Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 42

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W J 1 M E 'f t E L 1F E June 18, 1926 EXPE~IENCE, FACILITIES AND SERVICE These are important things in measuring the worth of a funeral director and should be borne in mind when you have occasion to choose one. We are proud that the passing years have won us an enviable position in the minds of the people of this community. Our Limousine Hearse is the newest thought in Funeral Equipment. De Luxe Ambulance Service. Although graduation exercises were Ministers: Stephen A. Lloyd, Wllliam held for all departments in the Sunday E. · McCormack. school last Sunday the classes wili go on as formerly until Promotion day in On Friday the Sea Scouts meet at 7 :15 September. The school will meet at p. m. Ewart Cook, skipper. !l :30 Sunday. On Sunday morning th' Church school At the morning worship at 11 o'clock will open its services at 9 :30 o'clock. the choir will sing under the dir~ction of The summer schPdule will begin at this Madame Gildcroy Scott with William tim' with specia.J programs for the com- H. Barnes at the organ and Mr. Stifler bined Beginners and Primary departmt'nts and for the combined Junior and will speak on the theme "The Great DisInternwrliatc departments. The Juniors coYery of Our Age." and Intermediates will met-t in Pilgrim This church supports th(' Community hall wh're the Rev. W. E. McCormack will open a sE>ries of talks on the gen- l~nning servi<-e to be held at .the !\1ethtral title, "Before Americans-What?" odi~>t church at 7 :30 Sunday night. \vhich will be g·iyen by various leaders, The 1\lid-W('f'k meeting of the church by speaking; on "We Go to Ellis Island." A special feature of this Sunday's scn·ice will be held Wednesday at R o'clock . It will be in the nature of a violin solo by will be a meeting for song, prayer, deRobert Brown who will be accompanied ,·otion and fellowship. Ly l\liss Ruth Ca.ldwell. The \Vihncttc Baptist ehurl'h is lo"The Fr ·edom of Truth" is the subject cated at the corner of Fnrest and \Vilof the sermon h~· Dr. Lloyd a.t th one- m ett(' av('nU'S. 'l'he pastor, Hev. Franhvur service of worship at 11 o'clock d8 C. Stifler, ma.y be sel·n in his study Sunda.y morning. Although th e choirs during th e morning-s of th(· w N· k except have disbanded for the summer, 1\lr. :\1onday, and at other tinH·:-; hy appointPorter \\' . HNtps, organist, has a.rranged ment. The church offi('C is open daily for ~pecial music for every one of the from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5, closing a.t 1~ on Sa.turday. Office televhont> , \Vil· summ(·r services. . On Tue:,;day RooseYe lt Troop N'o . 2 mette 2235. Jll(·d!-i at Headquarters at 7 :15 p. m. Dr. Charks ll. Blake. scoutmaster. PERMIT CARNIVAL Congregational · Church Baptist Church UNDERTAKER uThe House of Personal Service" 1124 Central Avenue WILMETTE Residence, 719 Ninth St., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 Permission to operate a carnival in 1\f rs. Shelby ~l. Singleton. 1104 For- connection with Wilmette Da\· activities est avenue, is leaving from Chicago on was granted by the \\7 ilmettc Chamber the special train Saturday night to at- of Commerce by the Village board at tend the national annual Alpha Phi its meeting held last Tuesday evening. convention to be held in S\\·ampscott, The permit specifies that the carniva! Mass. Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding and maY not he held on Sunda,· and the her daught er, 11rs. Robert \Voodcn, arc vil1~1gc will collect a fcc for ·each conSunday to attend the conven-1 session, in accordance with an existing ordinance. Empress ol Jrance leaving New York Feb. 12 NoW Is the Time to Build Let your home pay for itself The man who waits until h~ has saved enough to build is passing up a golden opportunity. The money he is paying out in rent could so easily become his equity in a home of his own. ble. Our financing plan makes this possiLet us show you We will furnish the plans, build home and garage 64 days of dream..like visions and lovely scenes that for centuries have inspired artist and poet. A feature of this year's cruise is the Dalmatian Rivieria-300 miles of Adriatic coast-one of the most colorful spots in Europe. 17 ports of call15 countries-19 days in Palestine and Egypt. See this world before the next. Fascinating shore programs at all ports. European ~t~p.overs easily .an:anged ·. Ask for complete ttmeraryand descrtptaonof thts famous ship. Early reservations advised. Further information from local steamship agents, or R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E . .Ja.ckl:;on Blvd., Telephone: Wabash 1904 Chic'\.go Ill. ' ' ' and help you finance the whole thing. how· easily it is done. Cairo Building Material Co. 12 3 0 Leon Place Phones Univ. 7614-4255 -.-.--8 GRFATEsrbJmve/ SYSTEM

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