.r rs. Howard L. Fogg, 818 :\shlancl a\·enue . -oFobert Fuchs, son of 11r. and ~lr~.. E. D. Fuchs, 1043 Chestnut avenue, Js spending about a month in Hayward. \\'is .. \'isiting fri end s. B. F. Le\ri:-. ha..; as hi s guest. his hrothrr. Syl\'ester Lc\Yis. of Valparai..;o, lnd. -o- Values from ·$13.50 to $18.50 at $8.85 Per Pair Special Sale Prices on Hosiery and Buckles The large st shipment oi buffal~ that ever. cam,e into Cook count~ \ytll b.c received at Richton Park, Ilhnots, th1 s week. The animals arc coming to the suburb under the auspices of the Richton Park Regional. Developme~t association to be used ll1 that assoclation's part in the celebrat.ion of th.e completion of the south stdc ~lectn fication and Illinois Central _ratlroad.'s ' diamond jubilee. There wtll be a whole carload twelve head, all bull s, purchased fro~1 the Wainwright ranch at Bashaw, Canada, through the com te sv of the Canadian government. The buffalo will he used by the association to stage "th e Ia. t buffalo hu-nt on the Old Sau~ Tr3:il" in t)1eir hi storical pageant whtch wtll h e gn·e:l twice daily beginnin g Sunday. July, ,2~. and en din g Sunda y August 1. I he buffal o will he "h unt ed " by ~ band . of 50 ChipJH'"·a Indi an..; 0 11 th e1 r pn111eo.; . Ont will h ~ killed each day a nd ~he meat · prc>parcd ior ~and~,· iche.; wh1ch an\ () he cli..;pc·nst·d dunn g the rrll'_brati()Jl. l' . \\·. ln,·in, \\T ll known rl~u . and long experienr<"d in thl' r()a'-t1 11g of buffalo meat. "i ll h;l\·c charg<" t·J th e barbe cue . Bt·ct\hl' oi th l' grt·at -tn·Jlgth ··1 hutTal o. it is impn..,:-ihk '" -,hip tlH ·Jn a:- 11thn cattk. J·:ach t·lll' i:-. ginn :c <,eparatt rrall' built oi t\\.o-inch. P.bnkint!. D r. I . 1.. I lin1rod ot thl' \.lnrag11 lli.-toriral· -c·rit"ty. wh" ha-, .~<1 1ll' t(· C; 11 1ada to Pt'r-,onalh· ·' ~" ,,111\l:t n\· tl.t· hurfal0 '" l ~it·ht·dl fl.trk. ha- had. :t great ck ;d (,j c:xpt· r~t· nct· in · handl:J l~ tJH",I' 'tiJl\"hl'cJ]\· (' Xtllll'l 'll\'t'1V'. I I l Buffalo Increase LIVE IN EXPERIENCE, FACILITIE ~ AND SER\1ICE are important things in measuring the vvorth of a funeral director and should be borne in tnind when you have occasio.n to choose one. We are proud that the passing years have \Von us an enviable position in the minds of the people of this community. Our Limousine Hearse is the newest thought in Funeral Equipment. De Luxe Ambulance Service. ... \\ .hill' ;1 it·\\ .'t·ar- :tl.!··. tlll'l'l' \\t"t' it ·\\· hutlaJ., kit in tilt: tllnt· :tr\· :1 Jllllllbt·r c11 \\·c-t "hich !Ja\·t· ll J:t <h]Jrt· \·din~ tlw :tninl;cl':" IH· :-a ·,. "Tlwrl' j.., a l:tn.:· · r,nt· 1:1 ('a 1 i i (,;-11 i :1 " it h ;t t l1 "11 'a 11 d h \1 !T a I". ~tl' rl conlpa r;Jti\'t·h l'nit<"d ~t:ttt·'· ranrllt ·, in tilt' ;1 'l't ·ci ,tlt~ · (li :11H·tl1cr I h t· EVANSTON Jf the Orrington ,1 nd enjoy the privJc y of a detached home . but tbr freedom from responsibilities that only or ganized sen·ice c.1n bring you. The Orrin gton fulfills in evrry way your conception of J real home. Reser\'ation s ma y be made nov. · for long term leases at preferred r:ncs. Visit us or telephone largt· ]I \1 hnd ~ ~~ Ja )' l! l'.., t J_f; tJ () J' .ill t-: I \! .. 11Ltna. i 11 . \ 111 t l11 · . ;·; t.; I I j.., l~hese I f1f 1 lb -ha"· ( :tn:tda. -.· !J, ·rt · ilnt· :t:··· 1\l< ·1'(' I kt ll ·Hl.lll J{l ht·:td. T !](" (I\\ llt·r . . (,j tiH· r:tnrh l1t rt j, ·r ·· :trc w )!ili1Jil.ll.! t(: ll:t'"' . :t l'~'."'"l ill (·:it'll ', t·; , · :1 j)( 1\ rlJ,\IIo,!1\L! (1 !ht J)' 'ill'\']tl.., 1111]] , .\ ncl it. j,. t ll~1 . . pr·--il.it· t n . ],rint.:. , :1. t;t-ll " 11\ 1111-.. 11 k k1111\'.!~ ))t',( \ \t o · I hundrt c], r.i th"ll'.t1ltl, in \ 'll j, ·;t i.!P \\ . ,-, 1H'n·r drt·antl'd ,,j h:t\ iil~.,:· it. "l~tJff:t],, 1llt·at. \\h t· J: pr .. pt·rh J·rt· parvd. i . . ;1 real clt-!ico~ t·.'·· F t·\\. J·t·(·Jd< n·alh k111·\\ 11"" ·.. \llt'l'·'rt· it. 1,1~1 l' . 1:·. lr\\i ll i . . IIJJt· ,,j · 11\· it·\\, :t·"l thl'rt· i- :1 tn·at i11 -.I ,,r , ir·r nt · r ·:nt~·· \\·he, gt·t-, t·!lt' ,,j t!Jt.' 1, 1tf,t],, <lJtd\\ i\ ll 1 - fj ' "t' ;1 C!' t · \l:tdcl< ,.·). j' Jlt·;t 1"1 1~ University 8700 cnnlplt-ti<,ll .. 11 tlt,· (lid ~:ttlk Tr:til :t· I~ irhtrl\1 l ':1rk t<· IJ(,Jd tlJt· hutf:tJ,) ;t::d afforrl :JlllJdc ...,p;l(.'t· t" . . t:t~t· the' l1t1nt . ()rdinan t' :tt!lt· it'11Ct· drn ·, lHd -ufT1r·· lt i-.. h;·an p.trk lt'Jlt t' J·:J-tt"Jl('d ..:t·t'llrl'l .' · t() p1"h ,t ·t i11 ..,,,Jjr[ r·,nrrt ·t(· ·\ 1 111ll' --irk i . . a !J.,k in tIll' £!rtlt111d tn !Jt' flllccl with \\ :llt'l'. ic" till' hufi:tl " \\·il! not dri11k nut ()i thv r\l-tr·11lan -u,rk ir.untai1h. ( )n tht·ir trip tn Hicht(lll P ark ir<liJJ Can:lih. tlH·\· "ill h<' \\a t<·r\'cl h,· 1ll\';l11" c ,j a !Jn-1' fc 'rccrl dt· wn tht'ir throats. UNDERTAKER 20 Years on the North Shore \li:-s Gertrude ln !..!e r :-.oll Jl'l\11'1~··.1 t1· h(·r l10mc at SlR C<'1;tral a\·rnlH' 1- h ~r- da~· irom tlw Fa-;t,· \\"lll'rt · -.,Ill' l,;~cl h r <' 11 "i :--it i 11 g f r i l' 11 <I " , inn· the c i o ~-.c · r · I scl10ol. -()- HThe House of Personal Service" 11 24 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 654 WILMETTE Residence, 719 Ninth St., Wilmette Kennrth Knr is ;uri\·inQ" irom Flc·ri <la ' thr r11cl of thi.- \\ "(·<· k to j(lin l1i ' n10tl,rr. \fr ~. \\". \\·. Kerr. ;It tlwir home. 707 forest avrnur . -oM r. and Mrs. GrorP"r S. ~f orin·. 1; 12 _ Grcenwo.od avenue. an<l thrir rhil<l :·e q have returned ft:om a tl;rec wer k~' trip to Jasper Park. Canada. ·

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