Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1926, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE ·1 LIFE REAL ESTATE July 2, 1926 FOB RENT-IlOUSE·s HOUSE FOR RENT 395 MILTON Ave.· Glencoe; very comfortable; large wooded lot ; 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, glassed in Hlpg. porch, large sun porch; 2-car garage. Immediate possession. Rent: $125.00. Glencoe 1112. 2LTN40-ltc FOR RENT - HAMLIN LAKE. DElightful, furnish ed 5 room cottage ; $20.00 per week. Communicate with W. E. Davis, Lake Hamlin, Ludington, l\lich. Marine Service, Pier 170. care of J. W. F. Davies. 2LTN40-lte appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE i;tFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line ln any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. HINIMVH CUARGE, M eents. Average of live words to the hne. No t..~aclt tact! type used. 10% dl·eount on nil en11h wltlt order ndvertiMemt'nt· whe·n broupt to oar oftlee nt 1::22 Central Ave., \VIImette. or 584 Llncola Ave·· Wlnaefka. 'K- ... ~-to lil~ncoe inclusive whose names . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .. nrrwl Not.:~4~Classlfted -advertisements will be charged only Ge residents of the district from Evanston to Twiri Spanish Brick Homes EACH HOME HAS 7 ROOMS, GARAGE, red tile roof. Lot 100x188. Ideal for families desiring neighboring homes. Must be seen be apr>reciated. Price both homes : $66,000. See owner, 1028 Dinsmore ·Road, Winnetka, or Phone Winn etka 5301\·f. ll.TN40-ltc to llJIUs-15 I lnsertr'on~- Classified advertisements wlll ., cepted up to Wednesday 5 p, the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE Telep}\on~s: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2oo-;-200"l.. Deadline fior tor the NEWS. .m. for be ac- I I FOR SALE-DELIGHTFUL WINNETka. home. On side street near Jake ; 10 minutes' walk from Indian Hlll North Shore and North Western stations . Screened porch overlooking beautiful FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, garden ; garage ; large living rm., with July and August ; 8 rooms, 4 bedroms fireplace ; 4 sleeping · rms. ; Hart oil and enclosed sleeping porch ; large open burner. See owner on premises at 341 porch; two baths. · Near all transporWoodland Ave. Phone Winn. 237 tation. Phone for appointment: Winevenings. 1LTN38-tfp netka 1028. 2LTN40-ltc F'OR RENT FOR AUGUST, FURNished house ; 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 porches. PhonP- Winn. 9:.12. FOR SALE- UNUSUAL BARGAIN 2LTN40-ltp 6 RMS., ONLY 3 YRS. OLD ; H. W. ; sun par.; 3-car brick garage. Good east location, close to transp. Owner will FOR RENT - 4 ROOl\'l COTTAGE ON Washington near Reinwald, Gross tak e lot as part payment. Price $18,500. Point, Ill. 2LTN40-ltc REAL };STATE 1 REAL ESTATE Beautiful Brick Colonial FOR S.ALE ,· 'V\"'LMETTE: 6 ROOM & SUN PARLOR, BRICK COL- CHARMING 8 RM. ENG. COUNTRY home ; 3 baths ; h . w. ht. ; immense sun onial ; lot 50x150, Hot Water Heat, and sip. pchs. ; 3 fireplaces ; perfectly $16,000.00 wooded; landscaped lot 130x160 abounding in flowers and plants ; 2-car gar. ; 1157 Wilmette Avf'. ~ ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE, LOT 44x Ph. Wil. 640 FOR RENT - MODER~ BUNGALO"W, Can be bought for $15,000 less than re5 rooms, . sleeping porch, hot water 1LTN40-ltc 235, hot water heat, garage, production cost. heat. Winnetka 1907. 2LTN40-ltc $17,500.00 Kellastone housi", 2 years old. H. W. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, LOT 33x FOR RENT-APARTMENTS heat, 6 rooms and breakfast alcove ; :t 130, hot water heat, 4 dormers, 2 lavatories; fireplace; open screen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12,500.00 porch; insulated flaxilinum through- FOR RENT 2 RM. APARTME~T. Exclusive Agents out. Garage ; 50 ft. lot. Shrubbery. unfurnished. Private bath and sl~>ep720 Elm St., ·winn etka Ph. Winn. 254 6 ROOM & SUN PARLOR, BRICK COLImmediate sale, $14,000; $1,500, cash. lng porch. Near transportation. Ken~ 1LTN40-ltc onial, hot water heat, 2-car brick gaAddress Wilmette Life A-932. ilworth 1865. rage ; lot 40x165, ILTN40-ltc NOR1~H I'OR RENT 3 Rl\1. APARTMENT, $20,000.00 unfurnished. Convenient to all trans~ l<'OR RENT - AUG. 1ST FOR YEAR. portation. 851 Spruce St., Winn. 187R. ·5-room cottage ; lot 160 fe et on Sheri3LTN40-tfc: HAVE BEAUTIFULLY WOODED dan road, depth to lak e. $100.00 per frontage on Cutfish Lake, the crack month. FOR RENT 2-RM. KITCHENETTF. lake of the Eagle Waters Chain. For 831 Ridge Ave. Ph. Wilmette 364 apartments, steam hen.t and janitor furtht>r information write: Wilmette, Illinois service ; near transportation. Call Willl77 Wilmette Ave. Opp. Village Hall 1LTN40-ltc mette 1800. 3LTN 40-tf(· . Phones: Wilmette 1750 and 363 1LTN40-lte; !-'OR RENT -HEATED & FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and bath. 1% 1LT40-4tc bloeks w est of KP.rtilworth Station. Ph. FOR SALE - 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, Kenilworth 1146. ~ILT~40-ltp 772 LINCOLN AVE. choice location, near transportation and BUILT ON A 5% MARGIN BECAUSE schools. Price $12,500. Small eash FOR RENT - 3 NICELY Fl RNISHF.n of my business connections, yet I will · payment; balance same as rent. rooms and bath for light houseke epin g. sell at actuar cost my 8 rm. new brick AN ATTRACTIVE 7 Rl\1. STUCCO R<·asonable. Tel. Wilm ette 1482. colonial ; 3 baths ; h. w. ht. ; insulated home, excellent condition, glazed sun 3LTN40-lt(· Tel. Wil. 698 with flaxilinum and double Cabot's 407 Linden Ave. parlor, hot water heeat with Kleen 1L40~1tc <1uilt ; v::tlleys, gutters, decks, etc. all Heat oil burner; 2-car garage. Ow.ner FOR REXT - FRONT ROOM CLOSE eoJlper; large sun room, butler's panleaving; must sell. Price $18,000. . try ; sip. pch. ; all ceilings metal lath ; to trans. Suitable for one or two. 41 8 Make offer. Park An. Phone Wilmette 2269. all walls and ct>ilings painted; stee l 41...39-ltr eonst. ; 2-car brick garage. DUE TO AN UNEXPECTED CHAXGE B eautiful n ew 9 rm. brick home in Ken1LTN40-ltc in my affairs, I will sell my home at ilworth; 3 baths, 5 bedrooms. Every a sacrificf'. 6 rms., H. W. heat ; ga- FOR RENT - 5 ROOM APART:\fEXT. convenience. Exceptional value, $47,500. FOH SALE - 7 ROOMS, 3 BEDROOMS; Tile hath. Rear porch. Steam heat. Ti'T . rage ; large lot; choi ce location. Phone Winn etka 1387. 3LTX40-1te H. ·w . heat . . extra lav; 2-car garage , me for appointment. Win. 2a50. Also several exceptionally fin e lots in a brand new brirk hom e nestled among 1LTN40-l tc east section of K enilworth and Kennbeautiful trees in a n id eal section of FOR RENT-ROO:VS worth Beach at attractive prices. the village. Exceptional bargain. F'ORCED TO SELL - 'VOODLAN'D ~340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 444-68 PARK, DEERFIELD. Lot 2-Sec. 9, FOR RE:NT - 1 SINGLE ROO~[ A~ D 1LTN39-ltc and 1 large room with 2 beds; runningeast front on Stratford road. ·67lhx \Vater. Handy to "L." Want p e nna176%, sewers, streets and water in, and nt> nt people. Breakfast optional. 602 all du~ taxes and assessments paid. 1177 Wilmett e Ave. Om>. Village Hall ~Taple Ave., Wilmette 45S7. 41..40-lt c Must sell at once, $2,000 cash, or t-asy Phont-s: Wilm etH· 1750 and 363 ATTRACTIVE 6 Rl\1. STUCCO, NEAR ' terms to suit. Address Lift> A-907. 1LTN40-1tc "L" and Lake. H. W. heat. Fine land1LTN37 -t fp CEXTRAL HOTEL -LIGH1' OUTSIDE scaped lot. A bargain, $14,500, quick rooms for transi ents and r es ident:-:~ . FOR SALE action. G2!'l :\fain St. Phone Wilmette 1080. ~or·thwt>st Winnetka, h eavily wooded 4LT50-tfr lot, 100x150, south front; surrounded Well built 6 rm. bungalow, hot water by large homes ; in secluded spot yet 50 FOOT LOTS, SOME SHADED, Wl'fHheat ; garagP, fin e location near schools RE~T -LARGE, LIGHT BEDonl~r :~ blocks to steam and electric and in 7 blocks or Jess of Kenilworth sta- F'OR and transportation. A snap '$12.500. room with douhl.:> hed; n £>a r tran r-;p. 2 blocks to school. Priced at $125 per tion. Improvements going in soon. 420 Park AYe. T el. Wil. 293. ft. $1,250. These Jots are within one block Handsome 7 rm. bl'iek rt-sidence located 4L40-ltp of lots whkh sold for $3,000.00 and . in fin es t N. E. section ; 2 tile baths ; onr. Easy terms. Call Wilmette 3.",76. beautifully landscaped lot 70x180 ft. A FOR REXT - LARGE, LIGHT. WELL 460 Winnetka An Winn. 1800 1LT~40-ltc real home. $40,000.00 furnished room, privatt> bath: n t-ar 1LTN40-ltc lak P, and transportation. Winne tka l"OR SALE RESIDENCE, 7 RMS.; 154:1. 4LTN40-lt c h. w. heat; 4-car garage; lot 100xl65; shrubs, elm, maple, fruit trees; 1 blk. FOR RENT- 2 J...ARGF. ROOMS, OXE Wilmette 2760 7 ROOM STUCCO WI'l'H BEAUTIFUL421 4th St. Briargate golf course ; 2 blocks depot. with twin beds, to rest1onsibl e business ly landscaped, 100 ft. lot ; charming ar1LTN40-ltp $11,000. Phone Deerfield 115-M. Binpt>ople. 1046 Linden Ave. 4L39 -tfc rangement of rooms with differ·ent Yt:'t dahl. 1I.TN38-4tp homelikt· atmosphere; sunporch overTWO GE~TLEME~ ("AN HAVE NJC'E looking· garden. An (.'Xcellent value at FOR SALF..-BEAUTIFULLY WOODED room ; board, if desir d. Phont- \VilJUST REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE$23,000. lot 100x198 on Gregory near Thirteenth ml"tt<' 210. 4L40-ltp non-resident owner wants to dispose of ' st. best homesite to be found in Wilhis almost new red brick Colonial home mette. Price $110.00 per front foot. i) 4f.O Winnetka Ave. '¥inn. 1800 well located East ; large wooded lot, Phon e Owner: Kenilworth 1251. 1LT~40-ltc doubl e garage; 5 chambers and 2 1L40-ltc F'OR RENT - STORES AND SHOPS . baths ; 2 big porches, water heat ; new5LTN28-tfc 'l'<'lPphone Winn etka 62. ly decorated inside and out; vacant and POR RE~T - POSSESSION AT ONCHl', 5 room lower fiat in dwelling at 723 F'OR SALE - OWNER GOING EAST. ready to occupy; the land alone is l'OR RENT-GA. JL\GJ~S Centi:al Ave., Wilmette. Sleeping porch Nt>w 6 room stucco house in Winnetka's 6 worth half the price ; we can now sell and garage. $135.00 pt· r month inbeautiful North Shore section. Mrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · at $28,500. Here is a home worth inD. E. Noe, Winnetka 2128. FOR RE~T SPACE IN 2-CAR GAeluding heat. vestigating. 1L40-ltc rag-P, 530 Linden AVP., Tel. Wil. so:DI. Bargain just listed in a wooded 50-foot ----------------!iL40-l tc End of "L" l1'0R SALE - IN WILMETTE ; LO'rS lot Southeast near hoth grade and high 410 Linden Ave . 7 W ,\ ~·n:n 'fO Jl.EST-HOT:SE Phones: 'Vii. 407-408 schools. $150.00 per foot. See and act on C'hestnut, Ashland, 7th avenue and 11.40-ltc quick. Sheridan with rjp, rights and piers · WAXTJ~D-WILl\fF~TTE, WINNf~TKA, little down; long time. John P. Gage: or ( ~ len<"oc· ; 7 or 8 room furnished FOR SALE Vinland, New Jersey. 1L38-tfc house until May 1st. Must be modern 0NE OF THE VERY FEW RE:\fAI~ and up-to-date. Address \Vilmetto ing· lots in southeast Winnetka, 53x Life A-!'130. 7LTN40-1tc T el. Win. 1544 Winnetka Office ~37, wooded. 'l'he price of $150 per I·'OR ~ ,\LB-GOOD 7-ROOM: HOUSE Indian Hill section. East side. Con~ 1LTN40-ltc foot includes plans for a 6 room home, HELP WANTF.D-FEMALE Yenient to transp. Phone K enil. 18::!. 12 Xew England cottage design. Phone 1LTN38-tfc --------~--------· POR SALE ~10DERX 5 ROOM Winnetka 1802. WHITE, EXPERIbungalow, not quite completed. Near 1L1'N40-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED-GIRT..., <'nced o.r not who has intelligence and transportation. All improveme~ts in ~T ANTED 50 FOOT LOT IN WIL<'hnractE'r for ~enE>ral work and hE>lP and paid for. Terms to suit. · 800 S. 1 JOUSE FOR SALE BRICK. ADmette or Winnetka. Call F. S. Moore, with children. Prefer girl who wantR dress Wilmette Life A-923. St. Johns Ave., Highland Park. H. P. Kenil. 167 or .Address Wilmette Life a pleasant permanent homt>. Phonf' : 1 L'rN 40-ltp 2370. , 1L1'N40-ltc A-936. 1LT40-ltp Winnetka 105. 12LT40-ltc UNIQUE VALUE F. Coleman Burroughs WOODS LAKE FRONTAGE E. Y. WHITSETT, Eagle River, Wis. F. J. Budinger & Co. ~ Jl¥fl oJJ ©lffiiiD~tl:© Ifil & CC© o (QJ~~®Jf Paul Schroeder & Co. BARGAIN HONEST VALUES IF oJJ oI83uncdlniiD~®If & CC©o Wonderful Investment E. E. Stults Realty Co. In Southeast Winnetka WINNETKA BARGAINS E. E. Stults Realty Co. Eddington & .AJlen· Inc.

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