Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 34

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34 ' WILMETTE LIFE June 18, 1926 I It's the Dedicate Imposing Masonic Monument Sunday ~--------- I UNIVERSAL FOOD-DRINK! All over the world, people-young and old -find nourishment in milk. But it can do more harm than good unless, like ours, it is scientifically pure. Drink More Milk/ --- - --~·--- - --- ---- Read The Want Ads Beauty Lies in A monument of sheer massiYe granite, so designed that it will endure for centuries, will be dedicated by Masons of Evan ston and other north shore cities at the North Shore cemetery Sunday afterpoon. The ceremony is to begin at 2. Former Governor A. 0. Eberhart of Minnesota will he the principal speaker. Masters of Masonic lodges in Evanston and neighboring communities have been invited to make short talks. H tmdreds of Masons are expected to attend the dedication and the general public is in~ Yited. The cemetery is on the Grrcn Ba~r road iltst we st of North Chicago. The monument is considered one of the most beautiful and imposing in America. It was designed by a 32nd degree Mason and carries out the symbolism of the Masonic ord.er. It stand s on a slope wh1ch faces thr east. !t !s composed of three steps surmounted hy three columns of pure Doric de sign, Masonic emhlems are carved in the steps and in the architrave on the ea st side. The architra,·e on the we st front hears the in scription. ·"To the Glorv of Almig-hty God ancl in M ernorv of Those \Vho Ha,·e Passe(! the Pnseen Portal s." Six carloads of grZtnitr went into the making of the monument. at a cos t of $20.000. Tht' bottom step i. a s in~lc slah of stone, 20 fee t long-, 6 feet ¥·ide and a foot thick. The next two steps arc carved of one piece. Th e fluted columns also arc monolith s. 3 feet in eli a me tcr at the base and 20 fe et high . The large st single piece of ston e in the monument is th e cap stone whicl1 weighs 29.000 pound s. It took a crrw of ~ tone fitt ers with a derrick four days to ptJt it in place. The Masonic section of the cemetcr~·, like even' other section. is laid out nn the lin~ s of a heatJtiiullv landscaped park with no re se mhlanc-c to the traditional cemetcrv. ?\.{asses of tloweri1_1g shrubbery an(! contrastin .~· and blending foliage in nen· directi on catch a nd a t t h e same t im.e r c s t , t h c eye. At thi s se-ason the place is thicklv fe stooned with th e white hloonis of spirea. Sewn varietie s of spirea arc planted and their blossom! ing times follow each other in sucres- · J sion. Other shrubs likewi se come into flm,·c r at different time s so that through the spring. summ er and autumn th ere is ah,·ays a wealth of color. Contrasts in the mas ses of foliage are accomplished by the me of golden ciders. red maple s. purple lea,·ed plums and elms. and manv shade s of C\'l' rgreens. In all, more than se venty varietie s of tree s flouri sh in the cemeten-. In certain sections no stock gra ,:e markers arc allowed. Tablet s se t flush \\'ith the lcvd of the la\\'n arc tbcd so that the vista s oi garden <illcl park arc not broken. In the se cti on. gi\·cn tn th e lar.~e:--.t lot s, fl owering shrub s and tree:- are used to se t off the indi,·idual pint~. gi,·ing each a seclu sion and beaut y all its own. Th e Korth Shore c<: mct ery \\'a-> founded in 1917 hr John \Ye stcrn, a former Evanston res ident. I Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color Citizenship Course Is . he accepted for the. cnmps is limited. I Hub Provides Free Phone Application blanks and further in for- · Serv1ce · for North Shore Boosted at C. M. T. Camp matinn can he secured hy addre ss ing ?\f aj. Gen. Vlilliam S. Graves. the commanding generaf of the ~ixth Corps Area. \\'ith headquarters at 1819 \\'est Pershing road. Chicago, in speaking of the Citizens' l\filitar~' Training camps to he helcl in the Sixth Corps Area. emphasized the ver~· great hencfits to ~·otlng mPn \\'ho attend these camps in the training they receive in the citizenship course at the camps. Sprcial atteution is given to citjzrnship training in all of tl1e Citizens' Militan· Traning camps, hut particularly to the candidates in the basic or first year's · the Commanding General, Sixth Corps Hcnrv C. Lvtton and Sons' E,·a nsArea. at 1Rl9 \Ycst Pershing road, Chitot! s to~e has- arranged for fret· tete ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow cago. phone senicc for patrons deslring to which radiates from them. Ur.call the Evat1ston Shop oi "The Hnb " lesskept always clean a!ld healthy, CALLED BY DEATH from the following north shore to\\·ns: EYES lack,this alluring lustre. Glencoe, Hubhard \Yoods, \\-innctka, Millions of women throughout ?\f rs. James L. Callanan. of Des \.Vilmette and Kenilworth, it \\'as anthe world promote EYE health ).foines. Ta .. sister of George L. Mar- nounced this week. and beauty with Murine. It tin, 1046 Elm\,·oo<l a\·enue, died sudcleanses EYES of irritating par· rleuh· Sun.cla,· enning, June 13, at tides nnd keeps them clear and STEAL EXPENSIVE CAR her home. )Jr. and ~frs. Martin went bright. Contains no belladonna. Thieve .-; gained entrance to the to Des l\foines. and passed through , o.,,. illautf'ated boofu on "E-;e Care"' Chicago \\'eclnc sday morning, where garage of ~1. A. Johnson, (,J3 Elm cw ".E, Beauty" are fREE on requac. they were joined hy ~fiss ~far~r Mar- \\'Ood an·nuP, some time during ~un The Murine Company cour~c. tin \\·ho will accompany them to New da~· night and stolr a ne\\· Lincoln lkpt. 33, Chicago ~ There arl· sti ll vacancies for Young- York. \\'here the remains \\'ill he huried sedan. Another car stored in the men in the c. ~f. T. camps in thr. Sixth in th e family lot ncar Hudson, ~. Y. garage was not molested. The theft was di scovere d :vio!Hla,· morning- and Corps Area, it is e>..plainecl. and those who arc interested in securi ng an as).f r. and ).f rs. C. F. Smith. 631 Lake reported to the police, ,,·ho ·arc inOR '{OUR signment for the earlier camns that an?nuc. and Mrs. Smith's sister, ?\fi:->s vestigating the theft. onen at Camp Custer. ).fich., Jeffe··.., on Villa \\'illiams. ga,·e a dinner party · ?\frs. Frank 0. Elling, 610 Fourth J' . Barracks. ~fo .. and Camp Sparta,\\'is .. ~aturda~· evening. June 12. in honor of street, was hoste ss at a luncheon and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on Jul~· R should make application at Mrs. Ahbie A. Ford of Detroit. ~frs. · bridge Tuesday, in honor of her sisterJ once, as the time when applicants can 1 Ford is a composer. in-law, Mrs. B. Metzger, of Chicago. of the EYES that makes them . 1/ltJR I NL f. ;./E S· E

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