Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 34

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34 Mrs. " ' alter A. Hanna and her mother, .Mrs. J os eph Horn, left yesterday to motor to Kansa - Cit,· to vi sit Mr. and ~Ir . Josep h Fran.ci s Horn and their hahy. Mrs. Hanna will be away about a w ee k, but her mother will remain a fortni g ht . WILMETTE ).Ir. and Mr s. Fos ter Bran son and their two da ug hters, Florence and Dorcas, who s topped at the Orrington hotel for a hort time aft e r renting th eir home on Central aYenue, have left for California, \\·her e they will :-;pend the rem a inder o£ the s umm e r. LIFE July 9, 1926 Baptist Church Ur. P. R. Haywa rd , director o f youn~ nt-uple's worl\: in th e Intl' rn at iona l co un c il of Rdig·iou:s ed u ca ti on will occupy 1 h t: pulpit the Baptist e hurch on Sund ay mom in ~, July J 1. His topk" will h~ " Yo uth as a S piri t u a l Batt le l .round. T h e P asto r, Re\·. Francis <' . S tifl (·r , ldt on :\r on d ay morning for Los . \ngC' Ies, \1' h l' l'l' h e will att·: nd th·· st·s:·duns u( the Baptist Youn g- Pl·npll··s l ~ nion pf . \nwrk<.l eon \'l'ntion, Jul y 7 to 11. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park AYPnu es, \Vilme tte Herman \V. :Heyer, l\f.A., Pa~tor . 406 Prairie Avenue. Tel phone 1 J~I6 . <.'hurl'h T till'ph one :Jl ll . at SEltVIC};S !l :::0 [ t. m. Sund ay Sl'h oo l and Bible t'lnsst ·s. ~ ~ :.J:.i a. m. First se r\'ict · and Sl'rmo n. 11 ;110 ~t. Ill . ~ t't'O ild St·r\'it·l· ;t lid Sl' l'l t,l 011. ' 'I mmort a l Infllii.' I1Cl'." Tu l·!-- d<t~- .. 111 1.\· 15 Frederick E. Lewis Resident Tht ' ~undaY throug·Jw ut pr111nptl~· NORTH SHORE sc lwol which contilllli'H summt·l' will IJq~ in at !I :-:1.3 o't'iodc th l' Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis. assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, bas bad twenty-one years vf successful service in the professional field. The best testimony to their careful , courteous, and conscientious work comes from tho~e whom they have served during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be personally . attended to by Mr. Lewis . l,i Tht · mid-\\'et·k meeting- 1111 .Jul.'· H will in t· h arg-t· of th l' F . . \ . ::-;., Jl EE 'IT\( ; S at X o't·lot·k: ( ' ongn·galion uwding-. Fricl :t_,., .luly Iii ; .Junior \\.n ltht ·J· lt ·.ag-ut·. Thursday, .July Jj: let· t'r, ·; llll Stwlal at S o'clock. Tho · TIH· \\.ilnwttl' Daptist (']Jurd1 is lol'a tl'd :tl tlw l'lll'll l'r of Fort·:-:t an ti \\' il111 ·ttt· :· , .,. lltlt'H. Tlw l'hU r l' h uflil't', in <'ha r g·t· of :\1 i:-::-: .:\lahl·llt· Ht·nna( ·kl' r i:-: dail:-· l'mm :1 until 1 o'l' l o(')~ :tnd until 1~ o't·l·wk qJ. ~aturda,\ ·:-:. Uflil··· tt·il-pilnnt·, \\'illlll't [I' :_!:_!::;;, \\':t lll ll·l' ~··:-::-:i(IJIS (>f t ill' lnt· ·rnation :tl Lt ·a.~U\' ol' L utht ·ran \ 'll \lllg' !Jt ·t·- .,,wn plt· l1 l'g·in thi:-: W····k at 1-:allilllt!l'l ', .\!d .. :111<1 \\'ill t'()Jtlinu·· fo t· l'l·llr da,,·:-:, .July 1:! to lti in('lu:-:i\·, .. :\!iss . \n na t'ranwr i:-: r··fll't·St ' llting· ~t: .J ohn's at tilt' ··nn\· o·nti~lll. S!w will also take thf' ]111 :-:1 1 ··n\···lltltll\ ,-t , lll' ,,f tilt· l:trgo·r ·l ·::tstvnt ··iti··:-:, \\·hil'!t is to foll ow tlw Sl·ssion:-:. .\ t·:t ll h:t:-: l~t · ··J.l ··:>-t· ·lldt ·d 111 ... 'l'ele1·hone " ' ihnette 3347 DR~ FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN I:, .,.. 1 f..r!ll'tl- 11 \:tll .\1 . .:\1··~ 1' 1' J,_,. rh·· l:":trd 111' I·Jr· ·· ·tnr:-: avting- in lwil:tlt' of lh· · :\ l i:-::-:llU I'i ~.\'ll·ld . Very Lateat in M oJern Limousine E rtUipmtnt 11 ~r·eclnllzing zo Central Avenue WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3 5 51 Home phone. Wilmette 3 55~ in tbe tre:ttment of your be11t frien·ls the "Deg nncl Cut" All culls rt't·che' my per.sonal attention 1000 Rid gc An. Wilmette, Ill. to [lSSUilH' -:.;ll:l l'f,!' t· llf ]lllidi t·it.\· :tnd 11lOtiOllal "·ork f or the Synod. '!'hi:-: would ll· ·<·,·s:-:aril." l!ll ·:t lt l'··l· ·a:-: ·· frt~nt ht :-~1. .lt·hn ':--, ;tnd :t I'··;J tll\':tl [1· :-lt. L··Ui:-: \\'h>·J't · th· · ~· IJI·I':tl tdlit···:-- " ' SYnod :tn· lovotlt·tl. Tilt· o·hul·o·lt o·J·UJI··il ,,:ill tal\·· th· · tnall· ·r llll<lt r :ttl\ i:-:··Jlli·Jil. dllli··s <tt :ttttl ·· t t Ttwsda,, - · \o · llilt~ ttt · Xt :It ' ll ·!·l twk th·· Jllatt..t· will lw tJ, .J'it], .tJ a t th· · puldit· ll tt· ··ting ,,f th·· · ·· >JJgr· ·t.:: tti·>~L . \ 11 n,,·Jnl .. r:-: :t l't· ur~ .. d !1· Ill' pr. ·:-: · · ttl . 1111 ' l'hllr :-:d;,~· ,., . , . !tin~ II· ·XI :11 ~ t·'· ·l ,,·k t h·· I .ad it ·:-:· .\ i<l and .\1 i:-::-:i11lt:tr.' :-:·ll'i ··l .' i:-- .~i\ itt~ ; lll i, .;. t'l't .till S<wi:tl :J[ tit·· ~lll l d :t.l' :--vh·~td ~'~"'ilt:-: ··f t h·· l'!ttll'l'h. 'J'w:\· ·t::t r· · :!~· 1'1 · 11 t :-:. Tlw annu:tl ~lllllb_,. :-.· 111">1 pi· lti·· "il l IH · il··id 1111 :-:: tt lll'rl:J\' ll· XI :tl 111· · !;), l l \'i· ·\\ ft~r· ·:-: l pro·s· ·n ,.: .\II ··ltildr··Jt \\ i:--ltittl.! '" 1... t:Il\· · Jt t" tit· gl't·llltd:-: :-: Jr,uld l tt :tt lilt' l'itllr· ·lt 1··.1\\····JJ I attd I::;" L,',·[,,.l\. _\II 11tlwr:-: lt:t\ it t;.: 11" aut··" : I'· · ;t:-:1\··d It> (]., I Jr, . :'.lilt· ·. t ',111·· ··Ill 1'\t <:aJtl· ·:-: .111 d l'· ·lr··:-. ltl ll··llt:-: ··I :II I l\ i 11tl:-: . I: ri ~~~ ;t I'· t :-: ' ' ' t Itt I t · It :1111· :-- t :, ~ r.. r 111. , , tr 1' , . , , · ,, i Ill.! _, ·,.u,;~- q~.;·:-:. 1'\ lilld\ ' ;tl !tl Jr;i\t ' :1 f ill· lill1· \\ i [Jr lho ' '\Jr .... ; I \ t' lllll'. ~tanl1·'· C ;r~t·. 1 J3.2 Flnl\\tH~<l i.., .. jll'; l( I i1l ,:..: ' ltn :--i . , Jn. B I uiT. ::\: l·l>. t \\ ( I t II I ill t II .., \\ i 1 it ~lr:- . lhrn ~Ltrk. in ~rtJ \1.., . -· n ALI.J Readiness wide range has come about through a far-flung systen1 of \\·ires, cables, switchboards over the then-kno\vn ,\;orld the runners and · 1nuu n ted messengers of ancient Assyria bore the decrees and edicts of their rulers. Trained for fl eetness and endurance, these 1n es age bearers of a vanished etnpire stood at their posts, stripr ed for tht task, prepared for in stant di spatch of \vhatever \vas given them to speed to distant points. and supplen1entary apparatus. 'fhrough the co-operation of a , ·ast anny of 1nen and won1en it daily transmits the thoughts and desires of millions. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so n1uch the Size or color It i.; because of unceasing· inspection, \Vatchfulness, co-ordi11ation and all else that makes [or instant readiness that Americans to-day, anywhere, can tal!: to one another, any ti1ne. of the EYES that makes them bt!autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. UT¥ less kept always clean a~d healthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par· tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "E~· e Beauty" are fREE on reque·t· 1'he universal tnessage bearer now is the tt-!e?~or..e. I t3 n~tion.:. iLLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM The Murine Company ncl)t. 33, Chicago One Policy One System S Universal Service YEAR 1926 8 7 6 -- T H E TELE .PHO~E FIFTIETH

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