Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 44

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WI L M.E T T E LIFE July 9, 1926 I Teach Children at Beginning to Love Their Country Is Advice of National --~----------- Kindergarten College Head Laborers Work at Top ,~peed to Build Huge Stadium. TOTS AS PATRIOTS Patrioti sm must he made a contintt·· ous education extended all thr ough youth and not confined to .holiday s. · Of this Mi ss Edna Dean Baker, president of the National Kind er g ar ten and El ementary college, reminder{ patrons of her lecture on "Patrioti sm" gin~ n Frid ay afternoon at Harri son hall. "Th e in stillin g o f patrioti sm based up on a cc urate knm\·led gc of o ne 's om1 conntn·. it s hi story, heroes ~11\d co nI ribut io n to th e wei fare of th e " ·o rlrl, i-. t oo g-r ra t a ta sk for o ne da y's diort or for teaching o n all th e natio nal holiday :; o f th r year," ~fi :;s B;t k cr sta ted. " ft mu st be a cn ntinu :->th ed uca ti on all th ro ugh th e year s o f r hild l10od a nd ,·o uth . It i ~ no t a n exact -.c icnr e th at can hr taught hy ruk . anrl th e expre::-. ion and at ti t ud e of the p;u· l'nt an d trac hcr are more im portant t h ~ n " ·ha t th ey say. "Th e 1lag should nc \·er hccnnH· tht· ,·hr; tp a nd r omm o n playthin g of child hood. Th ere are pl r nty nf oth er t<·y .. ,,·hi ch nn J,e -.,a fely ma nipula t('d at1rl J'hoto hy L e hle Day after day without ceasing crews of laborers arc erecting the forms and pourin g th e co ncret e \\·hi ch _ is ex ~ " ·h ich ar t' no t snn ho ls o f ~a rr e d th itl ~! .. pected to take shape hy the end of the s umm er in North we ~ t c rn' s million -dollar footb all ho,,·l. .-\ rece nt ~ tnk e or Tf t hr r c i-. onr .p.oint at which we ma . structural iron workers cau sed a delay, and contra ctors ancl th eir men are no\\· bendin g cnry d To rt to make up fo r l·c rr it ir izt·cl in .'\ mr ri ra . it is om rt ·: trl lost time so that -th e \\·ork will be far enough along to p ermit the playin g here of th e unin·r sity's lirst home ga me dco;rc r;t tion o f hoi~· thin .c:·s, a nd c, ttr next fall. One of the two mast S. from which the tluid concrete is di stribnted to tlw er er ri sin g ionn s i:-. .~ h o \\·11 h l'I" L'. ia ilur e to teach ren' rr n rr a nd rl'..,ll\'t' io r t hat \\·hirh mer its it. as well as one of the batteries of floodlight s whi ch illumine the work at ni ght. "Th t.' child mu st he ~ in: n an oppor t unit\. to ex press hi s Joyr fo r 1 '. r )1111 the \\"l"Oilg \\'ay than you can by drop I t n· an rl int r r r-.t in it. S nnQ" ;J.!Tor /1 ping h r r int o th e welL You can ruffle ..,i 1·rh a n n p portunit~·. 0 docs ha nrl\\·nrk th e deare st memb er of your famil y :t, ht· ilhhtrai P-> "tori c-; \\"ith r h ,·. it 1 I nore b)· a skinrr him twice if he is sur e .t-t ·<tnd. J,\. map or \\"ith pa intin t:" or dr:t\\" that he locked the ba ck doo r than hi s . I . I r · 11 · politi cal opponents could stir him with I (l< ·n tn llt'< trolll pag·L· 1 lll l'·. laL,.l';tntn· ts an cx re <·n t Tl H':tJ l-. Books That You May Have Missed. ni depi ctin g small or lar ge -.,crt inn .. <·i a libel. W e have direct acce ss to th e t i()ll and it \\ as lina ll y decick d to ho ld London Riv er bv M. Tomlin son. state o f mine1 o f t 11e peop 1e wtt ·1 1 hi . . t()n·. ,a ha srrirk a gTeat a ppl'a l j,, r . H. : 1 w 10111 a n adjou rtll'd mee till g- o f t he n oarc 1 older ·1> _ ·snd:llld 0 "'If the evening wa s on e of those we share household life and Io n~. next Tut'::-.da~· cre nin g . Ju ly 13. It t-which seem longer than u ~ ual hut still Therefore, in most homes, no .matter is necessary th at t he o r cl i t l a n c~_· hl' pas"C'h ildn.' nran he gi,·en rt.'S JH ln::-.ih ilitit·.. have far to go, it wa s once a cu stom how congenial, a crrtain am ount of ~ eel by Jul y 20. and 11ll' l11h cr:- ui th e fnr their conntrv whi ch mav h r~i n l·\ Boa rd iea red th at t here mi ght not he lea rn ing prop er ~a rc of pub!!~· hn ildin:..!··of Millwall to find a pair of boots of minor friction is inevitable. which it could be claimed that it was "Four typical cau ses of minor fri c- a quorum prese nt at the next reL:·ul ar and pa rks. by k re pin g- th e stree ts ch·at l time they were mended, and to carry tion are questions of tempo, th e lll eetin g. sc hedu le d ior th at da te. ft and hv m aking vard s and homes ore1 er the artful parcel around to Mr. Pas- brotherly reform measure, supervised Is th oug ht th a t an oth er hot 11~.d1t will ly an·d h e autif~tl. a_nd tl~ro ugh ·:h cd~ coe. His cobbler's shop was in a street telephOt{e conver sations, and tenur e Gf mark th e meeti ng next Tn t':'flay e\·e- 1 ence and co-operatton w1t h pnhlt c nt that had the look of having retired parental control. These arc standard nin g. 1 fi c.iak Childr en who _throw ha n ~tt~:t from the hurr_ v and press of London, group-irritants that somettmcs · ~ ktn ..; on the street. ptck flow er" 1;1 vex t 1 1c aged, dispirited, and indifferent even sweetest natures." ')Uhli c parks, and <l odg e acrn -.s tht· to its defeat, and waiting vacantly for. Board Acts on Petition I . ; tr ret wh en. the policeman i ~ tryin g t ·~ Travels of Marco Polo! w I1at must come to e 11 <er Iy and s h a l)by cn ntro l tra ft',c, 1 laYe a poor \\" , Ly ot 0 .<fespondence. Each grey house in the Matter-of-fact narrative of the soave wo ore eys e xpre s ~ in g thrir patrioti sm. The ir Ionstreet was distinguished but by its cial life and customs of the Tartars Petition ~ to pan' allevs \\"hi ch wen: o f country is not functionin g in a \\·a~ number and the ornament which and Chinese in · the thirteenth centun·. reccin~ d ll\· the Board · o f Local Jm - that ma krs for good cit izrn ship. ":\ r ecognition of that which e ·. ('c \ :Showed between the muslin curtains Long considered wildly improbable, .it pro,·ement s l a~ t Tu es da y en nin g reof its parlour window. The house of now am_uses ~ecaus e of the simplicity ~ ulted in in stru ction s to Charl es X. publi c scn·ant docs for the child h;m ]one's had a geranium, and so was of the ttmes. Robert s. \·illagc en g in ee r. to pr e pare <; elf and ior the community i-; m o~t in l different from one neighbor's with a I "Throughout thi s province (Cathay) plan s and estimate . for the impr ow- pnrtant- the postman. the strcet -cl' ~111 ship's model in gypsum, and from the there is found a sort of black sto~es, mcnb. One of the all eys to he im - er. th e policrman. the fireman. and other whose si.gn .was a faded photo- which !hey d!g o_ut of mou!1ta111s, prond is that nor~h o f \\.a shin gton soldier and the sailor. a . well a ~ t lw graph askew 111 tts frame. When I where tt runs Ill vctns. When ltghted, a\·enur bct\r cc n Se,·e ntecnth st reet pri,·ate citizen-; \\·ho feed and rl '"~th · first visited Mr. Pascoe, as there was it burns like charcoal, and re.tain the and Rid ge a ve nu e and th e other i ~ he- ancl hou se and prot ect. :-oiwt1~d IH' r~ no window ornament to distinguish his fir~ n~uch better than wood: m.somuch I twen Greeenwo.ocl and Ashland a,·e- ., pec tccl hy th e child and rh.an n's t11 place from the others, and his number that tt may be preserved dunng the 1nue s. from Tl11rt ee nth st ree t to the th ank t1 1r m and h elp them JH llnt cr l nu· was missing, I made a mistake, and night, and in the morning be found , we . tern terminu s o f th e a11c,·. to him . went next door. Through a hole still burning. These stone s do not ~· · drilled in that "Tong door a length of flan1e, excepting a little '~hetl fir ~ t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cord was pendant, with a greasy knot lighted. bu t during their ig-niti on gi,·e at its end. Underneath the knot was out con siderable heat ." chalked 'Pull.' I pulled. The door THE SCAMP opened on a ma ss of enclosed night. Empty space was luminou s beyond the "The Srat)lp" appears \rith a jack et cave. Becoming usrcl to the gloom I showing horsemen in \\·ilcl chase a - , Have J good time? We' 11 bet you did! No trouble with saw chains . and cordage hanging- from gainst wincl-hrnt trees. Tts endpaper s : ~he car at all. How is it running now? Better bring it the un seen rough . \Vhat \·;a s faintly offer an untl -; ual map of thi s cha se anfl m and let us look it over. tighten it up, grease it thoroughly the prow of a boat shaped ncar. Then the re st of thr ston', \rhich is pla cl'd and put it in pafect mechanical condition so that you may -out from the lumbrr an<l sugge stions in Shropshire . Th~' title pag·e tells ' .of things a gnome approached me . us it is about "the fortun cs nf Fr a nci s . conti~ue t~ enjo_y it all summer and maybe take another -~Y' want ole Pa scoe? N rx' dore. Talbot and hi s friend~ during- the ! vacatton tnp a~atn soon. ""We'll be reasonable. guv'nor !' At that moment, in the reign of His M aje . ty George the : square of bright clay at the end of the First." written bv Virgil ).farkham . I Autlwri:::cd Cltc~To !et Sales & Service &rkne ss, the ?,pparition of a ship Tt is hi~ first hook, a romance of ad- i silently appeared, and was gone again venture, written with the vern~ and , before my surprize. That open be- color that such a hook should han:- , , yond was London River." and appealing to olrler readers. as well ! Life';; Minor Collisions by Frances as people in high school. ).f r. ~f ark· AI Rodenkirk, Proprietor Warner. ham graduated from Columbia in 1020: , 322 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 3064 J'}.finor friction is the kind that pro- since thrn he has taught and taken I duces the most showy results with the anothcr degree in California, and trav- I' Official X. Jf. A. Service Station smallest outlay. You can stir up more eled ab-road. He has tramped onr electricitv in a cat by ~ troking her fur the country where the story is laid. I NEW BOOKS ORNER, HOFFMAN FIGHT BJG APPROPRIATION T p T M All 1 HOME AGAIN! L. 6 R. AUTO SERVICE ( 1 J

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