Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE Jul y 9, 1926 Kenilworth Happenings Platinum Shell their daughter, Beatrice: tn \\'i ll iam Kline. of '\{inncapolk T he children Parish \ Yhitc. so n 0f ).f r. and ~Irs. "·ill abo Yisit their ~randfathcr, Ct·JJ. George E. \ \"hitc of 927 Gr~en\\·o\ld Jo~l'ph il. Sanborn. nf Chicago. -oa\·enue. \ Yilmette. The \\·edclllll; \Ylll 1-l(llller FlentH. 9FI Ct·ntra l an·nnc. take place in October. i:; leaying next \\·eek tn . pencl eight \li~:' lfarriet \fom. l Si \Yooclstock j weeks in ;m ot~ti11~ at the :\ortl1lancl <t\'l'llUL', Kcnih,·orth. kit Tuescby, Gate\\·a~· camp 111 C a11arla. June 20. inr the \fahel K. Pcar~c -oca 111 p. \\'a:; hi 11 g t 0 n J:; 1and. D c· t r nit Tack R a 11 b c· '·. son n f \ f r. an c1 \ f r s. Ifar1H 1r. \\'i~ .. to h<· gone about fi\'C Cl~arlc:; '\f. Ramsey oi the T.inclc·n ;mel nne-hali weeks. Crl'~t apartmL'llt", i:' in the St. F1:ancis -ohr·~pital rt'con·ring ir()lll an opnatinn The \1 i~:'L' ~ .\lice and T.oui:;c Taylor fm ;ll>nendicitis undergnnl' a \HC'k of Pitt,hurg-h wcrl' the \Ye ck-e nd ag0. Tfc is getting along nicely an<l g-ne~b oi :..r'rs. \\'illiam J. Taylor, 310 i~ t'Xpccted home in a fe\\· cla~·s. ('umnnr road, Kenil\\·orth . -o_0_ \frs. T. \\' . \lacka,· 11i ~L'\r y ,,rk \lr..; . Tn-i 11g H. Bahl·ock. n<J E ssex :llld hl'r. l\\.( 1 children .. J;!ck and BL·tty, n·acl. KC'nilworth. entertained at din- arc sp<"nding the ~umn1er month..; \Yith ner_ the·eHning t>f tl1c Fourth nf July. ,Mrs. ~fackay's parent:-. ).fr. and \fr..:. . -oF. P.. Flli(ltt, of 730 :\inth strcd. '\fr. :111<1 ).fr·~. Hugh A. Forl' sman. -n515 Essrx road. KC'nil"·or th. l'ntertain\f i ... \fan· T.annt'll, 1!l?l \.rL·c-nh-ai ed a group oi their friends at their aHnu~·. 1<-ft Tuc.;rl:l\· tnr a thrl'e Barrington iarm the Fnurth of July. \Yteb' Yisit in :\mho~·. 111. 1 ~f r. and }.[ r:;. E. B. \ f etzcl of Kcnil- street, has a:; her gue:;ts. h er t·.,·o \rorth announce the engagement of grandchi ldren. Dorothy and Dc\Yitt ENGAGED ~I rs . Ecl,\·ard ~ [ end:;.cn . 531 f.igh t ~1 Finished Ring_ Covered with Platinum . - J.O rE S BJ, O S SO JI 01<1 fa!--hioJH·<l Wl·llding· ring-~ , ·nny :-;hap<·, wh ·tlwr wi<lt ·. ftat nr oYal-n·modt·lc·d and mo<krnizt·d. lland (':tl'H' d, \\Tt·ath du;ign finl']:\· mnt1t'lt.'. iu h ig·h n·lid, eonn·d with lSkt. white g-nld .... ~ H.U O Con-n·d wit h platinum ..... . ............... $16.110 . , Dominic Pagliarulo 1 1 66 Wilmette Ave. ·~i·· Jeweler f1 Optician Phone Wilmette -~·. :~·. :~~ ·~·. 1 o61 .·i;·· · ·iJ·. :f;-. :;-;·. . .-;:·. · ·'.. ·i·· ·tJ· ... ... ... ... :i·· ... :t;·. ... ... :;j ... ... ... ...:f,-. ... ... .. . ... ...,. ... .. . :e· ...·.. ..· ·...."i'· ... :it· ... -~·. :~. ~f>'· "\ l rs. Charles D. Heme. 2-lO Kenil\H1rth ~,·emtc·. i:=; entertaining at a tea toda,· in honM ni '\fiss \fargarl't Hackus. tbr fu ture hridl' r·i her snn, ll;unilton liO\Ye. -()- -o- Jame:; Da,·id C'rahh. Jr .. and Yi~·t·· r La FdYC ldt \\.ilmettl' Saturd~t,. · f la:.t \\T<'k inr :· fiq· -rl :t,. fi..:hing trip "n tlw \fanit(l\\'i . . h " ·att·r... ni nort hnn \ \ 'i. cnn-..in. -n- -o- Hit:llard TaY!Clr (It F\· an~ton. ionn'\fr-.. Fr;tnk \\'all:t ct· 11a-.. rdurn,·cl 1n nh· (li Kt·nih~· orth. returned Sattml:t~· hC'r 11(1111(' in T.im a . nhin. :titt·r "1 1l'1H l irc;ll1 a :=;nnthern 1111;-,inc-s.; trip c·i t11rce ing a ' t'l'k ~" th(' l!llt·-..t ni \fr .... R \f. 11H1nth~. 1('(Ink _, .. 1113 CC'ntr~!l a\'l'l1\ll'. I I . ._30.00DISU~ restful and exhilarating ~ cruise DeLuxe of over ~ _ 2,000 miles on Lakes Michi· -pn, Huron, St. Claire, Erie and among the 30,000 Islands of Georgian Bayalluring scenery en route. Drive around historic Mackinac Island, see the Indians at the quaint Canadian village of Parr} Sound. Take the sight-seeing bus at Detroit- See the sky line of Cleveland -spend a full day at Buffalo-gateway to all Eastern, Canadian and St. Lawrence River Points. Gaze in wonder at Niagara Falls- the world's greatest cataract. I l A >* '\lr-.. '!·h.,111a" <·i Tarnma.l and \fr .... _P. Cnlh·,·r. 7.)!'1 \\·a-..h. ,.., t11L' ~lll':-t c11 '\lr . and \fr- . · \111th ..,frt·<·t. h;trl :t . . thl' t· 11ti1J-..t· ~11· ,·, C'har]l', \\";tn·.· 3.?5 .\hl H·tt-.iurd J'(l:td. lo n·r th('_}\,11l:th 11i luh. \l i" \ ·;,,,:1 KL" nil\\ll!'\11. .I '\f l'ar-, rd .1rllll'l. :tllrl .l n,.rdt'll :::1· 1 -o; hi" -.r.n c ,j ('hiragc ·. Flii':tl>t·th Ft"kltart c1t .?l)cl ('tlllllH·rland -0;n·L'l lllt' kit Kt'llihYc·rth Jul_,. 1. ic·r '\fr. :111d \fr . . . \\" . 1. n, ·:tl11, 8()() l.rt ( ' l P11111l lal..:l'. ~;1\.llt·r. \\'i ..... !11 "Jicllcl thv 'lt·: t i :tn·nll t·, tht·ir : \'.,' rhil.Jr,·11. :. . ,,1 1 I rl'll1:tindn .,j ·th t· ~llllllltvr ;tt :1 girl..,' tht ·ir niece, Dr.r .. th· . ·,·al. :tr ,· -·I\'· d\ (':tll1p. iltl!" their \'acation ;tt T.:t·· t\u FLt11 :l" ·:·1. - 0\\·i-. \1 r. i.tttd '\1 r-. '\f ark C'rt·';tp. ?.)() F -- . -n "L ' '-.. r··:td. n·tllrtlt'd tn Kt"nilm·r'll Sun -' '\li~t> \farg-ery \' :til .\r . . dak ~~i 1· .) 1 ch~· ir ·111 \'t '\'. Y.. rk. \\·h nv tlH~· -.a\\·1 DltJll'C plan· left Juh 1. tn -.pt·t111 ': t t1Jt·ir "'11. \l:trk. Jr .. <til inr hlri·JIC' c111 '-l11lll11C r mr·nth~ at (',,Jll:nhi ·t lll li n ···,;:·:. 1 a tri11 "ith hi ...... chnnlma<tt·r :tnd rq]wr I -oi ~tu(h·nt~. ~fr. and ?\frs. Rohn t St0drlanl anrl -0tlll'ir familv . .~2-t T.ah· an·ntll·, lt i~ \fh \\.illiam F. Du ft·. ~3n \\' ;t . . h- \\-ilmttte la:-t Wt'l'k 111 -pl'nrl thl' -·1:'1itl!..!" c111 an·l11Jt·. and ht·r childrl'n h.t\ t' mer :Jt tl1e Thou sand l.;lancl-;. ,1!011(' tn Cliit,,n T.ak l·, Tll., for a .;lllll-0mn':-; r·uting. \li-... .T""l']lhint· \t \\t····lt c·r 11i F. , - o- ·1 ~ i '·n. I 11. . r l'l ur Ill' d h n h (1Jl1 t · :--: ; : t Tiarr\· C. T'i1111t ·. 3:?-+ Fltn\\<·'·rl a'.'l·- i md;J\·, ft1h· ' l :tftt'r :t "~···k\ \'i-i· " llllt ', h;1 . . rL'lll.lll'd in,tn a lnhillt"" l thl' h r>t;H.. oi \fr~. TT . S. 1rt'Jl1Jni1. ·'~') trip ((J \\·a~l 1 ingtcm, D . C'. Crl'enltaf an·nut·. '~,~~P."~>I1 . ~fr. Ft~:k I I I I ' 1 The Oil-Burning White Liners North American ~ South American These big cruising ships in comforts and luxury are comparable with the finest fitlantic Steamers. Promenade and Sun Decks of unusual width; large Grand Salon and Lounge Rooms; Palm Garden, etc. Staterooms and Parlor Rooms are · rzll outside rooms with windows or port holes for perfect ventilation. Beds comfortable and restful. Excellent meals by expert chefdaintily served by waitresses. For those who enjoy Gaiety there are Deck Games, Entertainments, Music and Dancing-with a social hostess to look after the enjoyment of guests. Restful secluded nooks for those who seek quiet. Screened in playground for children with attendant in cbaTge to amuse them. Sailittgs from Chicago every ~s. and Sat., )uM 29th to Aug. 3-l.sl, incl. R. R. Tickets betweera Chirago, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo wi/i be four clothes washed free if you ring us Elec tri cal Repairing Radio Sets and Supplies Eveready " B" Batteries .\1 usic Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs In stalled Fine Lin" of Lighting Fixtures ' ..,. EA!i .I \~'A511ER ~~ 'fj)upj~ Vacu.umElectrid Adams Electric Shop Fourt h St reet Phone Wilmette I041.: ······················N······························I Established 18 54 I I I C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years I I I I I honored for transit uPtm additional payment. J ~rdan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably 6 1 :z. Davis Sr. Phone University 449 Wilmecre Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 Call or write for pamphlet any Railwa~ Ticket Office or T ouriat Aaency or W. H. BLACK, C. P. A. Chicaco, Duluth &: Ceorcian Bay Transit Co. 110 W. Ada rna St., Ph,one Ran. 0226 · 1oo E. Erie St. CHICAGO Phones Superior 7709-7710 ·-·--------·-·····-----------------------···········

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