Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 43

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July 9, 1926 Jl SITUATION W ANTED-liALE !I WILMETTE FOR SALE-)IJSCELLANEOUS LIFE 43 SITUATION WTD. BY CAPABLE office manager. 9 years varied experience . in banking and comme rcial work. Graduate of Accounting School. Address Wilmette Life A-929. 14LTN41-1tp SITUATION WA~TED WHITE. (;en ral hou secleaning work. Address H. \Vood, 1154 Central· Ave., Wilmt':!tte. 14LTN41-ltp ~lTUATION W'fD. -WORK BY D.-\ Y, house and lawn. Phone \Veber, 'Vilnwtte 2778. 14LT41-ltc 1:, l'll'l' l fATION WANTED-FE)IALE f-\fTUATION ing· Winn. 15, wishes that time. \Vinnn e tka ~l'ITATTO~ WTl.J. -FA:\TJLY LEAVfor month, July 15 to Aug. to ))lace ('XC<.·llent maid for G(·m·ral houst> work. Call 6RO. 15LTX41-1tc ·wTD. (COLOTIEU) EX- JH·ri ('ll('(·d girl wants good vositic·n, gl·nt·ral hous(·work tJr nurse g·irl. Hdert·JH·(·S. \Vilml'tte 10r.:i8. 15LTXH-1tp HW:\'C BCSI::'\bSS \YO:.TAN WILL g·i\'1' <1omt>sli c Iwlp or s ta.y >\'ith thi l· rw 1111 drt ·n in t·\'t·nings in l·Xl'hang(: f 1, 1 \\'i nnt-tka 1G Sn. J;JL T.'\41-It l. ! ;o..!Tl .. \'l'fOX W'l'l>.- (<'OUlnEI'l, EXJH·ri··l1('vtl maio will <1r· g-t ·Jh·ral h!·\1:-ov,,·urlc Hdt ·rvn <·(·S. ('all '\\'ilml'\ tt · 111;,.\ li:ILT:\' 11-ltp ~I · flltl'~l ·> \\' ,;\:'\TEll Tl'.\ 'l'TOX l.; t·t·P· ·r with t'hil<.l :: Yt·a rs (del Wf1Uld lil.;t· wurk in .Pri\'ak famiJ~· . T· ·l \\'ilml'ttv tiS ~. l:iLT:\'11-lt· \\" T . · I T ! ·. \ T I< I :\' I J . · -1 L\ Y \\' t tl t " (I]~ ('all t·nin·rsit .' ' ti1111 :1. l.'d,T:\' 11-ltt \\' . \:\TEl>-<'.\!~!~ <tF <'llfLI·J~I ·~:\. 1:1 11flit··· 1-irl, af'tt·r ollie·· · hii\I!'S. <':til \\'i l J:,J.~I-lt·~ !llt·ttt · 1:: :: 1, :tftt·r ;, :::o. \\' '1'1>.-<'(tL<ti~Eit . :-'fTl' .\'1'((1:\' 1..\l'.'\- l:iLT:\41-ltp lli ~ITl ' ATIO~ \\' .\\TEH- .,1 .\tE .\ \ J) 1-'E )l:\J,E << '()LOin:n) J>XY '\\-onK - nm: sJ-:- t'lt ·a n i ng- : ya nl worl< : rug·!' d! ·a nt·d laund1·y dun· at homt·. C'uoking-, !';· ·n ·in~ part it·s, actual S!·n·i<:t· Clll any rwca- si.,n. <'rdort·d eouplt- wants pusiti t·n as <'tH>k, ('hauff(·ut· and houst · man ; willing to lt·a \'t· C'ity throu~h sumtm·r. Hd1·rt·m·c·. J. E. Stn·ns, Ph. Kt·nilwllrtll 10 S. lfiLTX41-tf~· J; FOil !' . \Lf<~-HOt'SEIIOI.U GOODS '\\'( J::'\llEHFl'L CJ-J..\~CE ... FOH YOl"X(r ro uplt· . \\'ill sacrifi(·e b<·a utiful furnishing·s for 4 rm. apt .: only USL·d four months: 3-pi<·c · silk mohair parlor suite·; 8-piH" walnut dinin~ set; 4pit'<'e walnut bedroom ~d: twu ftxl ~ Wilton rugs; library tabl P; floor and tab)(> lamtH': :,-pi1·('e bn·akfast s(·t, and si lnrw are. \\'ill takf· $550.00 for all; ,,.11rth $2,0(10 . (111. 832 Ll'land An· ., lWal_· SlH-ritlan Hoad, Chica<>'O. Tf·l. Sunn:\.' " ~ich.· G1!t0. \\.ill arr~ngt:! for d Ji\·c· r) · 1iLTX40-3tp ----------------- FOR SALE-\'ELOT'R DA-BED, ORIGinal cost $140. 'Viii sacrifice. Also sanitary couch and ~ tube radio. All in perf<.'Ct condition. \Yilmt'ttE> tr.i>3 liL4l·ltp FOH SALE - EXA)IELEU BEI>R00)1 sd. 4 ph ·<'t':-i. Yl·ry rtta.l5. \\·inn. 1i21 1iLTX41-1t c IS \VAVI'J.~D-HOUSEHOLD (~OODS \YAXTED TO TH.Y-SECO::'\D H.:\XD furniturtt and othc·r h o us(·hohl g(·Ods Higlwst pri<·(·s for same. Crm;t Furniture StorP, 1 004-fi Emt·rson St., E\anston, Ill. Phonr? l ·n iY. 18~. 1SLTX40- tfc \\TNXE'I'K.t\ Fl.I1XTTl.RE STOftE Ruy-R~·ll-Ex<'hang;e-Xfw-l:sf>d Otwn d a ily . Tues., Thm·s., Sat., S ]1 . m. J:i(l(l Willow Rd. Tel. 'Vinn . 1212. 18LT:\' ~0-tfc l!l W_ X'l'l~ 0-~riSCELLA:SEOlJ S \YAXTI;;n TO RCY CHF.ST .AXD narrow rh'!-;t of drn 'H'l'!';. R<>a f:onable and good <'O ndition. Tl'l. \\"innet ka 2000. 1 !lLT~41-ltp HH':Hl~ST PRICE PAID FOR :\lEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. 'Vii. 1 :!51. BLT~41-4tp 20 A UTO~IOBILES . FOR SALE-BY OWNER, JORDAN 5 pass'nge r sf'dan: 4 nt'w tire!':. Had rontinued, exc'll'nt care. "~ innetka 608. 213 Lindf'n St. 201...41-ltc Said , ordinance provides for the colIn Greeley Avenue and In Greeley Avenue extended from Ken- lection of said assessment In ten annual ilworth Drive, south, to Reinwald Ave- installments and with annual interest nue· thereon at the rate of six (6) per centu1D In' Greeley Avenue from Kenilworth per annum, as provicied by law. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, July 2nd, tl~OR Drive, north, to one hundred and twenty.:. five (125) feet north ; A. D. 1926. In Reinwald Avenue from Locust AveCHARLES N. EVANS, nue to Wilmette Avenue; Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local ImHRIGW~ AXD STRATTON }.fAKE In Wilmette Avenue from five (5) provements of the Village of · pra <: ticall~· n ·w, and in e xcellent con~ fee t east of west village limits to Ridge Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, dition. Has low cut frame built for A V'nue ; to make said assessment. girls' or l.Joy's use. Passenger can stand In Lake Avenue from Reinwald Ave· L37-2tc on larg·f> aluminum footboard or in sit- nu e to Ridge Av.e nue; ting position whil e riding. Cost In Brown Street from Lake Avenue to ~ I i5.fl0 a f(·w months ago. 'Viii sacrific~:: Blum Street; for $50.00. l n Blum Street fnnn Oalt Street to SPECIAL ASSESSMENT' NOTICE H:--\rl'l::al Cl 1hr'e hundred and ninety (3'90) feet east Fl u n. 1 of Clark Stree t to the north; , VILLAGE OF WILMETTE 1(1:::! ( 'hurch Hd .. Winndka . Ph. Winn. 81 In Oak Street from Blum Street to SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 173 21LTN41-ltc Central Avenue; -----------------Tn Central Avenue from Oak Street to NOTICE IS HEREBY · GIVEN to aU LADIES-YOt· C'AX DO YO 'R ~EW Ridge Avenu e ; persons interested that the President and ,.lll'k ~hopping· in th (' Famou!-; .l\fonasilk In Ridge Avenue from one hundred and Board of Trustees of the Village of WilDressf'f:. Dainty rn<1 e nvea r and the t\;e nty (120) feet north of Washingto:1 mette in the County of Cook and State Dream Figun·-mol cl corsE>ktt<', not so S~reet to thirty-three (33) feet nortli ot of Illinois, having ordered that the cen· ht·;t ,. ~. as c ·o J·~l' tll·, mon' control than the south village limits; tral eighteen (18) feet of the first alley ordinary ('ors('](·ttC', at my hcllnP o r by In Highland Ave nue from Oak Strret southwest of Main Street, extending from amwintnwnt at YC!Ul' hom '. to four hundred and thirty (430) feet east the south line of Lake Avenue to the ~Irs . (;Htrud t> P. Amh!Pr of lark Street; northerly line of Wilmette Avenue, ex315 Gn·en Bay Road In Sege r Street from seven hnndreu cept that portion of the intersections Phone Glencoe !lH. 21 LT~3f.-tfp (700) feet ·wes t of Brown Street to thrctl with said a ll ey of Washington A v~uuo hUJldJ"f' d and thirty (3:30) feet E:al;t ol and Central Avenue, lying between the FOn SALE- )TF:DIU:\1 SIZED RAY Clark Street; northerly and southerly lines of each .>t Slwtland Pony, g ·ntl f· , fin(· <'0n<lition. In Sehiller Street from seven hund1·e1 said streets or avenues, which are alPri<' · n·a!';onablr·. Phon(· K enilworth (iOil) ff'(·t W('St of Brown Street to threfl r eady paved, be improved by gra1ing 1 1,2,. 21 LT~H-ltp hundr(.'d and thirty .(330) feet east ol and paving with concrete and otherwiso C1:11'k Str(·d: improving the same ; the ordinance for F< 11~ ~.\I.E 2 Tf!l.:\'KS , ~:i :tnd ~2.1 In Columbus AYenue from Lake AYe· the same being on file in the office of J'htnl· · \\'in n f· tl.;a ]ftl1. ntH · to three hundred and sixty (36u) the Village Clerk of said Village, and 2 1LT;\;~1-lt c f l'l' t north· said Village having applied to the Coun· - - - - - - - - - - -..... -- . - - -..... .-~ ln Camh~idg-e Avenue from Lal<:e Ave· ty Court of Cook County, Illinois, for :.!:.! .FI~ :\ :H'J.\1~ nue to three hundred and sixty (3GO) tm assessment of the cost of said imft·t·t north ; provement, according to benefits and an In Jlarvard An:n uc from Lak e Ave- as::;essmen t therefor having been w acl~ nUt · to four hundn·d forty (HO) feet 1st and 2nd l\1ortg-ages and r e turn ed to said Court (Docket ~o. north; 17:n, the final hearing thereon will be In :\I r·IYin Avenue from Lake Avenue hvld on the 19th d ay of July, A. D . 1926, U1 t'nur hundr ·d forty ( 440) f eet nortlt; a.t 10 o'clock. A. l\L, or as soon thereIn Yah' A ve nue from Loa.ke A venue to after as the business of the court wi'l IXSUH.AXC'E f<..ur hundn·d forty (440) feet north; permit. ~t.. \\'ilm(·t tc T e l. 65 In Prin eNo n Avenue from Lake AveAll persons desiring may file objeclTAl-tfc nu<· to four hundred forty (440) feet tions In said Court before said day and n orth; may appear on the h earing 'and make In Oxford An~ nue from La.k e Avel~U·) their d efense. r 1FFEI~ ~IE THE FLOHTI>.\ J'~OPI::RTY t·1 four hundr ed forty (440) f Pet nortl1 : Said ordinance provides for the colrc·U ;.:(·l !'tung on . F . J'n.\'lik, Jr., In Xorth AYcnue from Greeli'Y Avenu · 1 lection of said assessment in five annual ~ri.J X. \\-. ;> ~ StrN· I, .\liami , Florida. w Ridg·e A n :nue ; installments a nd with annual interest 2~LT~ 40-:1tp In Hollywood A Yenu from Greeley th ereon at the rate of six (6) per centum A \'(·nu c· to nine hundred nin e ty (990) ft'c t per annum, as provided by law. !!:t PF.R~O~ :\I. t·af't of ::\le l\'in Ave nue; Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, July 2nd, '\\'.\X'n~r~ - ..\ HCl.\ll·~ F'Ol~ ..\ BOY 1 fi ln Clover Road from Greeley Aventtl'l A. D. 1926. Yt·ar~ (old, Jwar hi g h sl'lw·d. Addr ~s lO Ridge Avenu e; CHARLES .. N. EVANS, \\' inn..tl<a Talk, .\-~ ·I ~. In Kt-'nilworth Drive, south, from Gree· Person appointed by the Presi2:!LTN41--tc leY Av nue to seyen hundrP.d (700) feet dent of the Board of Local Imt·ast of :\lt~ Ivin Av t: nue; provements of the Village of In Kemlworth Drive, north, from Gree\\' :\ :\'TE I>- (;()( l[) IT< J:\1 E FOR FEWilmette, Cook County, Illinois, it ·y Avenue to six hundred and ten (610) malt' cnllit·. 7 \'c·nrs old C'hild's p et. t o make said assessment. feet east of Melvin Avenue; <:r1r1<l \\':ttc·lHlng·. l'hont · \\"i nn . %9. L37-2tc In l\lelvin A venue and 23LT::'\41-ltc In l\I e lvin Avenue extended from Lin· <le n A venue to Clover Road ; In Linden Avenue from )felvin Avenut! LO:-'T- TH t·ns I L-\ Y. .ll'LY 1ST. BE- to tive hundred and forty (540) feet east twt·t·n '\\'ilm..tt<· arHl \Yinndka, larg-P 0 f :\!elvin Avenue to the south; r1l <l fashion( ·d g-nld hnHH:h; r·t'ntc·r of In Alles Avenue from Elmwood Ayenue Junior Boys Delighted With Camp Wilmette;· Girl Scouts Are Next to cc1 ral. H(·ward. 'l.t' l. \\.ilnwttf' 01. to Washington Avenue; 24LTH-1tc In Alles .Ayenue from Kenilworth Ave· Enjoy It's Facilities y;ue to four hundred and thirty (430) feet LOST- :·'! IX 1 ·:11 E\.8RSHA RP PE~f'TL south; BY W. C. R. h1 ·t"·····n 1 ~th nncl Xnrthw f'~ t('rn staIn Elmwood Avenue from Alles AveThe Junior Boy Scouts of Wilmette ti()n, TlH ·s<lay. Tt·l. '\YilnwttC' 2i'in. nue to eight hundred and thirty-five 24L41-ltc (8:1G) feet east: are having the time of their lives at Ln.'T--:1 KEYS OX A S:\TA LL CHAIN In Franz Road from Alles Aven u e. te Camp \Vilmette, the 24-acre camp "l'gllt hundred and tl'!'rty feet in '\YilmHtc " ' - five (83") :> site, recently purchased by the Wil· ·. .Tlmp 14th . Call '\Vii. .24 L 1920. 4-1tp east; In Kenilworth Avenue from Locust mette Parish Methodist church for :;w P.\IVI'I~G .·\~n D-F.t'Olt:\TIXG Street to two hundred and seventy (270) the usc of \Vilmette' s Boy and Girl feet east of Forest Avenue; Scouts. The "Junior s" left Wilmette· In Locust Street from Kenilworth Aveon a huge Greyhound anto bus early :\. r..UP to two hundred a.nd fifteen :215) Monday morning and arrived at the P.\ TXTER .-\XD DF.COR"\TOR feet north; i=:stimatt·s J:?:iwn upon appli<'ation In Grant Avenue from two hundred camp on the Paw Paw river early in 14~~ \\. ilmdtc· ..\\'(' . T<'l. Wil. 2718 and fifteen ~ . .J) feet north vf Kenil· the afternoon and went right into 2~L3!l-tfc worth Avenue to three hundred and ten camp. They enjoyed the 128 mile (310) feet south of Kenilworth Avenue; ride and have settled down into the :-to Tl'TORI~G In Sherman Avenue from two hundred and fifteen (215) feet north of Kenil- camp routine. During their two weeks worth A ven u e to five hundred and five stay they will take a number of hikes (505) feet south of Kenilworth Avenue: through the country, ahd will go In Cleveland Avenue from two hundred swimming and boating under the supand fifteen (215) feet north of KenllSl·~ ..~ X n . STO~F.. Prin<'ipal ervision of competent men in charge.. A SELECT ~f'HOClfJ FOR KT~DER \vurth A venue to five hundred and five about g-a rt r·n a nll ~ rn dt' J1lll1i Is . Sma 11 groups, (505) feet south of Kenilworth Avenue; They will learn a great deal In Wentworth Avenue from Kenilworth the birds and the forests before they ~hort hflllr!':. C'ompn·hensiYe rurri<'ulum . Durin~ .July and Au~ust . Acl- Avenue to four hundred and thirty (430) return home on July 12. feet south of Kenilworth Avenue; f1n·ss: ..\ndn·\Y!-; Allf·n. CJtoncnf'. The camp manager, Orville In Fvrest Avenue from Kenilworth 30LTN41-tfc Avenue to four Hundred and thirty (430) Borchers, camp director Willard W. feet south of Kenilworth A venue ; Osborne, and Dr. Gilbert Stansell, pasIn Glenview Road from Wilmette Ave- tor of the Methodist church, who is nue to ten hunared and thirty (1030) \"lllage ot Wflm('ft('-Spedal Assrssraent feet southwesterly, the ordinance for the chaplain of the camp, are all on the Mr. Osborne is being asNo. li5 same l.Jeing on file in the office of the ground. Village Clerk of said Village, and said sisted by Otto Clepp, Joseph Miller XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Village having applied to the County and George Eaton, who wears a medal pe r sons interested that the President Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an and Board of Trustees of the Village of ass'ssm'nt of the cost of said improve- for life-saving. Mr. Hutchinson, who \\.ilmett e in the County of Cook and m ent, a<'cording to benefits and an assess- has been chef for the Wilmette Scouts, State of Illinois, having ordered ·hat a m ent therefor having been made and is again serving in that capacity. sanitary sewer system of vitrified pipe returned to said Court (Docket No. 175), The Girl Scouts .of Wilmette will go s'wers with brick manholes, be con- the final hearing thereon will be held to "Camp \Vilmette" July 12 for a strurted and laid in the following streets, on tlw 19th day of July, A. A. 1926, at About twenty-five in the Village of Wilmette, County of 10 o'clock, A. M., or as soon thereafter four weeks' stay. Cook and State of Illinois: as the business of the court will permit. girls have signed up and there is still In HancoC'k A venue from north vii· All persons desiring may file objections room ·for more. Most of those who Iage limits to Washington A venue ; in said Court before said day and may have registered will stay for the enIn 'Vashington Avenue from Reinwald :1.ppear on th' hearing and make their tire four week period. ,Avenue to Ridge Avenue; defense. For Sale $50 SCOOTE"R ]\Io BICYCLE ·ecl R. Charles I-I. Brethold CAMP IN PROGRESS P. HILT ,S Glencoe J.

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