June 25, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE .... I I ·1!·~; I Joseph Marshall Marries Chicagoan Married Saturda.v at Church Service·--------Charming simplicity was the keynote of a we~ding of Saturday, June 19 ·. the occaslon of the marriage of Mtss Dorothy Lizars, daughter of Mr. an~ Mrs. Herman Stoddard Pelton, of Chtcago, to Joseph Bowman Marshall Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bow: man Marshall of 1040 Elmwood avenue. The Rev. A. D. Kolkebeck read the service at 4 o'clock in the chapel of the Church of the Atonement, Chicago, before an altar graced with candles and white veonies. ~he ~ride wore a <l'ress of white sat 111 wtth a collar of lace. A coronet of lace held the tulle veil in place and she car~ied bouquet of valley 'lilies and whtte roses. The maid of honor th~ bridegroom's sister, Miss Mar; Ehzabeth Marshall, wore a dress oi -apple gre~n taffeta with the scallops of the ttght, sleeveless bodice and I lwuffant skirt faced with orchid taffeta. Her hat was of orchid braid trim!l1cd with a single flovver, and sh~ car:ted a large, grace£ ul bouquet of Photo by Borgfeldt] spnng flowers in pastel shades. Mrs. Harvey N. Bowen Joseph Bowman Marshall served his ~fiss Sy lvia Turnrr of Wilmette beson as best man, and Marshall \Vebber of \Vilm ette, and Ross Lizars of Chi- came the bride . of H arvcy Newland cago were the ushers. Ho\\'en, of the same village, Saturday A small reception for the immediate afternoon. June 1(). The bride and families and relati\'es was held at the g-room havr gone to the woods of close of the ceremony in the Prince northern \\'isconsin on their wedding of \Vales room of the Sovereign hotel. trip. and upon their return, they will ~I r. ~1 arshall and his bride departed reside at 1314 Forest avenue, \Vilm ette. immediately afterwards on a motor trip to Eagle River and Star Lake, ~fonda v of this wrek Miss Frances \Vis. Ho\\·anl gave a luncheoti at her home , 1055 \Vilmettc avenue, for Miss Jane ~Irs. Arthur H. Howard, ~Irs. J. j l'urm·ll. who is moving to Aurora in \\'elton Fisher, Jr., Mrs. B. F. Blv- , the near future. myer and Mrs. !\I. H. ~'fc11 illen le-ft j -o~!on day to motor to th~ summer home ~~ rs. Edward D. Lilienfield, L)~ ~1 r s. D. £?avid at _Frankiort, ~f ich ., I ~~ ichigan. avct~ue, left \Ved!1csda!' for \\ hrr(' the~ wlll remam for a week. CharlevOix, ~ftch .. on a fishmg tnp. '· I ~MJ~.MMJB~A!J1tss7 SHERMAN AVENtJE Evanston a Have You Tried The Patty·Shoppe Famous Coffee Cakes? Special for Saturday Fresh Blueberry Pies I i' l' ..... '. I ""\ \. J ' 1 For Your Four O'clock Teas French Pastries Patty Fours Lady Fingers Cookies Or Any Cake 1tiade to Order !. 1 861 1 1 The PattY Shoppe 1153 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 575 1 Wilmette's New Jewelry Store Offers Exquisite Jewelry Gifts Sure to Charm and Endure! For that wedding or anniversary that is approaching we offer the choicest gifts. Here are pieces of Jewelry of sparkling luster, silver ware and plate of the finest, watches and clocks of the best well known makes, brasses and high grade no· velties. Repair Departmeltt Equipped to do high grade \\'atch and clock rep<~iring-gold. silver and platinum je\\'elr~· remodeling atHI rrpairing-:-;il\'cr plating and repairing in all ih branches. l'lock." c a ll<:d for and cklin~rcd. 411... ' <' ' \ ', . Saturday, June 26t\h June 2flth is gift Saturda\'- For the benefit oi those \\'ho · \\'ere unable to attend our formal opening la st Saturday, \n~ han: ..re:-;enecl a little gift. Dr<JP in and get acquainted a nd your little giit. ~aturclay. Optical Department PAUL DAVEY Jeweler 1165 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 6