WILMETTE LIFE · July 2, 1926 NEGRESCOU, HAIR EXPERT Women who seek perft:ction in their hair dress and who destre a marce.l, are finding that Negrescou, tht: ~atr specialist, at 1314 Steven~ bmldmg, Chicago, is one of the leadm~ experts in his line. Mr. Negrescou, wtth. years of experience in his line, gives hts persona l attention to all permanen~ waving , personally winding . the ~~~tr and superintending the heattng. .I he flat marcd so much in demand , ts wound in a J;er111anent ,~·an· by ~egrescou and ahnost exclusively hy hun. Evanatonian·to Have New Home in Wilmette G. P. Kroschel, the well known con tractor residing on Rheinwaldt avenue, Wilmette, has completed the ex cavation and foundation for a six room house which he is building at 1736 Highland avenue, Wilmette, for Peter Borre of Evanston. The house will be two stories, com prising six rooms, and in addition, tw c. large sun ·rooms, one front and o 11 ,: rear. The house will be of bric k veneer, a smooth, yellow brick bei n1 t used in the construction. It will have a tile roof. There will be a two-ca r. brick garage. Mr. Kroschel says he expects t' , have the building completed hy ~ep tember 1. and he has a record ff,r speed and efficiency in construction n1 which he bases his estimate. He ha , just completed a five-room hric k hungalow for his brother." Ted Kro -. chd. at Glenn Oak Acres, which !11· \Vas only six weeks in building. H i) brother's house is ready to move in to this week. BUYS EVANSTON PROPERTY Mrs. C. C. Linthicum, 1900 Orrington avenue. Evanston. has just purchased the property. kno\\·n as .13071 G- ll Chicago. ayenue in~pr.oved wtth a one -s ton- butldtng con ststmg of three : tores; (tuplex. and garages. John F. Hahn. represented the sellers, Ho~~n -~on & Jenks, Inc., the purchaser. I he property will he lllanaged hy Hokan <on 1 &F:~:k~, ~:~ SPEEDING Imported 1able DC'cOicltions Hipp & Coburn Co. Jewelers and Silver smiths J useph Ross. 210(i Calumet avenue, l'hica~o. was_·arrested ~~~ . a cha.r.ge of speed111!-(, h~ . motorc~ cit p~ltccman George Schaeter last ~londa~ morn;~\g, an? \ras la~er fined $10 and. costs hy Pollee ~fagtstrate_ D. ~L ~1tckcy. l~oss. who , \\"a~ passmg through the I WILMETTE ~E~CH CU.ARD 1 Joyce Brahner Smtth, of l·.vanst lli ·. has returned from \\.eslc,·an college :11 Bloomington, Ind .. and w~ll take a JHh ;. tion as a guard at the \Vilm ctic h;t r'. ing beach this summer. 915 Marshall Field Annex Building Main Floor, Wrigley Building vtltagc on Shrndan road, told the policr that he was an actor. He entered a pte a of gtt"itty to the charge of speeding. Read The Want Ads Chicago Telephone (both stores): Randolph 2542 )Ou Happy&altb Bowman's Milk is full, cream milk-rich in all the vitamins sa necessary to vigorous, red-blooded health. Drink it freely-at least a quart a day-and see how much better you feel. Bowman's Milk is fresh and pure; Nature's greatest contribution to mankind. For the good it will do you and yours start drinking it today. Simply telephone our nearest distributing station or order from any Bowman Mi'l:man. Do it now -before you fc . _ 't. Let Nature Give :k~~ ' r 'i: . Final Clearance Sale Now in Progress / ORIGINAL IMPORTED MODELS Regardless of Cost AMAZING VALUES OFFERED 660 Rush Street at Erie CHICAGO