Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE July 9, 1926 LARGE CROWD· ATI'ENDS FOURTH OF .JULY FETE Worthen-Carrico company, Wilming's Pharmal'Y, Woltr-Grlffis Hardware company, Wilson Bakery, Winberg's Drug Store, 'Vihn!!tte Ice company, Wilmette Filling Station, Wi1mette Home Bakery, Wilmette Motor Sales, Wilmette Food Shop, Wilm('tte Bird Store, Wilmette Variety Store, Wilmette Window Shade and Paint 'Vorks, "'.ilmette Music Shop, Wilmettt' Cafe, 'Vilmette Cho olnte f;hop, Wilmette Stationery and Gift Shop, ,\.ilmette Grocery, Wilmette Shoe Store, Wilmette State Bank, Willllette Confectionery, Florence ·wood, 'Vilmette Battery Service. COMPETE FOR CUP At Northmoor Golf club Saturday, July 10, S. Henry Foreman and H. Letman will compete in the final match for the President's cup. Foreman defeated George Birkenstein, 1 up, in the semi-finals, while Letman won his way to the final bracket by conquering H. Katz, 2 and 1. Herbert Klee won the men's driv~ng contest and the \\'Omen's approaching and putting- contest went to Mrs . RobcJ;t Rheinstrom. About 235 golfers flocked to the Highland Park link s to enjoy the warm weather. Lutheran Picnic Draws ·j Many to Forest Preserve l The annual picnic at St. John's Lutheran church held at the Glenview forest preserv~ last Saturday afternoon and evening, was a huge success, according to rel)orts of those who attended. Refreshments were provided free of charge to the children who attended and the grogram of g:unes and conte sts furnshed excellent cntertanment for young and old ali~e. Matw prize s \\·ere awarded the wmners of the various e\·ents. Cars to tran sport those who had none of their own \\·ere' proYided by the church. Indian. Hill Tennis The following are the results of the June tennis tournament held by the Indian Hill Country club on June 25, 26 and 27. \Vomcn's singles, quarter final s, upper bracket-Jean Arm strong defeat-· ed Beatrice Ripley by default; Barbara Holden defeated Betty Durham, G-0, 7-5; quarter finals, lower bracketEleanor Sherman defeated Mrs. \V. G. Hibbard, 6-1, 6-3; Mrs. W. B. McIlvaine, Jr., defeated Lois Truesdale, 6-0, 6-0; se mi-final, uppf'r bracket] can Arm strong clcfcatccl Barbara Holden , 6--l, · 6-0; semi-final, lower bracket- Mrs. W. B. Mclh·ainc deieatcd Eleanor Shernian, 6-2, 6-2; final match-Mrs. W. B. :i\1cllvaine dc ieated Jcan Arm strong . 6-0, 6-3. Racquet ,,·ielclers, girJ:.;' :-;inglc:-;, sem ifinals upper bracket-Evelyn Bou sca ren defeated Helen Fulton, 6-2. 6-4: lo"·c r bracket-Virginia \Vin st on defeated Aclalaide Ball. o-0. 6-1: final match-Virginia \Vin:-;ton ddea ted EYelyn Bou scaren, 6-8. G--l. 8-CJ. . Racquet wielders, hoy's singl es, brack<.:t-Jlughe~ :-cmi-finals upper Dallas defeated Albert \Vinston, 6-0. (J-1: lo\\'er bracket-J can Arm!'ttrong cleicatccl Sam Lvndc. G-0. 0-0: final 111a tc h to be pla)'e d off later. Ball chasers. girls' sin~o.dcs. se tni -fi nals upper bracket-Helen Fulton dc ie:ltcd Sam Lvnde, 6-3; lm\'('r bracket ~ Dorotln· Ott defeated Allene \Yith er.:;, G-3: · final match-Helen Fult on dcieated Dorothy Ott, 6-l. G-1. Ball chasers, girl's single s. scmi-fin ab, upper bracket-Helen Fulton de ieated Allene \\.ithers !Jy dciault : lll\\'\.'1' hrackct-~farion ·nauglladay dciL·atcd Dorothy Ott, 6-3: final match - IIL'kn Fulton def eated ~farion Dau~hatlay. 6-0, 8-o. Ball chasers, junior s' sinide :- . ~emi fi n rt b. upper hracket-J ohn ~en ior deil'ated Il clcn Bcrshach om· set . f1--+: lc)\n' r bracket-Buckingham Chandler dl'ieatccl John Strong Olll' set. 7-5: final mat ch- Tohn Senio r cldt·a tccl Buckingham Chandkr tJll{· sd, r1-l. \\' ollll'll'.; dnu l>k s. :-l·tni-tinal..;, uppn hrackd- J L':tn Armstrong and Barbara 1 !olden defeated Yirginia \\'in :-ton at1d I·:n·h·n Bnusca ren, G -.1, 7-5: 1 IO\n·r hrarkl't~T·: le;.mor Shc·rman an<l Elizalit'th Lam son defcatL'd ~farri ann(· Stt·ntb<·ll and 11eth· Durkun. fi-2. (l-0: final111atrh- Je:m .\rtn:-trnng an'rl Barbara l Joldvn dcicatl'rl l·:ll'annr ~lwnnan anrl Llizahdh T.atn,c·tl, 11-l.. ... (Continued from page 3) vr coolsummer cooking Percolators We have them in a number of charmi~g styles. This Federal 9cup size - .g -call on these electric servants Let these modern cooking appliances save you the bother and discomfort of preparing meals in an overheated kitchen. \Vith them you can cook in cool comfort right at the table, on the porch, or anywhere there is an electric outlet. They not only make cooking easier, but allow more hours of leisure. Remember that under the new low rates for general lighting service, effective May 1, 1926-the cost of operating these cooking appliances is greatly reduced. $9.00 Toasters Crhp golden toast is popular at every summer meal. ThisTurnsit Toaster .. $8.00 Grills This Grill is a wonderful help in preparing quick breakfasts and dainty sup· pers. It toasts, fries, boils, steams. Only $10.50 Electric Cookers This one cooks a whole meal at one time. Also keeps foods hot or cold on picnics and motor trips PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS $12.50 (,_J 1141 Central Av;, Wilmette Wilmette 2899 J no. S. Reesman, District Manager H.acqud \Yil·ldn--. 111i:"\l'd d1 ·u!Jk,, 'l' tll i- ~nab. upper brae l·vt -.h·a 11 · :\ rm :-tr()ng and Hughes Dalla ~ ddvated I·:H h·11 B<· u..;rare n and lollll Ber :-barh. fi-2. ·fi-0: lo\\'l' r brar kt·t-Dnr ot ll\· Ott and ~am T.n1dl' <ki('atl'd .\d.ebidt' Ball anrl l ;.u{e Littell. R-f1. 1-o. 7-3 : final match-Jean Arm~trnng and Hughe s Dallas de ieatl·cl Dnrothy Ott and Sam Lynde, G -0. 0-0. The Tuh· tourn:1mrnt will be held Tuh· 2().- .10. an<l : n. it is announced. and the. c\'Cnts \\'ill inclttdl' si ngle .;, doubles and mixed <louhlr ;;;. :\0\\' is the !->Ca~on it>r :-toring up sunshine in the bocly against thL· bleak. cloudy days of ~· inter when the di :'tant sun cuts short the Yolume of vital rays in this lattitude. Daily exposure of the body to the direct rays of the sun, together with the eating of green, leafy vegetables provides a su nshine savings deposit which will come in hanclv ,._·hen diseases knock at the door- of health during the off season for thcsf' things. Some folks may not know that green vegetables contain a lot of concentrated sunshine. Others may think it hard to get into the sun"hine without great bodily danger.

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