14 WILMETTE LIFE July 9, 1926 ge_ls, nor principalities! nor powers, nor ESTABLISH RESEARCH FUND I S present, nor thmgs to come, nor The Board of Tru stees of the Uni f hetght, nor depth, nor any other crea- versity of Illinois has announced the ture, shan be abte to ~epa:at~ us fr~m establishment by several public utility the love of God, whtch ts 10 Ch11st companies of Illinoi s of a fund of "God" Je sus our Lord" (Roman s 8 :38! 39). $40,000 for research purposes. The Mi s~ 1[innie Mae Schmidt cho se a wa s. th e subje ct of th e L~sThe Lesson - Sermon also mcludecl school will inves tigate boiler fee d wa~mall, in form a l, home wedding on th e son Churches of Chns t ' t 1 · Cl1n:; · : - tcr treatm ent , age mg · · porcc 1 · · - Sermon t' t " 111 d a ll T 1e f o 11 owmg pas sage f rom t 1 1e ot alll. car occasion of her marriage on S:-~tt!rcla y . Scten ts , ,:~un av, u 1 y 4. . . . 1 f ·1 : ' · t 1 t The Gold en Text w as from P salm s tan Sctcnce t extbook , "Scienc e and ax e at ures, tm pa ct m s ~e s :uc- Tu1 ,. 3. to Harry Ne wton Kerr. son CJ f .62 :7. "In God is my sa h ·a tion and my I He a lth with Kel' to th e Scrpiture s," t_ ur cs;r and n:ethods of tes tlll g- ht gh- ~rr·s. T. N. Kerr of V eedcrsbt1rg. Ind. glory : the rock of m~· st rcng t h, and by Mary Baker E ddy : "God is th e ' o lt a~c elec tnc cabl es. Th e R ev. Fran cis Stifl er read th e sc n ·m~· ref ug e, is in God. " crea tor of man, and, the divine Prinice at noon, at th e r esid ence o f th :.. Among the cita tions whi ch co m r11· ise d cipl e o f man remainino· p~ rfect, the Mr. and Mrs. T . B. Corn ell and brid e's parent s. Mr. and Mrs. O :'car th e Les. on -Sermon w as th e fo ll owing diYin e idea or refl ection , man, rema in s t heir fa mil y, who haYe r es id ed at 624 W. Shmidt, 827 Elmw0od :1ventt e. from th e Bible : 'Tor I .t ill 1'l r:-uadcd. perf ect. Man is th e e x p r e"'~io n of Isa bell a ~ tr ee t , left T uc5day for their \ f r~. T ud snn Stone O f ar ~· rr clcn ·1t neither death, nor life. 11)r ;111- God 's bein g" ( p. 470). I n c\\' home in Aur ora. P a ncoas-t) '"a~ the hr i(h'\ nntro n oi honor. a nd E dw ard Sc hmi d t, her brother, " '<h h rs t ma n . Prrc-: ding· t he ce r emoiw , ~f iss M athild a Hcu:;rr of Jncli anaJ;olis sa ng a group of . 11 11 g:', nr·ro lnpa n il' rl h~· )J is" Doroth_,. Bl'll of Chicago, h arpi st. · . . \ f r. and \ f r:-. Kerr haH' taken a lake crui:-r. and after Tuh· 13, th('\' "·il l he hollll' at the r iuxtnn hotei. Chicago. Christian Science Churches I tl11_ngs 1 I Schnzidt H ·o me J l S [[ P ace o ma Wedding Service More Dependable Than Ever A · A l·: n-..il!ll Sidnl·y Sn1ith. Fn . . il!n \\' i1liatll HoltHhl't'. and l·:n-,it.:n Frl"·anl ~hanti'e oi :\nnapnli" ..;pent tlw Fc1urth oi· Ttih- a!- .~11<·-.t..; in the honw ni \ f r-:. Cn~d~··n lla1111:th. 11 .20 Fhll\\CIOd :1\'l'nuc. while c111 their way tn the wc-..t roa-.,t. \\her(' thc ·,·. \\·ill hv -,tatinnl'cl 011 d11ty in tlH· l ' nitt·cl Stall·.., n;l\·~·. -0- \ fr.; . (_'ll;t r k.; r. l'arnah:tll {Jf 70() Central aHlltt(' rntertain('d at ltt!Hheon and hriclge Tlmr-,rJa,· at \\'l'stmnrvland. in honor ni \fr.... :\ . \\-. l f:t,,·kc·.., "i . ·n,· \'c1rk. ,,·ho i~ tilt· L! til·.., t n i lw r . . i.., I< · r i 11-la \\ . \ f r-.. 11. l'. TL1\\kv .... oi 1--:-vnih\clrth. -() 1 \fr .... Jc1hn Sp:1rk;; ~111d \f r. :111rl \fr.... ll('inrlc1h 11i \\'i lml'lk. \\·hn"l' '-Oil.., \\Tl'l' in CLilll' at Cn :-t:ti Ltkv . \\·i ..... \\ith till' rhc·ir hco\'~ irot ll St .. \u ~tht i11l ·'-.. Fpi . . c(lpal c ·ht in·h. mc·torl'd th('rt· :tl tht· rl<hl' 11i r:1111p :J nc i. \\ itlt thvir -.on .... rc ·IILtiJJvd it·r ;1 hnt.:t':r.uJ in . c·. \fr. \l r-. \\" .. \. :1c1Jl1t :~nd Dodge Brothers, Inc., achieved third place in world production this Spring because they have been able -WITHOUT SACRIFICING FUNDAMENTALS- steadily to improve the smartness of their product. Owners and engineers know well that mechanically the car is ·s turdier than ever-cost of upkeep lower- and performance more dependable. .· Refinements and lower prices have been m·a de possible by spectacular increases in sales. Not by violating the basic tenet of Dodge Brothers success: NEVER TO LOWER QUALITY IN A SINGLE DETAIL. Touring Car $855.50Coupe Roadster 854.50Sedan $906.50 960.00 I \l:11111illl! rt·tttrnvd I·· ht·r :tikr i11 1\ ·t·!·i:t. \\ .t· dl!t'-d:t .' "Pt·f\( 1i llt.! tlll' Ft·tlrt ·lt c·i f11h '-'i · 1 ht ·:· -i . . 1t · r. \ 1r , . \\ ·i 11 i; 1111 . \ .· \ 11'1--:- l · i L!. h:111 . ltJ)_; \\' :tl111 11 :t\'ll1l1l' . Delivered c. M. 1019 Davis St. McDONALD Univ. 224 Evanston DCDEiE- BR.CTHER.S MDTDR I:ARS