WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 ~----------------------------------~ 1 Romance of Hawaii SERVICE! Yes Sir and Yes Hiawatha Woods Is Newest Marvel of Acre Home-Sites An Indian Tree, "monument to the unknown American" who bent the white oak saplin'g there some sc~res of \'ears ago, marks the way from JUSt within a stately portal to one of the finest home-site developments on the north shore. termed by its 0\\'!1~rs, Hiawatha \Vood s, and compnsmg some of the most desirable acreage property on the upper north shore. Reference is to the newest uev<:lopment-sixty acres of a tract ?f 125 acres of virgin timberland sttuated west of Deerfield ncar the Ven~on Ridge Country club <~nd extcndmg11orthcrh· from Deerfield road to old Hill road . Beautiful '"inding roads stretch hc1ween naturally landscaped estates averaging more than an acre ancl a half in size. Here the general scheme of development contet:nplatcs the . fulfillment of the cxchtstvc estates tdea, with acres made available to t_hc man of moderate income but who ts sreking a permanent home in the country, according to Waite and Morr~w. who have the business of marketmg the properties in hand. . . Hiawatha Woods arc wtthm seven minutes of direct Chicago transpo:tation, it is explained, and wtthm forty-five minutes of the Loop. Fortyeigl{t wooded home-sites arc to . he seen on the paved hy-ways strctchtng hc\·otHI the old Indian tree tha~ stands iust within the portals of Htawatha \Voocls. Thr ~{other's assoctatton of the Gamma Phi Beta sororit~· gave an af tl'rnoon bridge party 'l'ln1r~day· , June 3, at the home of ~f r:;. Arclnhald A. ~1 cKinlc\' of Evan ton. to rai:;e fund~ ~or the furnishing of the ne,,· soronty house. Ma'am Back in Business Again Robert }.1 iles, formerly of the \Vilmette Filling Station, 421 ::\lain Street, \Vilmette, will . open his new station at \\' est Railroad Avenue and Jenks Street, Evanston, opposite Evanston Lumber Company. JUNE 19, 1926 Handling the Standard Oil Co. products. This will be one of the nicest stations on the North Shore. Macadam drive, greasing pit, rest room, lavatory and plenty of room to drive around pumps without going in street. During the first week, from June 19 to 26 inclusive, I will give a 25c can of Semdac Polish or a 25c can of Finol with each 10 gallons of gas purchased. Drive in and get the same prompt and courteous service as before. Drive miles to se~ Miles and have m iles and miles of good luck. Miu Elizabeth Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Shelby M. Singleton of 1104 Forest avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth A. Singleton, to Edward Gr~cn Wingate of Washington, D. C. and Hawaii. The wedding will take place in Honolulu the last of August. Mrs. J. A. Carney of 125 Sixth street will have as her guest over Saturday and Sundav, Miss Kenosha. · · ~EW t. Kate · Byrne of ROBERT MILES, Prop. flARHEll SHOP 01,1-:SS Tht· Sanitan· Barlwr Rhop i~; now open for husin<.'l5S ;tt 1128 ('entra.l An., just oppo:site th e \'('ntral Cafetf'ria. It is a most modl·rri shot1 and J):t rti<:u Ia J' attention will bt· gi\'t·n to woml'n and <"hildren. Bobbing and shingling a spPcialty. Ad,·. 621 MAIN STREET CITY MARKET CO. WHOLESALE -2 7 PRONE: WILMETTE 1810 RETAIL . · ~· MEATS .I " I NOTHING BUT THE HIGHEST GRADES 01' BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK AND POULTRY--ALL CAREFULLY SELECTED AMD PRICED LOW FOR THIS Speeial Sale Frida,.. · and Saturday, June II and 12 BEST NATIVE · RIB ROAST OF CHOICE BEEF ........................ ~9e Pot Roast Native Beef ......... 24e II Choice Pickled Beef Tongues 2Se FANCY SOFT MEAT ROASTING CHICKENS ..... . ..................... 4~e Armour Cloverbloom I Strictly Fresh Butter, 1 lb. prints........ Clean Eggs ................. ~ FRESH KILLED 1926 BROILERS ..........·................................... SSe Armour Star Bacon half or whole, 4Se .Pork ·Loins half or whole ......... ~SYze · · f 47C 2.9C .... . ., . FRESH KILLED HENS-FO.R STEWING ........ .... ..... ................... 40e ASSORTED COLD MEATS lor OQTINGS and LUNCHEONS Four Daily Deliveries: 9 A.M.- 11 A.M.- 2 P.M.- 4 P.M. Wilmette, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Winnetka