Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 45

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June 18, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 45 ·· LouisviUe Man Heads Purchases Large Tract National Realty Board of Vacant in Wilmette C. C. Hieatt, president of the Consolidated Realty company of Louisville, Ky., and member of the law firm of Hieatt, Scheirich and Marshall, of Louisville, was elected president of the National Association of Real Estate boards for the year 1927 at the annual convention of the association just closed at Tul sa, Oklahoma. · Fred E. Reed of Oakland, Cal., was cho en first vice-president of the associa tion. Joseph K. Brittain of Chicago \\'as elected treasurer. S. G. Kelson, Chicago builder, has purchased t\vo hundred feet of vacant on Sixteenth street, south of \Vilmette avenue, \VilmeHe. Eddington and Allen, Inc., real estate brokers at 410 Linden avenue, \Vilmette, made the sale and state that Mr. Nelson will break ground tl1is \veek for the erection of several five-room, brick bungalows on this property. ENTERTAINS HOUSE GUESTS j Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Miss Gladys White, 630 Central ave- Washington avenue, returned Monday nue, returned last Saturday from Rockford college, and brought with' her as her hou se guests, 'two college friends, Miss Linda Mitchell of Pesquescite Ranch, Albert, N. M., and Miss Mary Robin son of Kat)sas City. Miss White gave a theatre party for her guests \Vednesday evening and a bridge party for them Thursday afternoon. evening from a ten-day outing at Bass Lake, Ind. They are leaving Saturday to remain until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southworth at their summer cottage at Walworth, Wis., where they are going fo~ the opening of the fishing season -o- BUY 200 FEET VACANT Hill and Stone. of 40~ Linden avenue. \Vilmette. report the sale of 200 feet of vacant for the Chicago Real Estate Loan and Trust company, on the south side of Greenleaf avenue het\\'ecn Eight and ::\inth streets. \Vilmettr. The purchaser. it is said, expects to impro,·e the property. J. G. Salerno, of the Sa ,n-er Biscuit BUYS VALUABLE PROPERTY · I company, Chicago, has ·purchased through Hill and Stone. o i 404 Linden a\'t·nue, \\'ilmcttc. the ~ ixtY -~ix feet at the so uth w~st corner oi · Fi ith stree t and Lake avenue. \\'ilmdt e. former!\' owned hy John Phillip=-, and which the LEASES WILMETTE HOUSE new owner expect:; to improve \Yith the Dr. Thllmas Grisamorc. who has erection of a high-class. brick resibeen renting the Kerr home at 707 dence, in the near future. Forest avenue, \\'ilmettc. has leased. SELL EVANSTON TRACT thwugh tl1c firm of Hill and Stone. of R. M. John ston and companY, reall-+04 Linden <l\'~nue. \\ 'ilmettc. the E. A. estate brokers at 3-tO Linden annue. Hamburg ..re sHlencc at 507 Greenleaf \\'i lmc~U.'. report the sale of fifty feet I an:nue, \\ llmette. ot hus1ncss \'acant on Dodge a\'cnue, . ne;:,r Main qrcet. Evan . ton. for LucY I :\fr. and :\frs. George B: Dryden of V. Furlong. of E\·an:;ton. to Edith 6. EYanston, whose son, Eastman, marTait. of \\'ilmcttc, for an undisclosed riecl ~fiss Dorothy Hcissler Saturday consideration. night, entertained their out-of-t0\\'11 friends at supper at Glenvic\\· Coun~{ r. and :\frs. H. :\. Tucker, 1214 try club Sunday night. Dr. and ~Irs. Lake aHnuc, left \\'ilmctte SundaY to R. R. ~tolp. ~r rs. Emily :\I cDougal he a\\·ay severa l Wl'eks. ~Ir . Tucker is and :\f r. and :\{ rs. \\'arren Pease of making an exte nded business trip to Kc:nih,·ort11 were invited to meet them. (· Des :\foin<:s and Sioux Falls while ~fr s . Tucker is going on to Los Angeles, where she will 111<'Ct her mother. ~1 rs. \\'. F. Belman. ~frs. Tucker and ~1r s. Helman together will ,- i~it rclati,·es in L<ts Angeles, Yuma. Arizona. and El Pas(l, Texas. returning to \\"ilmcttc: the: latt~r part oi jul~·. :M iss Fae Chris.~iansen, who has been attending Principia college at St. Louis, ~1i ss Ethel Reardon of the Kenil- Mo., has returned home and will spend worth Inn Ie(t Thursday, Jun e 10, for the summer with her parents, Mr. and her summer cottage ·i n Lincol!wille, ~Irs. E. A. Christiansen, 605 Central Maine. avenue. ·:·,--.c,_.,.._.f,_,t,._.c ....c .._,.c.._,......,c .....,c ~c,....t·~c~c..-.c,.....c,.-. f.._.c)._. ()- - -c.-..~ ! I I I I YOUR CAR GREASED While You Shop For the benefit of those who use the '·L" to go down town to shop and wish their car greased and taken care of while away we have perfected a service whereby we take your car when you leave and grease and care for it and have it ready for you when your shopping is finished. We use the _ ALEMITE SYSTEM and have the name of being reasonable. Authori::ed Chevroltt Sales & Service I ,. I ... I I L. & R. AUTO SERVICE Al Rodenkirk, P1·oprietor ----·--··--·------------.--·· · 332 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 3064 eett~ THE TRAIL OF GLORY "Til·· f ·\ · 1-!T· · ;tt· · ~t ~~~~·rt tH·\·t-J r r· ·:tcL"-1\'nl. T. T llnn· Tilflt ·ll , :!nrl. to know what oiL HEATcan do You will agree that this is the greatest comfort-developtnen tin thew hole history of home- h2ating. You can see it today. Houghton Mifflin Co. $2.00 DOUBLY A PRIZE NOVEL Femina Vie HeureuJe Prize JOt "lhe Bell EngliJh No~Jel by a Woman" PRECIOUS BANE By MARY WEBB French Committee '3 Annual Prize {or "the BeJt Wor~ of Fiction" $2.00 at all boolutore· You can answer all your own questions about automatic oil heat right here and now. Using your O\vn ey~3 and ears. At the addresses below you can see the new Silent NOKOL in operation. It will take 10 or 15 minutes. You'll get a new idea of what oil heat can be, and do. It's odorless, of course. No dirt or \Vork. Gives fully automatic heat at lowest known cost. N OKOL has done all this-in more than 29,000 homes-for periods up to 9 years! E. P. DU'ITON & CO. 1-- NEW YORK Oppenheim ae His Best THE GOLDEN But now NOISE is cut to the vanishing Point. Efficiency, aLways great, is actuaLly increased. You can have more comfort than ever before. Come in. See it. BEAST By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM " It is one of the very best of hit long stories."-The Boston Tr~nsaipc. $2.00 ell aU 804)"-cllen THE NEw Silent NlOkOI AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES first domestic oil burner I is ted by Underwriters' Laboratories; approved by all lead in Safety Boards. Manufactur_d aud ~;uaranteed by AMERICAN NOKOL Co., Chicagc - - ---- - - +- OIL HEATING COMPANY 1311 Chicago Ave. , Evanston. Phone University 7420 215 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Phone Central 7 8 3 2 ~------- " LITI'LE, BROWN&. CQ. Pabliahcn, Boetoa ~------... -..,M

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