Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 44

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WILMETTE L~FE June 18, 1926 Mrs. Helen Gage of 1134 Elmwood avenue who is the guest of her son and da~ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gage of Ithaca, N. Y., recently celebrated her eighty-first birthday. She also had with her on that occasion, her· son John Gage, of Vvilmette, and her son' and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ~V. Gage, of Clearwater, Fla. -0- North Shore Men Attend Sessions on Road Widening Fountain Square Evanston Phone University 1024 H. H. Sherer, New Trier Township Highway commissioner, and Robert Kingery of \Vinnetka; secretary of the Chicago Regional Plan commission, were north shore men who attended a recent Cook countv road conference called hy Anton J . Cermak, president of the Cook county board of commissioners. Important at this conference was the authorization of the appointment of a to act with the Chicago I subcommittee Regional Plan commission in working out a surny of highways that need widening and to report back to the \Videning committee of the County hoard at that body's next session. It "·as announced at the meeting that the Chicago Association of Co~ merce is preparing a demand for a countv bond issue to finance the widening ;f existing roads and other important contemplated highways. The conference urged President Cermak not to veto the 20-foot higbwa\· plan which is under contract by the. county at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Becker and their family, 519 Linden avenue, are leaving next week to occupy the cottage they have taken on the grounds of the Crvstal Lake Country club. They will remain at Crvstal Lake until August 15, when the)· will join a party ~f friei1ds and go to Grand Island, Muntsing, Mich., where they will stay until the opening of school. -0- . '. Littlc Ruth ~fatthews, daughter of Mr. and ~f rs. Fauntlcro\' ~latthe\YS, 931 Oak\Yood aYenue, entertained four- Book Suggestions THE MELTING-POT MISTAKE By Henry Pratt Fairchild Little, Bro-z.cm .............. $2.50 THE VERDICT OF BRIDLE GOOSE By Llewelyn Powys teen of her little friends at her home Tuesda\· aftenioon in celebrati on of her fifth bfrthday. -o-o- ? . ] ohn M acLcan, Jr., 02-l C.rrl'll\\'ood ~frs .. c. H. ~lemm, ~~0 Park a':~nue. avenue, motored home from Yale uni entcrtamed thirteen fra~ ncl s at a Blur r · lcl ll 'IS J .O l.llC'(I hi .~ famih· 'It t ' .c.r s·'t 1 ' · .11 , . · · I.unc Ileon, , ca.nl an<1 . 1 mnco pa:· y th e ~·facLcan summer home in \\'isTuec;daY of th1s week 111 celebratiOn · · C011Sll1. of her btrthday. _ _ ! . · 'l'hc Men's \Vhist club met Monday evening, for the last time this season, at the home of Claude E. Fitch, 1033 Elnl\\·ood avenue. The men ha\'ing high score for the entire season were Arthur Taylor and E . P. Fatch. Harcourt, Brace ........... $2.50 HISTORY OF FRANCE By Jacques Bainville App/ctoa .................. $3.50 IT'S NCYI' DONE Bv William C. Bullitt and : M r s. K~~ 1 eth P . Kimball, r. anc~ }.{ rs. Ri~hard \Vilsnn and who made their home at 730 Elmwood thcl~ fanuly, 801 l·orest a\'cnuc. ar~ avenue, ha,·e left Wilmette to take up leavli_Jg next. week for a three week · their residence in Michigan. stay 111 Glacter Park. -o-oM iss Martha \\'hite of Dana, Ind ., 1\f r:-;. Frank 0. Elling. 610 F ourth street, entertained twenty-two guests is spending a few weeks with ?\J iss Friday evening, June 11, on the occa- Josephine Comfort of 812 Prairie ave~ion of her hu hand' s birthday. nne. 1\[ r. 0 1! . r1 · Harcourt, Brace ........... $2.00 FIX BAYONETS! By John W. Thomason, Jr. Scribners .................. $3.50 WARRIORS IN UNDRESS · By F. J. Hudleston Little, Brown & Co. . ..... $3.50 Best Sellers of the Week FICTION MANTRAP By Sinclair Lewis Harcourt. Brace . .......... $2.'j() ROUNDABOUT Bv Nancy Hoyt K11opf ... ~ ..............·.. $2.00 COUKT BRLiGA Bv Ben Hecht Ro11i & Lii,cright .. : . ....... $2.00 THREE STUDENTS Bv Haldane Macfall 1\.nopf ·.................. . . $2.50 ANew Method Has Made Good F RESENT cost levels are much higher than those .of ten yeats ago, so that each additional tele· phone installed now increases the average investment per tele· phone. To ntaintain the se1·vice the company'srevenuesmust keep pace with this condition. OUR years ago the Bell System introduced "station-to-station" long distance service. P NQN,.FICTION THE ARCTURUS AD\'E NTURE By \\'illiam Beebe Put11am .... .. .. .. ......... $6 00 The service has "made good." It is used thousands of times daily where it is not necessary for the caller to speak to a particular person or where the person wanted is likely to be within irnn1ediate reach at the called telephone. The service is especially suitable for personal or social calls to relatives or friends. Rates for daytime station -to-station calls are about 20 per cent lower than for person-to-person calls. Evening and night rates are still lower. The rate is charged when the distant telephone (or private branch exchange) is answered. FIX BA YO;\ETS! By ]. \\' . Th omason, Jr. Scrib11crs .................. $2.50 OCR TD1ES B\· ~lark Sullivan Scrib11crs · .................. $5.00 At the Public Library SORRELL A!\D SOl\ BY \Varwick DeepingKHojJf : .·...... : ... .....·.. $2.50 ODTAA By J ohn Maseficld .lfacmilfa11 ................. $2.50 GE:\TLEME~ PREFER BLO~DES By Anita Loos B01ri {"' Li-;Jcright .......... $1.75 EVERLASTIKG 11EN Bv Gilbert Chesterson Dodd, .f1cade & Co . ........ $3.00 THE 11\TIMATE PAPERS OF COLOKEL HOUSE Houghton, AfijJ/in ........ $10.00 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy , One System .. Universal Service

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