Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 64

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64 WILM ETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 Fishermen Rescu~ Boys From Lake in Storm. Three boys wen~ rescued by fishermen when an old scow in which they were paddling turned · over about a quarter of a mile off the breakwater at \\'ilmette harbor during a squall last Sunday afternoon. They are Robert .Kelly, 12 years old, his brohter, Bernard, 10 years old, 2754 Carmen avenue, Evanston, and William M:eekt·r. 10 years old, 805 Milburn street, Evanston. The boy s clung to their era ft when it overturned and their cries of distress were h eard bv the fishermen who resc ued them 6efore theY " :e re much the we>rse for their accident. ~Ir s. \V. H. Smythe and her family, of Kenilworth, will leave · ~or their summer home at Portage Point. Mich., on Saturday, June 12. tn spen d the remainde'r of the season. ~l'E('f ,\1, A!iiSlo;SliDU~VI' XOT(('}~ To Wed on June 15 The Wilmette Golf club will be the scene of dancing from 9 until 12 Saturday evening. This is the second social affair of its kind to be given at the club this summer, and marks the . coming of Saturday evening ~ancing Invitations have been is sued J>y Mr. which will occur each ,,·eek durmg the and Mrs. Herma'n Stoddard Pelt 1Jn of month of July. Chicago to the marriage of their daught e r, Miss Doroth~· Lizan, to DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE Joseph Bowman 11 arshall, ] r., son of Mr. and Mrs. ] . B. ~larshall of )040 DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Elmwood avenue, \\' ilmette, which will Osteopathic Phyaiciana take place at 4, Saturday a f tenwQn, Residence and Office June 19, at the Church of the A .one013 Central A ,·enue Phone 300 ment, Chicago. A reception for the immediate familie s and relatives will be held at the SoYercign ho tel immediately after the ceremony. Auto Repairing Miss Marv Elizabeth ~1 arshall, sister of the b~idegroom. '"ill be maiJ of Guaranteed Work honor . Joseph B. Marshall will act Reasonable Rates as hi s son 's be st man. and the u~hers Ross ·Skelton will he Marshall \V cbbcr of \Vilmette and John Lizars of Chicago, brother 4 1 o Prairie Ave. Wilmette 3 55 5 of the bride. Joseph Marshall to Wed Chicago Girl on June ·.19 - YILL.\GE OF WJLl\IETTE SPECL\L AS~ESS:\lEN'l' ~0. 17:1 ::\'OTICE IS HEREBY r.IVEX to all pE-rsons int t> r t>stc.>d that the President and Doard of Trustees of the Village of Wilntt'ttt> in the County of Cook and State of Jllinoi s, haYing ordered that the central eightee n (lS) f eet of the first alley southwest of Main Street, extending from the south line of Lake Ave nue to th e northerly line of 'Wilmette Avenue, f'X('ept that portion of the intersections with said alley of Washington AV.:lHUC and Central A \'enue, lying between th e north.e rly and southerly Jines of each )[ said streets or avenues, which are alr eady paved, be improve d by gra1ing ~r nd pa,·ing with concrNe and otherwise improving· the same ; the ordinance for th e same being on fil e in the office of the Yillagf' Clerk of said Village, and said Village having applied to the Coun· ty C'ourt of Cook County, Illinois, for nr. a::-;sesRnwnt of the cost of said iml·ron·nwnt, aecording- to b ene fits and an assessnwnt there for having been mad ~ and rl'turned to said Court (Docket ?\t ·. Ji;{), tlw final Jwaring the r eon will be ht' ld on tht· 28th day of .Tunc, A. D. l:l2o, at 10 o'elo<·k. A. :\T., or as soo n thel·.:!after as tht· bmdJH·ss of till· court wi·l (H rmit. All JW!'!"ons d t·s iring· may file objecti ons in said Court before said da y and may HPJH'rtr 0 11 th e hl'aring and 1nakc th <·i r d f(·nse. ~aid ordina rwt· providf's for th<' collf' C'tion of said asst·ssnwnt in th'c annual installnwnts and with annual interest tlwreon at th <' rat (' of ~ix (6) per centum ]tt·r annum, as JH'OYidPd IJy Jaw. ll:tt(·d, \'\"ilnwttl' , Illinois, Jun e lJth. A. n. 1!·26. CHARLES N. EV AXS, Person <tJ)pointPd l(v the Presidl'nt of the Board of Loca l lmJH'ovt·ments of th e Village 0i '\Vilmettt', Cook County, Illinoi s, to mnkt' said assessment. L37-2tc four clothes washed free if you ring us Miss Harriet Borre The marriage of Miss Harriet Borre of Segar street, daughter of Lieut. Albert Borre of the Wilmette Police, to Gilbert J. Ely, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Ely of Princeton, III., will take place June 15. The young people wi.ll make their home in Wilmette. Music ~.\aster Loud S.Ubn !)ase Plugs Installed Fi.1e Lin,. of Lightinc Fimrw Electrical Repairill_ Radio Sets and Suppllet Eveready "B" Battertet E .AI!!'-~ VacuumElectri~ a .. - · WASI-IER e. Phone Wilmette I 04\; Adams Electric Shop :;;~I Fourth Street l. is only as Good Dealer W~O Sells it In buying a Used Car you are forced to depend upon the reputation of the dealer who sells it. He alone is b a position to know the history and present condition of the cars he sells. Dodge Brothers Dealers are business men, operating permanent establishments under valuable franchises. They look upon every Used Car purchaser as the ultimate buyer of a New Car, and they value his good will accordingly. Buy a Used Car of any Dodge Brothers Dealer and you will receive honest value for your money. And right now is aparticularlygood time to buy. Increasing sales of new Dodge Brothers cars -following radical improvements in beauty and performance-have everywhere brought in an exceptional selection from which to choose. A Used Car · I Ext ra Niee VEGETABLES ! On these rather warm days you ought to eat an abundance of good fruits and vegetables. We now have on hand ·melons, ap~ ricots, strawberries, cherries, pineapples. Also all the early summer vegetables. New Car Prices Touring Car Roads~er Coupe Sedan $855.50 854.50 906.50 960.00 Delivered Telephone C. M. MeDonald 1019 Wilmette 154or 1361 LuBas Brothers 1135 Central Ave. Davis St. Univ. 224 Evanston DCD6E- BROTHE-RS MDTDR. CARS

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