Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 41

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July 9, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE 41 .. PRESENT OPERATIC KENILWORTH ENJOYS GEMS AT RAVINIA FOURTH CELEB~TION Bride's Father's Illness Causes Change in Wedding , · · 4 (Continued from page 1) The marriage of Miss Florence ·H. Oateopathic Pbyaiciana topheles. The beauty of Mme. Reth(Continued from page J) Nelson of Glencoe to Frank C. MorR~sldence and Office · · 111 ., was so1emberg's vocal style has excited wide - tell, second; Hilda Swanson, third,· nson o f Bl oommgton, 913 Central Avenue Mary Vanderveld, fourth. · t h 1 f h b 'd ' spread admiration and Mr. Chamlee mzc c at t e 1ome o t e n e s parhas won hearty acclaim in the name r The gold medal winners in, the ents, B97 Vernon avenue, Glencoe, on part. Mr. Rothier brings to bear an cYcnts were: Billie Stebbins, Dewitt Saturday eyening, June 26, before a indivi<)uality as Mephi stopheles which ] ones, Lowry Botthof, Alex Newton, gathering of only immediate relatives. makes this part an outstanding ex- Tom Hicks , Marvin B~ker, Mary The service \Yas read by the Rev. ample of the polished French sty le . .~hlone y, Jane Me Int osh, Ruth John- George· MacAdam of Glencoe. Defrcrc is ca t as Valentine, ~Iiss ~'fax - ston, and Mary Thorsen. These had Owing to the critical illne ss of well as Siehel and Ananian as \Va ~ .. the largest numb ers of points. Charles R. Kelson. the bride's father, ncr. The ballet will he a feature. ~f r. , The e\·ents which were run off it ,,·as necessary to is sue recall cards IIasselmans will conduct. were: standing broad jump: hop skip. f(.)r the im·itations to tl~e nuptials oriThursday afternoon. the regular ancl jump: high jump; SO yard race; g~ n ally planne d for \\' e<!n esday evechildren's concert and entertainment backward race; three-legged race: nmg. J~m e 30: at the '!\ortl; Shore will be ginn .. the first half of the pro- ~ack race: 100 yard race: wheelbar- ).!cth()dtst EpiScopal cl1t1rch 111 Glengram being- presented h~· the Chi cago ro"· rare; jockey ra ce: 75 yard race; coe. Symphony orche stra. ~fr. DeLamarter and spoon and egg race. The tug -n fr.xpla ining .the Yar}ous mtmhcrs. to his ,~·a r hct\\'een the men, cap~ained by I NORTH SHORE WINNERS j ltttle · auchtors. flte ·entcrtalllmcnt (hark-; .D . Ho\\'C, and th btgh school Tl H : \\'Ill · n (' r ~ 111 · tl H' ·1 ~ tl t' Ju 1 · . · nur 1 o \' formmg. the second !lalt. ot the pro- boys, lcacl by Charles Ilo\\'C, Jr., had cn:nts at Xorth Shore Golf club \\'l..'f~o:: g_ra!l1 \Yl~l l1a\·e spe~tal mterest, con- to he st()ppecl .hecau:--e th ' rope broke R C. Boozer. \\'ho defeated H. H. Har ~ht~ng .ot a ~roup. ot r_lance . arr~,nged un<}t' r the stram. . ris(Jn, 4 and 2. in the first flight; H. H. tn_ mtngut Jtl\'l' lllk tt~tnc:--t. I lwse ( ·t,Jd medyb \H're gwen to the con-' 1:1ecr. \\·ho defeated \\- . E. f\olb. 4 \\'11~ he presented 1>\ ,~r t:-.s Huth Page,, te-._tant. haY.Illg the greatest mm.1he.r .of and J, in the second Right: A. D. Cola.;st:-;tcd h~· ~r ark I urb~· fill and en- potnts _111 h1 s or her .cla-;s, an <I mdt,·td- I ins. who defeated . · R. Shahino. 2 :--l' lllhlc,. Tht·s t· concerts arr frl'e for . u.al pr~zcs for the winners of the spe- up, in t he third flight: J. D. Peterson. I all cl11 lrlrt·n t\Yeh·e years of age or I c1al e\ ents. " ·ho ~Ideated L. :;..r. Drake. up. in unckr. Reserved sca ts are free for ' , the fourth Aig-ht, and C. F.. Ha stins, ('\'Cryonr. Wilmette Posters Rank "'hn ddeatecl ~r. J . Conra d in the f1ft h Take a vacation from Thurs(lay night. Ju] _ ,. 13. '·Romen H" h · D t 1 E h·b't f1ig-ht. 3 and ? and juliet" will he the offering with tg In en a X 1 1 · ------~-------cooking over a hot stove. ~fme. Bori. greatest interpreter of the \\'ilnH·tte i:-; .one nf th e t·,·cnt\·-six len- ely heroine in this p(lrt, "·hilc Fd - cumnntniti r:-; in this ~tate which ·},aye Take one or two meals \\·ard Johnson will he f\omeo. Leon :-.ent ·s.nnH: of their dental health j)O:'T\othier is c<bt a Friar Laur('nt. The ters to Dr. C. Carro ll Smith of Peoria. at the Wilmette Cafe, luli et of ~fm c. Bori i:-; a classic \'O- [lli1wis. Dr . Smith has cha rge of ar~·alh· and dramaticalh- while Tohn -on ranging the posters for an exhibit where some one else does has· a keen instinct .for the ~fft·ctin· -.bowing what Tllin ois is doing in pubinterpretation of the role he \\·il l es- lie :--chool work in educating the cllilthe cooking and serving. s a~· . Rothicr\ tine si ngi ng- as Friar dren alon , g the line s of dental care. Laurent is proYrrhial. Other:-; in thi:; Thi:-, is tn he exhibited at the Se,·cnth cast arc Dc·sire Ddrerc, Paolo :\n ani- Internation al Dent al congrrss to he an, Loui:-; D'.\ng('}o, ~fargcn· ~faxv; c ll. held at Philadelphia in co njunction To~r ~foji ca ..t\nna Correnti' and Loui s with the American Dental association Estimates given without Tkrman. Louis Hasselmans will con- late in August. \Yilmette \ exhibit has obligation been rated A plus, it is said. duct. Fnr Frida~· night. Juh· to. that me1 - -1 l(ldious and dramatic Yerdi opu.;; " TI . Phon~ Wilmette 2764 Trm·a tore" ha s heen schedul ed, in "'hirlt EJi.;ahrth Rrt!therg will lH: 1030 Greenleaf Ave. hl·;Hd ~h Lenora and Gim·anni ~farti nelli \\·ill rtpprar in thf' name part. Tna WILMETTE nm :; ka\·a " ·ill he :\ zuc·e na and GiuMeals that satisfy ""lllli Danio.,e '"ill he Cnnnt di Luna. T!ti.; npera. with its magnif1cent arias and t'nsrml,ks i-; a :--tand-hv nf the qandard list. and n n better ;ast could lw found than the one ;n·ai lahle at RaPhones ' 721 ,·inia. Both ~fm e. Rrthhcrg and ~far Main Wilmette Wilmette, Il1 tinel1i han· full onportnnitY for the 3(()0.26() 1 Street dramatic si ngi ng for which. the\' are nolt'd. D;lni se is \'OCallv ideal as Di Luna. while the sin gi ni and ch<J.ract ('1' i 'l ~I t i 011 () f ~ r111 e. n0 tJ r :' k a\' a as A z ucena arc outstanding. · "T.'Amnre D('i Tr~· Rc·" \Yh ich h old~ a nn-;i1i:1n of speri;ll honor in thr Ra Yinia rrnC'rtoirf'. will IH· .Q inn on S;ltSummer Menu mda,· ni srl1t. Tuh· 17. ::..fnw. Bori. who has madC' th e nart of Fiora an nperaT empl ing Service ti(· rlassic. will he heard in thi~ role Everything for the AutomobilE while F.clwarcl J ohmon " ·ill anpear as .'\ \'itn. Basio1a is rast as \fanfredo an d Lazzari a:-; /\rchihaldo. Thi s (jl!arAll cars have tet o f principals ha:-. dem onstrated that Bowling Lunch both in singing· and acting theY arc esprcialh· ~· tHl owrcl to portra~; the drnth of rmotion upon which tl1is good , bad or indifferent. You can only afford to have ~f ontcmczzi \nnk is foun<le<l. Others in the cast arc ~fojica. ~{i ss Paggi and ~fi ss Falco. Papi will conduct. I I z COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN! M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating The 0:10 u 0 0 Coolest 0 Plaee 40° In To,vn to Eat Cooler Than the Street Oa 0 Wilmette Cafe 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Motors Serviee, lne.l BRAKE MAC'S GOOD BRAKES BRAKES You know as well as we do what bad or indifferent may mean in sorrow and money. Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll We Deliver BRAKES ADJUSTED ..................... SOc up BRAKES RELINED .............. $12.00 to $18 .00 ~JtiJ ~...,. . e:...rU.ftf. 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE J. C. Slown A. B. V en DeuHn Evanston

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