Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 25

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June 18, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 25 ) , J. . .· ( ,- . or three times in the week by MODEST BEGINNING FOR two singing-Miss Burchard at the piano the Latin teacher as leader. The GREAT MODERN SCHOOL and present large and well-equipped chorus might well smile with superiority at our simple and rather primitive attempts. Somewhere, in some dusty corner of a cupboard, must still be reposing those thin, blue-papered song books. Our favorites were "Integer Vitae" and "Nancy Lee." By ELIZABETH E. PACKER Of that original faculty, Mr. Smart (R~printecl from The Trc\·ian, New has gone to a large field as superinTrier Annual ·of 1909.) tendent oi schools at Davenport, Ia.; It V.·as a cold and snowy reception ~1iss Ecich·. our math<:matics teacher, that New Trier gave her pupils and married at~d is no\Y living in Bakewell, teachers· that first day, February 4, England: ~f r. Powell acts as secretary 19{)1. Some 76 boys and girls and to President James of our State uni7 teachers plowed through the Ycrsity: ~1 r. Sharpe is still doing work drifts that stormy moming. Of the in science in Brookh·n, K Y.; ~!iss 76 pupils, 40 .were girls and 36 boys. Burchanl and ~1iss ·Packer are the They gathered in an assembly room onh· "Ancient and Honorables" left. on the first floor - the space now being Thirty Cla 65 ~ 5 Daily occupied ln· ~liss Burchard's class.. · ·h 1 "\1. s···ttns . o ffi ce an<1 tl1c t t:ac I1- .Ltte \\'a s a Sllllple matter Wit room .· \ r. .. k 1a )OUt crs' office. 1 thtrty clas ses a day-a mar C( c~ntra~t to the bl.lSY, complc_x or_gamsm ~1r. Sn~ar! \\as <?ur dtgntfied and ct- that we kno\\· today, wtth tts 111 fictent p:mct)~al. 1-.xcept f.or th.o:-.t who classes dailY, its orchestra, Glee club. worked 111 daJiy contact wtth h~m there Athletic::-;. ·Debating societies, Comarc few, probably, who rcaltz~ ho~v mercia), Science and ~1 cchanica' chths much the sch_oo~ O\\'es t? ~fr. Smarts not to mention the class organizations, · ctH.Tg~· and hts tnter~st 11~ tts dC\'~I?P- and last!\' the Echoes. ment. J[e lost no ttme 111 orgamztn~ fn the. spring of 1901 nothing about the work. By the second day man~·, ot school seemed finished except the the~ clas ses '"ere under \\·ay. I he beautiful grounds with the " ·ell-graded \\Ttter has a happy renH. · mhrance of lawns and the shruhbcn· cftectin·ly arthat first ~lass. that !11e~ he: the first ranged, ·much as we stili see it: but the hour, holdmg tts rc·cttatton 111 the as- ~ spirit nf earnest endcayor and the ~cmhly room, as someone w~s needed ideals giving promise oi }ts largtr suhln attendancr there and thts Cca~ar sequent growth, \\'ere present from the class \\'as small-four members, Ella first Greenbaum, Charles Eastman, Louis · · l"he and Roland Hurford. IN w. w. G. A. PLAY Day of Small Things Three local golf clubs had entrants That sureh· \\·as the da\· of small listed in the first round of the \Y. \V. things. Ke\\: Trier indulg-ed in few . G. A. medal championship play at frills tho:-;e five remaining months of ~fidlothian club Tuesday, June 15. the . chool year. The \\'Ood-working !\frs. John Arends was the player from slwp was not fitted out until the fol- the \Vilmette Golf club, ~1 rs. C. A. lowing fall. All the science work that Klotz from Indian Hill. and ~frs. B. was done had quarters in the ·present G. Hardenbrook ·. Skokie. hinlogical rnr.tlt:-. and \\·as under the charge oi ~f r. Sharpe. Hi s departnH:n t " ·as enlarged the next year by the addition oi the suite nn\\' occupied by the C'hemKtry and Ph~· s ics dcpart11lcnts. The equip111cnt of that de) artmen t i-; due largdy to ~f r. Sharpe's earne~t effort:-.. The second and third '-tnries \\Trt' not then finished off-no D 0111L' s tic Sric n n·. no Commercia 1 dep;:trtment. The huge space · (111 the second ftc,or intended for the regular assemhh- room \\'as used for indoor ha sc hall- the :-.111 a 11 hut en thus ia::-;tic beginning:- (,f ()tlr glorious future in athletic s. ~fr. Pcm·cll bore a willing hand in these early atcmpts. \\'hen our present as:--cmbly room \\·as fini::-;hcd. athletics '"a~ relegated to thl· attic hut still thrm·c· upon that higher plane. Luncheon~ \\'e \\'ere like one hig famih· and held forth in the light basel1lent. ro0111 ,,·itert: !->0111<' of the girls nO\\' tn· a Baltimore lunch in the recitation · benches .nf the physiology classes. Thf' Board of Education had not th('n laid plans for hot dishc:-; to he serv('d at noon. Cold lunches \\·en· the order of the day except as one \\'ise Yirgin teacher produced an alchohnl.latnp and had soft boikd eggs I nn orcaston. · In those early days "·e opened school It Was a Cold Day, too, Says Miss Packer, When First Students Answered Call -Evanston stores know your tastes -=.you get what you want for your money .. .. EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , . · · , · · · 1 "· t t ·I Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE 1 Funeral Director Mr. F rrderick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, bas bad twenty-one years of successful service in the proftssional field. The best testimony to their careful, courteous, and consciet:ttious work comes from those whom they have served during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. lewis, who is the o~ly funeral director residing in New Trter Township. V try Lattat· in M odtrn Limowine El'fuipmtnt .~ 11 ~o 1 I - I Ctntral Annat WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3 55 2 Home phone, Wilmette 3 55~ QNCE more let me urge you to have your win. ter garments thoroughly cleaned before you Don't . neglect store them for the long summer. them! . They cost a pretty penny-won't you bP glad to be able to use them again next fall? Moths like soil-Moths eat woolens and furs. Send them all to us-now, for safety's sake! Have your rugs and furs cleaned and stored for the summer in our fire and mothproof vault. · ~ 4 . Call us at WIL. 121 WINN. AI Kaplan and Jobn Nazarian, owners FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT lVAVING (Xegrescou's Pure Steam Process) For discriminate requirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting J . As Low ns $15.00 Also HAUl GOODS ·cLEANERS CHICAGO _J\TIE~ EVANSTON WILMETTE HIGHLAND PARK · DYE. R S ·· 1019-21 UNIVERSITY PLACE WINNETKA . THE WIGGERY SlTTTE 1314 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. State Street Tt·J, Handolp· loa&

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