Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 63

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6 June 11, 1926 HELP W ANTED-M.<\1,1~ WILMETTE Ji> LIFE FOR SALE-:\IISCELJ,AN~OUS 6J . $. 7. f1 0 . p I ' b: I. c ' . 11 I' d I' I ' I · ' ~ l · '( c Central Avenue; In Central A venue from Oak Street to WTD.-ASSlSTANT IN Ridge Avenue; \VAKTED - 1\fA.N BY THE WEEK. NO SIT.TATION gel eral office work. Phone Winnetka In Ridge Avenue from one hundred and Sunday, for cleaning, yard work. Help 855 15L'.rN37·ltn twenty (120) feet north of Washingto:1 drin <..:ar. Hour.<;;: 8 :30 to 5 :30. ReferStreet to thirty-three (33) feet north ot ences. Phone \Vinnetka 1087. CAP <\.BLE \VHITE \VOMAN WANTS the south village limits ; 11L37-lte wo.·k to do l>y the day. Phone W.ilIn Highland Avenue from Oak Street met.~ 172:t 15L37-ltc A QUAINT OLD BED, CHAIR, CHEST, to four hundred and thirty ( 430) feet east or any kind of an antique. ~ ll.ELI) W AN'l'}:Jl-}'K:\IALE of Clark Street ; Have some very ehoi('e pi eces , espe16 SI'J UA'l'ION W _ \:KTED-}lALE AND In Seger Street from seven hnndreu cially in glass, pewter, furniture, (700) feet west of Brown Street to thrCti FEMALE \\.AXTI·~D COMPETENT WHITE brasses and rare prints. Also some finu hundred and thirty (330) feet east (·I g-irl for ~ooking and general house-. HOUSEold fin:;t editions in books. wnrk. Finnb;h, Swedish· or German. (COU)RED) DAY WORK Clark Street; Everything can be had at remarkably clea "ling ; yard work ; rugs cleaned; Xo washing or ironing-. High wag-es. In Schiller Street from seven hundred low prices. Mrs. Dicke, 808 Washing- ( 700) feet west of Brown Street to thre laUJ ,dry done at home. Cooking·; servHl'f'. l't'<l· ),fr·s . \\'. C. Snoddy, 227 ton street. Tel. University 98fl0. ing partil-s ; actual service on any ocHalt>igh J!.rl., Kenilworth. 'l'el. Kenil. hundred and thirty (330) feet east o 21LT~37-ltc casi··n. 'olored coupl e wants position 1 !lH. 12LTN37-ltc Clar·k Street; as ·~ool<, <'hauffe ur and house man; In Columbus Avenue from Lake AYe· \\'.\ XTED-:\TAID OR :\IfDDLB AGED will:ng to kaYe eity through summer. LADIES-YOU (':\X DO YOUr:. ~EW nue to three hundred and sixty (361i Yotk s hopping· in th e Famous :\[onasilk womnn, whitt ·, for gt' lH: ral housework, Referenct·. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenilnorth; l'llt'i:-;tian, :111cl must b e fond of chilDresses, Dainty Pnderwt>ar and the feet ·wo rth 1 Of\8. 16LT:-.;33-tfc In Cambridge Avenue from Lake Ave cll·l'l1. < :ood l10me. T el. "\Vilmc tte 1530. Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so nue to three hundred and sixty (3GO 12LTN37-ltc hca,·y as co rs C> t yet more control than S .\ LE-liOl ' SEHOLU GOODS north; ordinary C'o rs elctte, at my home or by feet fn Harntrd AYenue from Lake Ave \\'.\XTEI> COMPETEN'I' \VHITE \'V'O:\J>I ·~llF l.L ('LL\X('J.:; FOR YOUNG appointment at your home. nue to four hundred forty (440) fee 111<~ i1l: g-r·rH1 n"fcren<'('S; about ~5 years cou ·JJ;.. \\'ill sal·r·ifkv beautiful 1urnMrs. GPrtrude P. Ambler north; ,,f ;q.~· ··· Thn·<· ·in family, no washing, ishi'1g·s f(,r -t rm. apt. ; only u sed four :n5 Green Bay Road In ).Ielvin Avenue from Lake Avenue :l;JS. Phnne \VInn. 18-t(j; G1!1 ElderPhone Glencoe 9::t4. 21LTN36-tfp to four hundred forty (440) feet noL'tit mo11ths; :: .. pit'tT :-;ilk mohair 11arlor lath'. 12 LTX~l7-ltc suite; . -pit·<·<· walnut dining set; 4In Yale Avenue from Lake Avenue. t·J pit· ·t· walnut lwdroom sd; two Qxl~ FOP.. S.-\ LE - ~IX TUBE PORTABLE fvur hundred forty (440) feet north; W .\ XTEn- IXTELLICBXT GIRL TO radio, comp ld(· with tu!Jt·!o;, hatt~>ries, \\rilton rup;; lilJrar·~· ta.IJI(·; floor and In Pr·inct:ton Avenue from Lake Ave ('<trv for 2 C'hildr('n . ~ieC' home. Referand loud ::;p(·:tk<·r. Pric<· $65.0tt. Origtali(: lamps; :1 pit·<·t· IJrNLkfn.st set, and nue to four hundred forty (440) fee t'lll't·s rt·quin·d. C'all Cl(·ncof' 102R. inal ~H·lling- price $195.00. sil\ er wan·. \\.ill tak · $i:i50.00 for a ll; north; 12LT::\f37-ltc Th P nad io f;en·ice Shop wor h $~,OOIJ.1JO. ~:~:.! L ·land A\·e., n ear In Oxford A venue from Lake A venU·l 18 Prouty Annex Sh··ridan noacl, ( 'hil'ago. T e l. SunnyW.\X'I'ED - WHITl·; (:Tf!L FOH. CENttl four hundred forty ( 440) feet north 21LT~::7-lt<..: sid e ·\:1 Qn. "\\'iII arrangt fo~r .~"~l _i,~ery. ··ral work; small family; no laundry. In Xorth A\·enue from Greeley Avenu·l 1tLI:\ ... -3q, fl· ·nnan· ·nt position or for f(·W week!. FOH. S.\ LE _ SLTn HTLY \\YOH :'\ LA- lo Ridge Avenue; "·inrwtka 2Gn2. 12L'l'N37-ltc In Hollywood Avenue from Greeley FOR SALi~ FL'\E OLD E~GLISH dh·f" <"lothing- of all kindf'. Large se- A\"t:·nue to nine hundred ninety (990) feet ' 't 1 · · 1 d' lection. 1· Ul'lll urt · atH H('lTHSOl'll'S, me u mg: W.\ XTED- WHTTB :\TA 1D FOR CEN· ,~ E east of :\IPldn Asenue; ··r;tl !tons·' Work mu>'t have <'ooking- extall-boys, J.i~hhoys, chairs, tables .J..\RYT!-: lU.. A.L ·· )n ('IoYer Road from Greeley Avenuq P·· rir-nr·t· : hig-h C'st wng-(·S. f'all \Vin17th <·t·ntlll·~· dol;;- ('UpiJoards, and 1-10~ .Jarvisp.-\,k·en~lt·.,lo Tiidge Avenue; llf'lkn. 11 ~7. 12LT~37-ltc lin(·n l'ht ·sts, mirrors, shawls, caddie Tel. Rogers ar · ·· ···· Tn Kt-nilworth Drive, south, from Gree· 2 lLT 37 -1ti~ lt:-v A\·enue to seven hundred 1.700) feet hoxt·s, IJil,lt· lwx, wou! and silk needle"'.\XTI·:n-EFFICTE~T 1ST FLOOR wc.r·k, l'ot'fvt· urns. YH: .. s, jugs, ornn.- ~~~~~~L~O~S~T~~A~N~D~~F~O~U~N-D--- -~ t·<~s t of ~lelvin Av · nue; 1ll : t i<l, white; plain eooking: no launnH·nts, t·t('. .\11 bt·low ~ urn·nt })rices. In Kenilworth Drive, notth, from Gree· dn·. TIPfl·rf'nC s n·quirC'd. ~alary $20. Tt·l. \\'innHka 2-t:L 17LT~37-ltc lt·y A\·enue to six hundred and ten (610) c; lt ·JlCil<' (ifift. ] 2LN37 -ltc ft:>t->t east of ~.£elvin Avenue; 1-'011 SALE UEXUIXE WALNU'l' 1..:1·~SIT,\,·on.rrn E :\T P L n Y MEN T ..\HD-\YTLL RF.: PAID FOR REIn :Mel\·in Avenue and twin IJ 'lh; , IJOx spring·s and mattrt:: ·ses, H.EW . turn of small femal<' Boston bull dog. In l\Ielvin Avenue extended from Lin.\t.:·t·n<·y. Rrliahl<' d omrstic help suppractically tH·w . H£·asona1Jle. .A.1::. 2 f"hilcl's twt. Dark brindle, whitt.' fnce <le n Avenue to Clover Road; plitcl. Ph. Kenilwoi'th 1847. pair handmadt· H ·lour portieres, in.~ 11cl C'hl·st, black spot on ht'ad b eIn Linden Avenue from Melvin Avenue 12LTN34-trc l'ludi ng· filti11g·s. "\Vinndl<a 14Hl. twt·t·n p:us. sC'Ff'W tail. \VPight 14 lbs. to five hundred and forty (540) feet east 17LTN37-ltc \\' .\:-\TED ('0:\TPETEXT \YfTJTE 1161 Oakh·y Ave .. Hubbard \Yoods: or of Melvin Avenue to the south; :.:irl for (·onking and downstairs work. phone \Vinnctka 1284. In Alles A venue from Elmwood Avenue FOR SALE-UPRIGHT CABLE PIANO I :,. ,·, ·ro·nl'l ·s. Tel. K<·nilworth 2!')~2. 24L1"~37-1t<' to "\Vashing-ton Avenue; ancl b~:nch, $Gfi. Mahogany Napoleo n ----~ -In Alles Avt-!nU(' from Kenilworth Ave12LTX~G-1 tc <louhlv bed!-:tc-ad, box springs and hair e~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ·2:, ('OXTH .\f'TOns ,\Xll ,JOHHERS 1 .u e to four hundred and thirty (430) feet mattrt ·!:' s, P5. PhonC', ·Glencoe :~36. , , . \ ~Tl:J l nTnL FOR r:EXERA L 17LTN36-2tc ALL <:H..\PES ()F BP.fC'K \YORK, ES- south; hiiii St· \\·orl<; thr t·c· in famil~·; no washIn Elmwood .\ yenut' from Alles AveP··cially <'hitmwr~. ftrq1lact ·s, walks, nu~ to t:>ight hundred and im:·. T, ·l \Yiln11 ·t l·· ::rtlll. 1 :llli Ash- I ·on thirty-five ~ALE AT A ~AC" ' IF1CE, !'t··P", platfl))·ms, flag- ston(·!';, c·t<'., J!iYC:n (. :~5) ft>f't east; Ltn d .\w. 12LTX:17-1tc Italian pott(·r.'· lamp with parchment pt ·rsonal altt·ntion. Otto Ottt·n. h.t·ntlln Franz Road from Allt>s A n~nue to >'hadt· from tlw Dun('an !-:tudio. Tel. worth 1 ~07. 2:JLTX:~7 -1 te \\' . \~TF:Il -SE('0 :'\1) ranL: Tn (;0 t·ig-ht hunctrl'd and thirty-fiYe (835) feet \\' innl"fl{a i!·:: . 17 LT~:\7-ltt.: In ·Ill ·· nig-hh· . 1-'hllnt· \Yinnl'tka ll. <·ast; 12I,TX::7-ltc Tn Ko ·nilworth _\ Yt:>nu~_' from Locust !-:tn· t: t to two hundred and seH·nty (270) \\'. \:\'Tl-:1\ ·- r:n~L. P.\TIT TDIE TO ft·t· t t·ast of Forest A vc:nue ; <':t r ·· ffll' t·hild. K· ·nil\,·c.rtll !"1!\ 1\\·. 2:-iLN:n-Hp In Locust Stru. · t from Kenilworth _-\ve1:?LT:-\:~,'-Itf' ~ .·~-~==,~,~.~11~ .~S~l-~:l~I~O~J~,l~l-S~F~~I~t-,-.1-(-.1-.:---· l~ U(· to t\vo hundrc·d and fifteen (215) _, ft'L' t norlh: l'i W ,\ "'l'EH-HOFSEHOL Tl GOODS \\'\:-\TJ·:P -:\T.\Tf> FnR GP.XE11 .\L j ln (;rant .-\vl'nut· from two hundred It· 1\l!'f'WIIrk Pll"ll· · \\~im11'1 lcr. 1 ~~ :i. 1 WX:\TEn TO BUY-SECOXD HA~D anrl fiftn·n (21:i) fet' t north of Kenil1 ~L1':\'"~7-1te I !'urniturl' n1Hl otlwr hous l·hold goods. '\'Jf.:\flo:TTI·: 1·PHOL~TERY SHnP worth An:llUl' to t11rl't' hundred and ten J-lig-ll f·st pril'cs for same. C'rost Fur- FII:!-:T t'L.\,'::-; l'PHOLSTE:HTXC~ 110XE (::1Ul ft ·t·t Houth of Kl·nilworth Avenue; \\ '. \ :'\TI·: P-f'r l-:\Tl'I·: TEXT T..\ l'XPTIESS, nitun· Storl', 100 1-G Erlll·rson St., E\·: 1 t your honw or at my sh· ·Jl. Pric · · · ~ In !-:ht·rnwn .-\\'t'll Ut· from t'vo hu~dred 1\ ltito·. l'h .. n· · \\'i T1llt'll ·a 1~ 11. a nstc·ll, Til. Pl1om· Uni\·. 11:!!), r· ·;t>'·onahl··: ,,-,,rk guarantt···cl. " Elt-c·- 1 :tnd jjftpt·n (~15) ft·<·t J1orth of h .e nil1 ~LT:-\~7-ltc 18LTX11-tfc tric' pin<'<·. T· ·l. "'I'Vilnwttt~ ~!'ti. worth "\\'t ·ntlt' to fin · hundred and five 27LTX~7-1tp r:.o~l) ft·d south (If K(·nilworth A.Yenue: \\' \:'\TEll l:XI'EI1TEXCEI1 L.\frX\\T'\Xf~TK.\ ' YPRXI'l'Fl~J;; ~TORE ·~ ~- -------- ----------lu t'lt·n·land "\\'L'l1Ut> from two hundred d ;·,·;-;s f"r 'l'u· ·scLT:: (lf t·al'll \\.,.,.].;: whitt'. Tiu:-:-~eli--Exchn.ng- -Xt' w-l"srd :\OTfCE:-\ ;tnd fit'lt·t·n (~l:i) fet·t north of Kenil·1·, 1. \\' inn··tlct J:!o.--;, 1:!r:rx: ~ li-1tt· c 'P<·ll clail~· . Tut·!'., Thurs., ~at., ~ p. m. worth .\ ,· 1·ntll· to fin· hundrl'cl :1.nd five 1 ------------------- , ],1111 \\~illo\\ 11<1 . 1'tl "\\'inn . 1~1~. I llt ·l'o ·l ·,. ~i\'t · JH·ti\·,. th:1t I will n"t he· IJII ·.l t 1 ·..t south ot K(111h\orth Avenue; W \ :\ T F 11- \f \ T, I ·~ II li'LTX~tj-t fc l'· ·spnnsihlt · f~>r .n!\· rl· ·l·t:-: <" 11 ntr:t<·t··'.l J 11 \\', ·Ill worlh .\ ,·t·nut-> from Kt>nilworth ~=~~~=====~~~~----- :.r'lt·l' tlli:- d:tt !· J.,. "tll··rs tll·tn 111:'-'!'t·ll . . \\t-llll l' let four htllHln·cl and thirt~· (HO) :-:1·!'1'.\T!IlX \\' Tit Tr .\:-\PY -:\f\): ~~~ \\ . \VI'I·:U-'II~f'ELL .\~I·:ocs (~i~·n ··ll." "'illia1n 1!. Hntll . ft ···t s(luth of Jo( 1 · 11 ilworth Av nue; ,,.,11 1" tn rJ., t:·:·nl· ·nin!..:· nr wnrk ~tround L~~~-~tp ln F··l't·st .\\··· IIlii- from Kt·nilworth tl1·· h··ll "·· },~· · i:J~ ··1' w,.,J.; '1' . 1 ,.,., .... ,_ , !--: . c;cl(,J):\f.\:-\ . . Jl"XK fH: .\LEI"!. t .\\· ·llUo · t11 foUl' Jlundrt·cl and thirty (-130) 1··: r .-.. 1 -1LTX:17-1tp t lll~;J{I ·:~T 1'1!1('1·: 1'\fll Fill: 1! .\< ;::-;, I fi··t :-'IIlith nf 1\ l'ni lworth An·nut·; · tz in· ·s. "lcl ··l~.th··>'. tir··s. tuh1 ·>' . . ~l'l·:CI \I. A:-\:-\l::-i:-nn: ·:\'1' . '\'OTH ' l·~ ( ., · 1.., cl · "'\'J. llll'tt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1· ,, ... ·. 1 I . II , ,,·1\Yh'\\' \.~lll . 1 rmn ' . ~ e l've 1. 1 :-TIT. \T!tt:-\ \\'T I>. c; _ \l!lli·~XIX(; & '1'· ·1. \Yi lmdft· :~: :::1. 1:tf.T:-\::7-Jtc· u · to lt·n hundrt·d and thtrty (1030) 11 1 1,, u:,····l··:t ni ttc:. I::-, Jl. I !..f··l'··nc···s. \\'inn . \' illa:.rP of " ' ilult·H«'--""Jwda I \ "'"'· ""Ill I'll I , ft T l :-;out hwt ·:-;tv rly, the ordinanct' for the -;"J·::!, ,., ,.,,i: 1;..:!'. 1 !LTX~7-·1tp llf 1 :TTEST f'l~fl'l ·~ PATn FCH"l :\TJ:x · ~ Xo. 1;:; j s;tlnt· hting· 1111 lilt> in th C> office of the 1 ··l(ltllim.\· a1111 >'11C1~"~. 'l'o ·l. "\\.il. 1:1:-.1. "illit "·t· ('ll'l'k of said Village . and said .\XP 1..\"WX 1!"1LT~ :1f>--ttp ; XCl'l'f('l:; IS 1lETIEP.Y CT\'1·~~ !n all \'illa~·t· h<l\'illg· applied to the County ""rl\; ;.J,..., f"lcl j,.J, :-;. l';tll \\.il :-li~S ' I Pt ·r .., .. ns intvl'l'S!l'<l th;Jt th" l'r· · ~· icl< · nt ('··urt c.t' ('onk ('ounty, Illinois, for an 1 !LT:~:?-tf(' :?H ArTo:uonTLl~S <11H1 1~11;1)'(} .. r Trnstt·t·S of lh· · \'ill ag-;· (If as:-;t ·>'>'lll· ·llt of till' l'OSt o[ Haid im}lrOYe1·,,· t1t, ,·t<·c·11rc1i11g.· to hendits and an assess!·'< !I!. ::-;.\LE - 1~\~:l lll'P:\lC\lnT.E nn .\P- \\'ilnl r'l ,,. in tlw I 'nunt:--· of c 'rlflk aml 1 , . ,,. \'· . 'fi'Il 1' 1'\1 1.", :-\IT I ' \TIO' ·. - ' ·, \1 · I' ·. :-;t. ·r in JH ·rt' .. c·t llW('haniC':ll ···nHlitir 1 11. St;tt·· 111' Tllinoi:-:. ha\·inl!· <·rcl· ·r ·· d that a 111 t·llt tlH·rl'l'or h:P;ing· lwen made and !'anit:lr,\· st'\n·r s~·stt·m "!' 'itrifil'cl piJh' r..turn ··tl t·' said <.'ourt (Docket No. 175), I Prir·· .-~~:;. C'all 'Yil. l.i~1. :-: I'IT'. \TJt):\ \\"1 '1). ·· - PnSITTOX .A~ :wr:J'X:l7-ltc· s,.,,·,·rs with brick manlwlv:-:. Itt· <' 0 11- tilt· final Iwarin).r tlwreon will bt' held L'd ';· ·t:n· ·:-: s hr !'ttll;·g-·· g·irl. f11r ~ummPr stnwlt·d and l:ticl i11 tlw t'ollnwing· stl't'l' ts, 11 n tlw ~Sth ditv of .Tt.Jne, .\. D. 192G, at ··r p· ·:·ln:tlll ·nt: t·all t··rtl'll Fn·llC'h OJ' XC\"" 18 yn 1 · 1 ~ f'IT.\Xf'E in tlw Yillac."t· of \YilnwttL'. <'ount~· 01' tn o't·lol'k, A . ~1.. or as soon thereafter ~:>:llli>'h "~' 1 utl·l'. r..·~t rt·f·' T'f'lli'I'S. XI·:\\· \\·rLLYS KXH :TT'l' LTGHT ~TX I 'opl\ and Statt · of Tllinni~: as the business of the court will permit. \\'inn..tl\a 1 fiR !"I. 1 :iL'rK~7-1 tc SL·dan. <1Pmonslrator . Hug(' ~;1\·in!::!'.,., \\'ilTn Tla1w< n·k .\ n·nut· from nort11 , ·it· All 1 wr~ons dt·siring may file objections 20L .. 7-11<' l;lg-l' limits to ""aslling·tnn .·\\'t· ntll': in said Court lwfore said day and may 11 wtlt · :!10. ~l'IT.\TJOX \\'Tl) . nnE~~:\L\KTNC Tn \\'ashinc.·ton A n·nUL' ft·om Rl'i D \\'n.ld appear on the hearing and make their '" dn :tt llnnw: al>'" ('hilr1r<'n's <'loth<'s. F()J1 ch·fl'lll>P. · · S.\ LE- DOrnLE Dl!.T\rE DE- .\ n·mH' tn T!i<ll:~·p .\ n·nw·; F"r ;TppnintJn,·nl <'all \Yilnwttf' ~0!"1:{, Tn Cin·el('~· .\ Y('llUt' and Said ordinance. provides for the coltroit ElN'tl'iC': l'lH'Pial h~tt<'ri<'~. Owm·r lfiLT:\'"~7-lt<' It a ,·inp.; town ...,Ninn. 12!"1. In (;n·vh·y .:\ n·Jiut· t·xtt·ndvrl from Kt n- Jvdion of said 'a ssessment in ten annual 20LTN:{7-1tf'. il\\'orth ])ri\·<'. south. to r:.vinwald An·- installnwnts and with annual interest SJTl'.\TTOX \YTl! .. EXPE11.TENC'r::n nu·· ; t ht'rPon at the rate of six (6) per centum (·n, 1k (1··!'i!'t>~ pos1t1nn as ennk ll1 fnmtly FOil ~ ..\ Ll-~-:1 PA~S . o,·EnLAXn: :; Tn ( ;rt ·t· l··~· .-\,·,· nuL· from l(Pnil\\·orth pl'r annum, as provided by law. nf · tllrt r. no lnlln!lt·y. R<>fl'rf'ne·'~ . Wilg·nn<l tire·~: pquhmlf'nt. g-nncl eonclitinn . 1 lriYt'. nm·th. to mw hundn·d and twl'nty. Dated. Wilmette, Illinois, June lOth, nwttf' Liff' A.-!10!"1. 15L~7-ltp $:ifl.OO. Phonr \VihnC>tte !Hi!i-R. n,-,. (l:.!:i) t't>l't north; A. D. 1926. 20LTX:~7 -1 tp Tn l1l'inwald _\n·ntH' irom Lo('ust .-\Yt>CHARLES N. EVA::\fS, ~1'1'1 '. \TTOX \\'1'11. :\f01'HER \VT'rH nut· to \Yilnwttt' A\'(' llllt'; Person appointed by the Presi' c·hild tn stny on prt·mist>s wislw!-; ]lOsi- FOR ~.\ LF. - .TORn.\~ !') PA~~EXGER Tn \\.ilmt·ttP ..\ ,.t'!Hil' from fh·e (S) dl'llt of the Board of Local Imt ion n ~ g-pnt'l'll I mair1, <'nok. or ~ur~<'. st·dan. PXC<'llrnt ('nml ition. ~1 ~ Linflt' n fl···t Past of wt·Ht villag·t· limits to Ridge pron~ments ot' the Village of To ·I. rniv. fi .t 1~. 1 !iLTN.,7-1tc St. \Vim1etka. Phone \Vinnt>t ka fiO~. .\ ,.t· nut ·; "\Vilnll'ttc, Cook County, Illinois, ' ~OLT :'(::7 -1t(' In Lake A\'enut\ from Rl'inwald AYt'· to make said assessment. Sl'IT.\ TTO:\T \Y1'D. LA r~nrn~~S ----nUt' to Ridg-t' _-\ ,·enue; L37-2tc "· ~t nts :\Ton. & \\.1'<1 . Rt·fen' n<'es. Trl. ~1 .FOR - Si\ T,F.-1fll'ICET,J,A Nl:OTTS Tn Hrown Stn·t>t from Lakt' ...\Yenue ~o "'inn. 71 fi2, eYenings. 15LTN:{7-ltp pnn SAT.F. - HAND P..\TXTF.n f"\T1P Dlum !-:trt·<·t; M r::;. Margaret Latham of Chic::1go 111 D 1u m St rel:'t from Oa I< Street to tablE" and WRSte haskets, !"llt'('ia] rln- rlwt·t' hundl't·d and niut>ty (:'!\()) feet east i~ the guest this week at the home of sig-ns. Kenworthy-John~on ~tur1io. 1 n2 of C'lnrk Strt·E't to the north; '!\1 r. and · ~[ rs. Lc\\'is B. Springer of ~lwrman A n·., Evanston. In Oak Strvt:>t from Blum Strt:>et to -l30 ~Iaplc aYenuc. 21 LTX~7 ··1tl' .SITUA1'10N WA:NTED-FE:l\IALE !1 ----·----------------------------- Antiques For Graduation Why Not? ~Oft 24 Liberal Re\va rd .-' \ttention I I --------~---------- 1

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