40 WILMETTE LIFE June 18, 1926 Samm.. camps Are you sending your boy or girl to Summer Camp; or away to School this fall, if so note : All the best schools and camps of the United States have for 20 years maintained a Central office in Chicqo to give catalogs and advice free to you. Come in write or phone. ' · AMERICAN SCHOOLS' AND CAMPS' ASS'N 12M Stevena Bid.. Tel. Cen. &141 (At 17 N. State St., Chicago) cc·rrect usage its meaning has become vague. Comparatively few people know The First Presbyterian church, Rev. \Vilm ette and Park avenues, Wilmette. anything of the origin of the word. Few Herman W. Meyer, pastor. know the meaning of the protest in Prot- George ,P. Magill, pastor, Is loca~d at 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1306. estantism. Many today use the term the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf Church telephon e, Wilmette 3111. without discrimination. The sermon on avenue. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. and Sunday will deal with the origm and church service at 11 a. m. SERVICES nteaning of the t erm Protestant and will 9 :00 a. m. ~unday school and Bible show whom this t e rm embraces. For the church service at 11 m., the quartet will sing the following : classes. 9 :45 a. m. }..irst service a nd se rmon. The annual Sunday school picnic will Anthem, "The King of LQv e Thy Shep11 a. m. Second s ervice and sermon. be given a t the G lenvi ew Forest Preherd Is" .... ; ............... .'. Shelley Subject: "Protestantism, the History, I ~erve on Saturday, July 10, beginning at Anthem ··cod to Whom W e Look Up · Meaning and Abuse of the T erm." 1 :30 o'clock. Arrangements will be made Blindl'y·· .................... Chadwick today at the meeting of the Sunday Soprano Solo, "Song of Jesus" .. Hild ach lUEETINGS school staff. All teachers and officers Quartet, Isabel Heaps, soprano; Rose Friday, June 18, Sunday school staff should attend. r.. e itiger Gannon, cont ralto ; · John B. at 7 :45 p. m. ~Liller, tenor; Ch est er Lawrence, bass. The Junior W a lth er league will m eet Erma E . Rounds, organis t and direc tor. The t e rm Protestantism is one much ·at the church rooms Friday evening, used in our day. But, through much in- June 18, at 7 :45 o'clock. The .following SJ)Okes of the Women's socie t y will m eet Tuesday, June 22, for lun cheon. prognun a nd sewing: Spoke ~o. t, with :\1rs. E . Seyfort, 413 P a rk aven ue; Spok e No. 8, with Mrs. Fred C. Dier(·k s, 12:~ Ninth street; Spoke No. 10 with 1\frs. r. I.... Rickets. 807 Ashland a~en·e, and Spoke No. 12, with Mrs. · C harles E. W e ll s, 206 Roger Williams avenue, Highland P a rk. St. John's Lutheran Presbyterian Church a. ... ·wt.· will h a\·e our a nnual S\lnday sc: hool pic:nlc tomorrow (Saturda}', June l!l) 'at th e Glenview Forest Preserve. The ge nera l program is planned for the afternoon with supper at 6:30 6'clock. Transportation will be provided for any who may d esi r e to g8 out in the morning If they will be at the church at 10 o'clock, and for others who m ay d esire, it they will he ready to s tart from the c: hun.:h at 2 o'elock. Plenty of fun, lemonade and ea ts. 1 Frigidaire users are delighted at its low cost of operation We say that the operation of Frigidaire costs less than ice. Frigidaire users will tell you that they hardly notice the difference in their electric bills after Frigidaire is installed. For the convenience of dependable electric refrigeration is a revelation to every Frigidaire user. The fact that it needs no attention whatever, that it is absolutely automatic, that it keeps food colder, better, longer, makes delicious desserts, and freezes those enticing Frigidaire cubes for iced drinks, that it makes the preparation of meals so much easierthese are things that only a Frigidaire user can appreciate. I Our Daily Varation Bible school will begin Monday, June 21, and continue each week day morning, except Saturday, for four weeks. The sessions will he from 9 a. 111. to 12 o'clock. All boys a nd girls u p to the intermediate age in Sunday sc hoo l will be privileged t o atten d . Contrary to the general experi e nce, our school last year increased In attendance up to the ve ry dosing. It was an e njoyabl e a nd profitable experience for the children. The program of instru ction is worthwhile but not irksom e , and the r ecr eation in gymnasium a nd bowling a lley is ()lann ed for benefit and disc iplin e, as well as fo r fun. If you d esire further information telephone Mrs. George P. l\Jagill, Wilmett e 1898, o r Ralph Ri ce, \Vilm ette · 680. Rememtwr the opening d<Jte is Jfonday, June 21. The us ual :\ridweck senict·s will b e h el d Wednesday even in g- at 8 o'c:lock. Sunday sc hool a t 9 ::w a . m., and ch ureh se rvice a t 11 o'elock, each Sunday through the !mmmer. You will a lways rec:eive a c:ordi a l wclc:ome. I I- r--·------· -I ' I 1 I I I Paint's tlz c foe of all decay, Sa-c·l· tlzr surface zl.'ltilc you ma y. !ll!l STOVI<.:.R UO. ' . JIJchigan Ave. (Ut>ll Building) Cllleago, Ill. 'J't·l.: l'\uperlor a528 7~;) Oak St. 'Vinnetka, Ill. Winnetka, U2 459 l 1 rospect A ·H. 1\lllwankt'e, "' 1~;. Lnkesltle :!055 9:.6 Llntleu Ave. Jlnbhnrd ·w oods, Ill. Winnetka 1512 6i06 Stony· lslan<l A H'. (' hleago, Ill. IrJtle Park 6~92 NO\V is the tim e to paint. It If I Wilmette Window Shade· I 1 I ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor I Glass, Picture Framing. Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering and Art I Materials. 1 Linoleum and Wallpaper 1 1 113 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 349~ X ow is the time to ob se rv e - Yalues and beautify your s ur : rouudin gs . If your roof needs I ' paintin g it v\·ill soon start to rot . ,= A coat of paint is cheaper than a new r oof in any market. I I I I 1 I I i i 1 ........,...,. b d l>rocllld of Qenercal Noccm--mcade and paranteed b:1 J>elco.Li.ht Company, Dayeon, Ohio, tlac world'· L&raac &.uldn ol dcccric: rcfri·a-atora. TheTc art :!a:: S 'I'Orl·:H. co., :\ o. -'llc·hhntn ,\' ..., ( 'hh·UflH, & Paint Works PIC81C aeo4 me the Pricidaire Cataloc. Name ..· , ········· , ·· ,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. ·,.,,,,,,,, Addrew ··································· , ······ ......... _.. ..._ 150,000 FriPiaifCI ..... _ .. . ' ·················································· ~ "'W .!.~----..:· I I I ,I I 1 I