WILMETTE LIFE July 2, 1926 'I I In North Avenue from Greeley Avenwe 1 to Ridge A venue ; 1 In . Hollywood Avenue from Ljreeley Avenue to nine hundred ninety (9!.10) feet B . W. Kellogg, Evanston manager east of Melvin A\'enue ; In Clover Hoad from Greeley A venue for the Franklin-Butler Motors comto Ridge Avenue ; pany, will enter a car in a nation-wide In Kenilworth Drive, south, from reliability run of 100 miles in length, Greeley Avenue to seven hundred (700) with the car driven in low gear feet east of Melvin A venue ; In Kenilworth Drive, north. from throughout the distance. The feat is Greeley Avenue to six hundred a nd ten one, it is said, which cannot be dupli(610) feet east of Melvin Avenue ; cated by any other American made In Melvin Avenue and automobile. Local newspaper men wi_ll In Melvin Avenue extended from Lin- ride in the Franklin in the 100 mile den A venue to Clover Road : In Linden Avenue from Melvin Avenue drive, acting as official observers and to five hundred and forty (540). feet east reporting events of the trip, planned of Melvin Avenue to the south; for today. In Alles Avenue from Elmwood Avenue The local run will be just one of to Washington Avenue; In Alles Avenu e from Kenilworth Ave- hundreds, since dealers in all section s nue to four hun4rf'd and thirty ( 430) feet of th e country wil1 stage a similar te st f':C\Uth ; on exactly the same day starting from · In Elmwood A venu e from All es A \'e- their respective point s at the same nu e to eig·ht hundred and thirt y-five hour, and reports of th~ accomplish- (f:35) fe et east ; In Franz Road from Alles Avenue to ments will be sent to the ce ntral ofeight hundrf'd and thirty-five (8 35 ) feet fic es at Syracuse, N. Y., where a cele cast; bration of the triumph of air-cooled In Kenilworth Avenue from Locust Street to two hundred and seventy (270) motors will be taking place, the occasion being the twenty-fifth anniverft'et east of Forest a venue ; In Locust Street from Kenilworth Ave- 'sary of the e stabli shm ent of the r.ue to two hu ndred a nd fiftee n (215) Fr a nklin company. t'eet north; In Grant Avenu e from two hundred and fifteen (215) feet north of KenilMr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr., and worth A venu e to three Hundred a nd ten their family 610 Washington avenue ( :; JO) feH south of Kenilworth ·Avenue ; are at Lake' Geneva for a few days. ' In Sherman Avenue hom two nuna~u'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and fifteen (215) feet north of Kenilworth A venu e to fi ve hundred and five (505) feet south of K enliworth Avenue ; In Cleveland .Avenue from two hundred and fifteen (215) feet north of Kee nilworth Avenu e to five hundred and five (fi05) feet south of Kenilworth Av e nw~ ; In Wentworth Avenue from Kenilworth Anmue to four hundred and thirty (4 :W) feet south of Kenilworth Avenu e ; In Forest Avenue from . Kenilw orth Avenu e to four hundred and thirty (4 :10) feet south of Kenilworth Avenu e ; In Glenvi ew Road from Wilmet te Avenue to ten hundt~d· and thirty ( 1O:HI ) feet southwesterly, the ordinance for the same oeing on tile in the office of the Vlllage Clerk of said Village, a nd sa id Village having appli ed to the County Court of Cook ·c ounty, Illinois, for ~ n assessm ent of the cost of said impro\·ement, according to benefits and a n assessment ther efor ha ving been made a nd r eturned to said Court (Docket No. 175) , the final hNt.ring thereon will be held ou the 19th day of July, A. D. 1926, a t 10 o'clock A. M., or as soo n thereafter &.b the business of the court will permi t. All persons desiring may fil e objections in said Court before said day and may appea r on the heartng a nd mak e tht> ir defense. Said ordina nce provides for the <'O il« ction of Raid a sses ~m e nt in ten annual installment~ and with a nnu a l int{· rt·Hl thereon at the r a t e of six (6) per ce ntum })er annum, a s provid t>d by law. Dated Wilmett e, Illinois, July 2nd, To Run Franklin Car 100 MUea in Low Gear PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 1 A. D. 1926. CHARLES N . Readiness EVA~ S . P erson appointed by the President of the Uoard of Local Improvements of the Village of W~m e tt P, Cook County, Illinoi s, to make sa id assessm<>nt. L40-2t c ALL over the then-known .l1.. world Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Heckler re turned Sundav to their hom e in Lan sing, Mi ch., ·after a fortnight' s visit with Mrs. Heckler's father and moth_. er, Mr. and Mr s: F. H. Haine s, 823 Gre e nleaf avenue. -o- M r s. Hugh R. Littell is here from 11 r s. Harry Wil son, to vi sit her parent s. l\[r. and 729 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. Littell, who was Miss Mary \Vilson, will be in \Vilmettc for several weeks . ~)cattle . I -oMr. and Mrs. R. C. K e \\'housc h ave leased the home o f Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hartman at 1129 Elmwood avenue, for one year. The Hartmans will spend the summer at Lake Catherine. the runners and moun ted messengers of ancient Assyria bore the decrees and edicts of their rulers. Trained for fleetness and endurance, these message bearers of a vanished empire stood at their posts, stripped for the task, prepared for instant dispatch of whatever was given them to speed to distant points. The universal message bearer now is the tt:!ephone. I t.3 nation- wide range has ·come about through a far-flung systen1 of wires, cables, switchboards and supplementary apparatus. Through the· co-operation of a vast army of men and won1en it daily transmits the thoughts and desires of millions. It is because of unceasing inspection, watchfulness, co-ordi:tlation and all else that makes for instant readiness that Americans to-day, anywhere, can tal!: to one another, any time. -o- M is s Jane Roberts, daughter of Mrs. Roscoe L. Roberts, 808 Greenwood avenue, left Wednesday for the girl's · Mortar Board camp. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM c. --oA. Ketler, 820 Greenwood avenue, has gone to the woods of northern Wisconsin over the Fourth of July on a fishing trip. One Policy "' One S~stem "' TELEPHONE's Universal Service FIFTIETH