Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 51

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June 18, 1926 tanks not less than two feet below the level of the floor. The floor immediately above the tanks sha,ll be of re-Inforced concrete at least six inches in thickness (for tanks of 1,500 gallons or less four inches in thickness), or· some othe; type of construction of equivalent strength and fire resistance, extending at least one foot beyond the outline of tanks in all · directions, and provided with ample means of support independent of any tank. All provisions applying to outdoor underground tanks shall apply to inside underground tanks except as provided above. W ILME T .TE LIFEburner, return pipes shall be at least -ht same size. (c) Pipe connections to tanks shall be suitably re-inforced and proper allowanct- made for expansion and contraction, jarring and vibration. (d) Openings for pipes through rnasonry walls below the ground level shall lJt- made oil and water-tight and securP.ly paekt' d with flexible material. (e) All connections shall be made p e rfectly ti~ht with well fitted joints. Unions s hall be used at burners to facilitate removal. All unions shall be of approved lYJlt-, having conieally faced joint, without the use of packing or gaskets. . (f) Piping shall b e run as directly as JHIH!:>ible, and in the case of pumping systt- ms, so laid that if practicable the pipes 'n· pit ch e d bac k toward the storage tank withf·Ut traps. (g-) Systems unde r pressure shall be d~: s ign e d for six time s the working })r ess un· and in!;ta llalion when complete shall ht· t ~:ste d and prove n tight at twi<'t! th e tmtximum working pressure. I 4 · '· :t ' ... - t - ~ ·· f 1 r.orth of the center line of Isabella Street produced west from Nanzlg Ave.;. nue except acro88 the alley eot.~h of WilORDINANCE. Avenue, Special Assessment ~o. It s)lall be the duty of tha Fire 'Mar- mette shal to enforce all of the provisions of 170, of the County Court of Cook County, this Ordinance and he shall have full Illlnols. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons power to pass upon any questions arising under the limitations contained herein. interested that the Board of Local Improvements, of said VIllage, has heretoSECTION 15. PENALTY. fore filed in said Court, in said cause. AnY person, · tirm or corporation that a certificate showing the cost of the violates, neglects or refuses to comply improvement, the amount reserved for with or resist enforcement of any pro- illterest, leaving no excess to be abated visions of this Ordinance, shall be fined in reduction of said assessment, and also not Jess than $5.00 nor more than $200.00 that said improvement has been comfor each otrense, and every such person, pleted in subRtantial conformitY to the firm or corporation shall be deemed SECTION 4 guilty of a separate offense for each and requirements of the original ordinance INSIDE STORAGE TANKS every day on which such violation, n eg- the refor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether _ or Inside storage is regarded as much lect or r efusal shall continue. not the facts stated in said certificate more hazardous than outside storage. are true, and that said cowrt has fixed Where used, th e following require m E" nts Sl~CTION 16. All ordinancee and parts of ordinances Thursday, the 8th day of July. A. D. shall he rigidly atlplied: in any manner in conflict h er e with arc 1926, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon SETTING AND ENCLOSING OF thereafter as the business of the court hPr eby r(·pf'a led. TANKS. will permit, at the room of said County (a) Tanks shall not be locat ed above Court in the County Building, in the SECTION 17. the lowest storage cellar or bas(·m c nt of 'l'his Ordinance shall be in full force City of Chicago, in said Cook County, building_ and e ffect from and after its passage, as the time and place for the hearing (b) Tanks shall be located b e low th e SI·;CTIO~ i. VALVES. (a) lh·adily accessible val vet; shall be approval and publication in accordance on said application. All persons desiring l£ovE>l of any piping to which they may b~ may file objections in said Court before connected, or if this is impractica l, satis- pr(l\"ifl('(l nt·ar pach burn er and also c lose with law. PASSED by the President and Board said day and may appear on the hearfactory arrang·1·nwntH Hha ll ht- mad e to 111 thf· auxiliary tank in the pipe line to of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, ing and make their defense. prt-'vent siphoning ot· gravity flow in ease burners. (b) Control va l\"t·H :-:hall be of approv- o n the 1st day of June, A. D., 1!!21i, Dated, June 17, 1926. of accidt:nt t o th~:- equipme nt o r piping. (c) Tanks s ha !I b e set on a firm efl tnw provided with stuffing box of and dt·J)OSited and fil t-d in th e offi('f· of EARL E. ORNER, Jih1·ral .-izl· ('l)nta.ining- a rt'mova ble c up- thf· Villag-e Cl<· rk of said Villag(-, thi~ f(lttndation d1·sig-n Nl to carry th e load. JOHN C. BAKER, 1s t day of June, A . D., 192fL pNl gland llt·sig-llt'd to eomprt-ss the (d) Stt·el tanks of O\'(·r 275 gallons caELMER D. BECKER, NICHOLAS J_ MILLER, packing ag·ainst the val\·~_· stem and arpacity ~hall lw ('Otnpll-tdy en c lmwd with WILFORD W. DeBERARD, Villag-P Clerk. rang-E:-d so as tq faf'ilitat c r e mo~· aL r t--infor('f'O con <' rt't P nnt J t:s~ than 12 CLARENCE E. DRAYER, APPHOVED by th e Pre!:iide nt of the Valvtshall bl' dt--sig-nt'd to close agamst inches thic k or its equivalf'nt, with at PAUL A. HOFFMAN, \ ' illag-t"· tlf Wilmf'ttt', thi s 1st day of th <· supply, anrl tn Jlrt·n ·n_ t withdrawal of lt·a st a fi-in('ll spa(·· · on sides hetween JOHN F. WIEDLIN, .Jun1 ·, A . D ., lf\26. stt>m by eon tinued nJH·ratwn of the handtank and eoncrde filled with sand or EARL E. ORNER. Board of Local Improvements of the Wf-11-tampecl t·arth nnd with 12 inc hes of whed. Tlw usc of pa ck ing affN'tt·cl by President of the Village Village of Wilmette. oil <·T heat is prohibite d. sand on top of tank, t- ithe r b etweE" n tank L38-2tc of Wilmette. (c) E:\H~WiENCY CO~THOL . and concrPtP ~lab nr aho,·e concr{'te slab. ATTEST: 1\l ea ns for thl:' r t·mott· c1mtrol of thf: Stora~t- in~id t~ building- shall not t-·xceed ~IC'HOLAS .T. MILLER, f\ow nf oll thr"u ~h th·' hurnt"r ~hould bf· 5, 000 gallon s. \'illag-e Clerk. AN ORDINA~CE FOR THE APPROfnr UH· ' in .-. mc rg·~c~m·y n nrl a proYid e d PRIATION OF FUNDS FOR 'l'HE Nott-: !'\o otwn s pae e ~ shall b<· perin \VtLMETT~; LIFE on the Publi~l wd WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT FOR mittNl arnun1l tank:-: as such spa 'f·s may si~n inrlicatinJ!' it~ purpn~t· shou\(1 b t· loJ unt-. A. D., 1926. (':1tHl at tht· (·nntroJ flt'\' IC t'. ~ th day of THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH f(!rm pockf-ts of l'Xplosive vapor. NICHOLAS .L 1\IILLEH.. NO'l'F. : A swit('h in th f:' motor sUillllY :n, 1927. \' illag Ch·rk. ci r(·uit may St'f\'t · this purpo!:\t· fnr. an BE IT ORnAI:-\ED by the Board of fo\Jo:("I'JO.:-.J :> . l·lc·etrically-drin·n t·quipnwnt ,,r a quwk-----Commi!:'~lom· rs of WILMETTE PARK A 1· XI LL\ HY OH SER\'Tf'l': T.\~KS. .-losin::r valn· In tht · oil s upply lint· arDISTRICT: ( n) nravity ft ·t·(l to burnf'r from r:l. ng-t·d to ht' "twra h ·d from a . S;_t f lueaf-itht ·r auxiliary tank or 27f.-g-allons tion , prderahly oUtHifl·· tlw hull<ltn::r. may SEC'TIO:--: L That the following !'tnrag-, . tftnk may lw pe rmitted if suitamounts be and tht·y are hereby approl'!hll' autr·matit' ~afo - g-uanl!-; to ]lrrv1·nt ab- h<· ust·d. )Jriat ~:d o ut of the funds coming to the nf,rmal discharl!'t· of oil at the burner S!<X'TI'O~ s. l:WH:--;~R~ _ l~and!:i ur said Board of Commissioners, :-trt· pro\·ido ·<l . .-\uxiliar~· pressur<· tanks (a) Rdon· thoinstallatiun of an~otl T~ THE ::VL-\TTJ·:R OF THl': !-:il:-'ECIAL by virtue of a tax levy of said District h~ving- a <':t padty n11t tn eX('f'Nl r.o g-albunwr, it shn\1 \w suhmittt'd tu thtFin· ASSES!-'.\lE:\T of the Yillag-( · of \Vil- for the fiscal ~- t'ar e nding March .31, 1927, ll·ns may ~,, . Jl· ·rmi tt~>·l If saft-g-uarded as )fars hal for apprn\·aL Only su~·h mt-ttc for tlw itnpro\'t>nwnt conH isting lof ;.u1d from other sourc(·S, for the followsp····i fh·d in t 111- prd'dli ng M nten ce. hurnr·rs as lw appro\·,-s shall bt· pl·rmttconstru <" ting- a l'onnedt:d syst<·m of ing· punwst· ~. nam ely: (h) Tf loeatt·tl within a building , tanks On :H~ f'OU~t of _1h C Portland eon<"rl'le et·mt·nt sidPw~lks fiv e ~ha 11 not Itt· wi1 b in 10 fo·d , m· ·a!' un d tl'fl for installation. (; E~ElL\JJ lT .SD t·XJlt"Tts·· of mnldn~- adt"quat e tnn· stl~~~- f ee t and four im-hts (5'4") w!df' 0 11 th h(·rizont<t 11~- from tlw boikr. 1it·lls of tht · saf.-ty of all typl·S of 011 south side uf Cluv~: r P.oad from a point For sa la ri es of Secretary, Treas- (<') <:ra\· it~- or pro -~ sur· - t:tJtlo\ sh:ll l hf' ure r and AttornE-y __ .......... $ 660.00 !-'Uh~tantiall\· and rig-irllv installl'fl on in- l·urnt· rs. llk Fir-· )fa.rshnl m:LY ae~ e llt 550 l ett w est of the east line of H.idg·e 300.00 ('romhustihlt: supports in suf'h n manner the finding-s of Hflll1· ' pTOJWl'lY quallfi t-d An-nu t to tht· t·aHt litw (Jf Grt·t'lt'Y .-\YP- For lighting of Parks ..... .. . 600.00 :-t~ to in ~ un · prt·t··l' tion ag-ainst J11(·t·hank- lo··d~- equipJW(\ for ··XIlt'rinwntin!!'. ti·Ht- Iollt'; also on th t· north ~ide of Clov~:-r For wat~:r t o be ust-d in Parks. ing-, insp\·ding· tht· run of goods _at ~he Hoad from the t::ast lint of C:reelcy Ave- For Stlt:cial A~!:i~:ssment against al injury. 75.00 the Park District Real Estate. (d) Tanks for Rystrms und~"r pres- fa<"tory and so· n ·iee Yalu t· dt>termmatton nut· to tht· WI.'St litH: of Hidg An·nue; imqw c tions and whose al:,;o un th~: t·ast !'idt· of Ur ·el y .-\ \"t·nu e For wages and t·xpenses of the ~ure shall be dt>~ig-n t>d for six timf'H the through fi..\d . 500.00 Police s~:rYiCl' ... ....... ..... . maximum working- prt ssur and be finding-s Hr· · suhjt-ct to appeal to th~: and 1111 tht· w~;· st sidt· "nd on th e east t f's tt-rl and provr n tig-ht at twlee the Bureaus nf ~~~lndards. side of M elvin An:nue , across Clover l·'or wages of laborus and othe r l~bor t'X p t:nse .......... - ... . 9,000.00 m·a "imum workinJ!' prp·~surt' : maximum Hoad, ex<:e pt the et:ntral tw e nty-two (22) working pressure ~hall n o t <'XCe<'rl 51 ftt:t thd't·of, Spl'dal .-\ssessmt:nt ~umbe r For const ru ction and maintenSP.f'TTO~ !L DAMPERS. an<:e of Parks, exclusiYe of . pound~- 'T'ankR ~hall be j)roYidNl with a Pampers "-hi<'h may e~ti.rdy close th~ 168, of tht.· ( 'ounty ( 'ourt of Coo k County, lauor . __ __... . _... _.......... . 2,675.00 rr-1i::th1P prf'!"<:l!r" l!aUg'P :o nd automatiC re- ehimnt-Y uptake are proh1b1ted. · J?amtl~l Illin ois . }1ef valve piped to discharge outside of an·a shoul1l \w r.a refully fl et e rmtnt·d 111 ~()TI('l<~ i~ tH-rt ·l!y g·ivt:·n to all pt-rSOIIS For eX)h'nSt'S of collecting and disbursing f-' ntin· appropriat ht· huil11imr . (':t<·h ca!'-lt', hut in no case shall it he intt-rt'!:·t '-'d that tht' Board of Loca l Im700.00 (E>) Gaug-inJ!' rlevic e~ or t· ·Rt w f' ll~. the g-rt-ater thnn ):0f,7, of the internal ero~~- pron·nwnts , of said Yillag-t·, has here totion _...... .... - .. -- ......... . breakage of which would permit the s<'dion an·a nf tl1f' upt~ke. fN e filed in said Court, in said cause, a H('a)w of oil nr vapor within tht· buildIt is r<·r·omnwnfl· ·d that wh ere auto- certificate showinK tht· cost of tht' im- Total General Fund to be raised ing-. ~hall h<' proh!hitf'l1 . by taxation ................... $14,5(10.00 matic operation is provide d by mt·anf' 1:-f provem~nt, the amount reserved for in(f) Am::ill:u~· tankR shall be filled by a room tlH·rmo~tat, the installation should tHest, t>:l~ · ··'· · nt 11f incumbrance on and that there is the sum ot F· pumping from ~torage t:wk, or If gravity br <·quipperl with an additional thermo- $196.90 to be abated in reduction of said Real · Estate heretofore .pur(·r prc-ssurf' tank contains the entire static contn·l to prt>Yf'nt abnormal watPr assessnwnt, and also that said improvechased by the Board au.i in~torage, fill and \' f' nt pipf'S Rhl'lll f'X- t Pmp(· raturP. abnormal steam pressure or terest thereon and expenses ment has lwt-n eomplett>d in substantial tt>nd to. nnrl tPrminatf' outRirle thE> build- m ·H h e at <:-rl hot-air furna<'l' ducts. Such connected therewith . . . . . . . . . . 9,500.00 conformity to the rettuirements of the in~. as provhlrrl hf're inhe fort>, and in su<'h automatic !-:hut-off d e ,·ice should h,_. ~n For the payment of land to be ('RRf'R tank shall bf' sn installed that in arrang-ed that it must b e r eset mamw Jly _ original ordinance therefor, and has apcondemned or purchased for plit>d to said court to consider and d ete rcasr of overflow, oil will not enter buildpark purposes, for the build!lline wht·tht> r or not the facts stated in in~!'SECTION 1 0 _ ing, maintaining, improving said certificate are true, and that said (fT) 1\famHtlly OJWI':ttNl t·il pumps \HWO INSTRUCTION ARD and protecting the same, and court has fixed Thursday, the 8th day or in filling- auxiliary tank from the m~dn A card g-iving complete instructi{lns on other lands heretofore con!'torage tank ~hall h e nf :\pprnved tyne, rf·J:!:ard tn th e cart' and OJ)f>ration of the July, A. D., 1926, at ten o'clock A. M .. demned or purchased, and for ~eeurf' fiJ!'ain!'t lf' aks. with chE-ck valv<>S svstt-m shall be p e rmam·ntlY postt-d near or a!:i soon tht·reafter as the business of the payment of the expenses the ('OUl't wiH permit, at the room of lo<'ated :H~ <'lose to pump as convrnif'nt. incid ent thereto ............. 10,500.09 ~aid ~o unty Court in the County BuildPumps shall hi" tightly fal"tf'n Pd in place. tlH· apparatus. Ing, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook F'ur construction and furnishings AP'l'O::\fATTC PUMPS. SEf'TTON 1 L PF.RMI'l~ REQVIHED. of Comfort Station in OullCounty, as the time and place for tht:: Oil pump!' usf'd in filling- A.uxilian· ~o pHson. firm or corporation shall inmdte Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000.00 tank from main storag-f' tank shall b P of stall any oil-burning system or storage hearing on said application. All persons appro\'f'd typf" ~f'('Ure ag-ainst leaks, with tank fnr the Ul"t> tlwreo f, without hadng- desiring may file objections in said $25,000.00 Court before said day and may appear chf'ck va l\'f'S ln<':ltf'd a~ ('lo~e to pump as obta im·d p(·rmit therfor. on the hearing and make their defense The foregoing to be paid from conn·nif'nt. Pumps !"haH be rig-idlY proceeds of the sale of Bonds DA Tl'::;D, June 17. 1926. fastt·n<'rl in placf'. SF,C'l'TON 12. Automatic p\lmps not an integral part of said District. EARL E. ORNER, APPLICATION FOR PERMIT of. th<' oil hurnPr shall hP of an approved For maintenance and other exJOHN C. BAKER, ThP apnlication for su<'h p ermits for type, prE>fE>rahly, provided with automatic t h(' installn tion of any oil-burning- syspenses of Bathing Beach, inBL:\tER D. BECKER. mf'a nl" for prevPntinl! <'ontinuous dis- tPm anrl storag-f' tank for the use thE-re\VILFORD W . DeBERARD, cluding conduct of Rdectory ('harge of oil In cas<' of pipe breakage. and Bath House ............ $ 8,000.00 CLARENCE E. DRAYER, of. shall bf> made to the Superintendt'n1 P.-\UL A. HOFF~LAN, t'he foregoing to be paid out of of Puhlic ·works and shall conform to SF.C.'T'TON n. PIPING. funds derived from income of .lOHN F. WIEDLIN, thE> general provisions of the Ordinance (a) Stanoarrl, full weiJ!'ht, wrought 0f the Villag-e relating to applications Board of Local lm)lrovements of the operation of Bathing Beach, iron. stE>f·l or hraRR nipe with ~uhstantinl for permits and shall spedfy the locaRefectory and Bath House. Village of WilmE-tte. . tittinJ,rs !'hall hP ll~f'd and shall be care- tion nr place in which it is proposed to L38-2tc fully prott-<'ted aJrainst me<'hani<'al injury install su('h nil-burning- system and su<'h SI~KING FUND in a m::lnnE>r ~atisfa('tory to the inspt>ct- <:tora.g-e tank for the use thereof. the SPEt'IAL ASSES!UIE'ST NO'flCE For thE> payment of the princiine- offkf'r ha.vln!!' juriRdi,..tlon. In ~11 T'l'lmP of RU~h oil-burning- !'lystem and thf' pal of bonds of the issue of pining syst<'ms prOJ)<'f ? llnwR nN· sha II bf' (>nnstruction of storage tanks or other VILLA(iE 0}' WIL)IE'l"l'E February 1, 1917, as follo,·s: · madE> fflr E>:-<nan~lon anrl contractfnn. jnr- cnntaim·rs to bP u~ed therefor. rinJ! and vihrf\tion. All ioints shall hf' Every f'UCh application shall bt> anWllnat>tte "Jit'Chtl At~sessment :Xo. ne. Bonds Nos. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65, due February 1, 1928 .... $ 6,000.00 rna itP with 1i tha rl!f' or shellac. r·ro,·E>d hv the Fire Marshal of the VllAll piping shall hf' SPparatE>d from lagt> befo.re a permit shall be issu~(L I~ THE :\lATTER OF THE SPECIAL 1:-"or the payment of the prindt>lf'<'tri(' wire" not Pn<'ln~ed In apnrovPrl pal of bonds of the issue of ASSESS:\lENT of the Village of Wll('Onrluit ra<'f"wavs or armoured <'able, by June 1, 1923, as follows: mHte for the improvement consisting of ROmP ~onttnuou·~ and firmly fixed nonSEC'T'TON 1:\. PERMIT FF?E. Portland Bonds Nos. 84, 85, 86, and 87, Nmdu<'tor <'rP::ltlnJ! a pt>rm:tnf'nt sPpRrR-, For ~ach application for perm1t thE-re ( onstructing and laying a due December 1, 1927_ . . . . . . . 4,000.00 tion as provided in the National ElE-ctric "'ha II bE> accompanied a fee of $3.00 for e~:·ment concrete sidewalk on the east side and on the west side of Fernleaf ('Ofl~ or anv ('Ode locallY in force. thf' installation of each storagE> tank an? (b) Supply pipe shall be not lf'ss than 1 $2.00 for the Installation of the 011 Avenue, from the sout.h line of Wilmette '£otal levy for principal of Bonds ........................ $10,000.00 one-fourth jn('h in diameter, iron pipE' j h~tr.ner to <'over the cost of inspection A venue to a line thirty-three (33) feet f:lizes, and when oil is pumped to the of mstallation. 1FIRE MARSHALL SECTION U. TO ENFORCE THIS 11

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