Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE IN WEDDING PkRTY June 18, 1926 FOR WEDDII~G GIFTS A prenuptial dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Walliser, 251 Greenleaf avenue, last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Helen Woehler, cousin of Mrs. Walliser, and Richard McGee, whose marriage will take place in Chicago Saturday, June 19. Mrs. Walliser will be matron of honor at Miss Woehler's wedding. D. E. Allen, 209 Fourth street, and hi s two sons, D. E. Allen, Jr. and Rodney Allen, are leaving Saturday to motor to Boulder Junction, Wis., for a fishing expedition of about two weeks at Lake McKinleY. Mrs. Allen will stay at the Evanshire hotel, Evanston, durii1g the absence of her husband and sons. To Be Bride -o- A Double Vegetable Dish Heavy Silver Plate on hard metal Mrs. Morgan J. Hammers, 807 Greenwood avenue, has as her guest, Miss Edna L. Cooper of Detroit, who will remain with her for another week. $20 Smgle Vegetable Dishes from $12 .. Miss Dorothy King o ( I SPAULDING &CO. JEWELRY'. SILVERWARE ·WATCHES. LEATHER. CHINA. GLASS Michigan Ave . at Van Buren 1636 Orrington Avenue EV~~NSTON CHICAGO Have you heard the Hyperion? IF NOT, you have missed the thrill of a lifetime. Its marvelous rnusic can swell, at will, to the mighty sweep and resonance of a great brass band -or dwindle to the slightest whisper. It is suitable for any hall or roorn, no matter what its size. We will be glad to play this great instrument for you. Dropinandhear it today! Convenient Terms Open Evenings A small, informal wedding will tak e place Saturday afternoon, June 19, at the home of Mr. and Mrs . \V. ] . King, 611 Forest avenue, vVilmette, \\'hen their daughter, ~fiss Dorotl1y, becomes the bride of Paul Knaplund of Madison, \\' is. The Rev. Stephen A . Lloyd will read the service at 2:30, and ~fr. Knaplund and his bride will leave immediatclv after the cercmonv for a trip abroad. · After extensive traveling on the continent. they " ·ill spend ~ l' \'t r a l month:-; in En~land, where Mr. Knap lun<l will do research work. Thev will h at home in Madison after th~ fir st of Februarv, where }.1 r. Knaplund is a member ·of the facuJt,· at the L'ni versit\· of \Visconsin . . ~1 r.- and ~~ r:-;. Edward Burt of South Orang-e. N. ] .. iormcrly of \\' ilmcttr, brother -i n-law and sis ter of ~1 r~. Kin).!. '"ill be house guests at the Kin ~ residence. ~fi ss Fac Christian . en, ()05 Central avenue, entertained at bridge Tue s da~· afternoon in honor of ~~iss nett\' Brower of Rochester, N. Y. }.fi ~·" Brower and 1'1 is s Christ ian se n wer e roommate s at Principia college. . ' WE WOULD like to share with you the pleasure of seeing our Peonies in blossom and, therefore, extend~ a cordial invitation to you to 'risit us from June 19th until the end of the bJooming season. -o'Mr s. A. ]. Kuelzow, 611 Greenlea f avenue, who underwent a serious operation at the Evanston hospital a few \\'Ccks ago, i. no\\'. recuperating at her home. you FRANKEN BROS. DEERFIELD, ILL. will enjoy living at The Orrington in fine , large outside rooms with all modern hotel conveniences and well organized, experienced service. Unusually light. airy, two-, three-and fourroom kitchenette apartments furnished or unfurnished. Reservations may be made now for long term leases at preferred rates. Visit us or telephone University 8 700. 4 ' ' 1 1 I t ·:~-·----·-·-·-·~-·~-··-·-·-·~-·~-·-·~-··-·,-··-······ ! ! MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Call F. C. Heaney foe a demonstration in the New Marmon. I ~ I I I ~ North Shore Talking · Machine Company 712 Church Street, Evanston 554 Center Street, Winnetka I I ~ i ··-----~----------~-·:· 1 Marmon North Shore I \ [,· .1 G'fk I I v tctro a OIUUNGION I New e ~lifo· I

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