28 WILMETTE LIFE June 25, 1926 Street of Graduates Is Found in Wilmette The eight hundred block on Elmwood avenue, \Vilmette, claims a unique distinction-that of having the largest number of representatives in the graduating class at Nc·w Trier High school this year. The list includes Elizabeth DeBerard, 802 Elmwood avenue; Llewellyn Bowen, SO<J Elmwood avenue; Frederick Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue; Hugh Campbell, 829 Elmwood avenue, and Elizabeth Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue. Frederick Schmidt v;as president of the class of 1926. The same block on Elmwood avenue also claims another graduate in the person of Irving Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, who completed his course at the Missouri Military academy. Art Institute Faculty Honors Wilmette Artist Miss Alice Mae Jackson of 1017 E lmwood avenue has received honorable mention from the faculty of the Chicago Art · institute. One of her pamtmgs, "The Departure of the Fleet," which was ~hown in the recent North Shore Artists' exhibit, is no'v being exhihited in the east gallery in the Art Institute. Miss ] ackson i~ accompanying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jackson, a motor trip to their sumnter home at Portage lake, Mich ., where she "'ill do some out-of-door painting during the. summer. ·4 ·-~ ....- ., l on KNOW ILLINOIS! Bank Deposits of $3,273,000,000 during 1925--$532 for each person in the State-set a high record for Illinois. The largest projecting electric sign in the world has been installed on a Chicago theatre. Electricity sufficient for a town of 8,000 persons is required to light it. Illinois' 44 towns of 10,000 or more persons have 59 per cent of the State's population. Illinois' 2,345 bakeries lead . all other industries in the State in number of establishments, according to the latest Cnited States Census. The Grand Army of the Republicthe G. A. R.-was formed by Civil War veterans in Decatur in 1866. Annual production of manufacturcq gas in Illinois is sufficient to cook meals for the entire population of. the United States for two weeks. Illinois farms have an average acreage of 134.8 acres. The average improved acreage is 115.1. Imported Inlaid Servin~ Trays Hipp & Coburn Co. · Jewelers and Silversmiths 915 Marshall Field Annex Building Main Floor, Wrigley Building Thomas ]. Tubbs, 1350 Gree·nwood avenue, left June 20, for a four weeks' buisness trip in Michigan. Mrs. Tubbs is leaving June 28 for an extended trip abroad. -oMr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Edinger, 2133~ Ridge avenue, Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter, .\-farilyn Jane, June 12, at the Evanston hospital. --oThe Home and Garden club of Kenilworth journeyed to Lake Forest Mondav to view the Rockefeller McCormick, the Chase, the Douglas and the Chapman gardens. ---{)- Chicago Telephone (both stores): Randolph 2542 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mrs. Otis Heath of Evanston entertained ~,t a "bon voyage" bridge party Mondav afternoon in honor of her Mrs. Sidney Ball of Indian Hill ensister, Miss Katherine Stolp of Kenil- tertained her Kenilworth bridge club worth. at luncheon Wednesday. ( Another Reduction - $40 to $50 Tudor Sedan $545.91 Delivered Down Payment $156.00 Balance $39.00 a month Coupe $535.57 Delivered-$156.00 Down~Bal~ $.38.00 a ffi()nt.h Runabout $401.39 Del.-$119.00 Down-Bal. $29.20 a month Fordor Sedan $597.01 Del.-$170.00 Down-Bal. $42.50 a month CLOSED CARS IN GRAY PEROXYLIN . FINISH f..umtuunnmmwuwuuummrmnrrmrummmunrnrrrurrurrnrrrrrlurrrrurrllllllllllllllllllllllrrrrru·rrllllllllllllllllllllll nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiU,,tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh.