Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 61

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June 11, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 61 HOLD CHILDREN'S DAY Children's Day will be observed in the Wilmette Parish Methodist church Sunday morning June 13, at the regular worship hour. This will l?e a joint service of the congregation and Sunday school with program and sermon appropriate to the occasion. The Sunday school will convene at 10 :30 o'clock. is a, d, 1- NEW TRJER AWAITS I Seibold, ~amar Well~ Sexmith, Marjorie ,! August Graduatea Shaw, James E. Sheridan, H. Wells Slm- ! August graduates (the following stu26T H CoMMENCEMENT mons, Grace R. Smith, Helen I. South. . ward, Winogene Springer, Hertha Marie dents are prepanng to graduate at lay, Olive L. Dennis, Virginia B. Dennis, Tiobert D. D<'nny, Virginia I. M. DickinRon, Harry J<:. DubRky, Emilie C. Durham, Joseph W. Dux, Forr~st A. Eason, John D. Emrich, Milton s. Emrich, MabPI S. l~nright, \Valter Etzbach, Jean Ew·rR, LE-opold S. Fletclwr, Mary L uise Finc·k, 1\Ta.rie Flentye, Paul H. Gathercoal, Catherine D. Geib, Ciracf.' n. Glennon, .Jf'rOml" r:oo<'lman, Georg(' Haa<'k, .JaC'k L. HagPn, Yirg-inia L . Hq_ight. Frank A. Hall, Arthur H. H:1wkim;on, Howarcl <"::. H<>a.ton, Virginia P. HPidman, Halph HPinl'ma.n. ·Phyllis H<>insen, Williiun H. HE'in~h<'inwr, Yirg-iniH r . HE'itman, L'lui~r H<·nrf'kson, :\Tarion F. T-Jf'f:lc·r. Tiolwrt r. H<>Y<la, 1\fn.dPiinl?' HiC'kR, .l;tC'k H. Hig-h(·f', :.\fn.rjorye A. Hill, l\lorris H. Hin;h. Lorrain1· F . Hnll HiC'harrl r; . HOUI'C'll. Frane··S HIIW:lnl. H··rflf'P R. Huhbard,· (;pnrg-p l·i. \V. Hug-hf·<: Hr:-t rlfltl'd \\'. Hutson, Harry Ito, Sidnr·y ,,·. J aC'kson, f'hn rkR n . .Ta('ohs, :\TuriP I r.. Jc·linf'k. \Yilliam P. .Tt>nks, Rolwrt n. Johnson, "\'l·ra. n. .Johnson, Karl "'· Karnopn, Fnmf'f'S l\'T. l{f'hlin~. rn.rl KPith. Jr., Anna l\f. Kf'nnedy . Hohr·rt E. Kpnyon, .Jr., Guln-1r H(·lf'n<' l\"lwiralla, ('on~t::tnc·c· V . Kimhall. fi<>orgl?' H. Kraft, A !bert F:. Kn'nwr. ::\hYb<'llf' ::\T. Kur·lzow. \Villiam L. Ln.nf<>rman, Lang-don, F.dw~1rd L. Lawrt·n('<> E. Lange· . .Tr .. Fritzi r:. Lang<>, \Yillhm 1'. 1 ,nrnc·r. f'harlPs F . Lauf'r. Dorothy .T. Lawr<'n<'(·, .Jamr>s F. lAwton. Gporg-C' S. Lawson . Frr:tnC'<.>s F.. Lf'vi. Fran<'<".; R . L<>vy. :\Targar('t E. Lips, \Villiam Bross Lloyd, Esthf'r .J. Loomis. Florrn<'l' r:. Lorinwr. f'har.l"s A. Lundb(·rg, :\fary F.. Lut;r., \Yillian"! H. 1\faldan('r. 1\Tary Elizab~th :\farshall. Yir~ini::~. :\fnr~hall. .John R. :\TA.rtin, 'Yillin.m :\f. :\Tartin, \Valt~>r Beaton Marx, AnnP E. :\Iatson, Harry r. 1\fay . .JPan L . l\T<'f'::J.llunt. Louis n. :!\JC'DOWI'll, Naomi S. ~~('nowPII. .Tamc·s M<'Fadzf'an. Donald H. :\fC'Gill.,. Mary .Jo!wphinf' 1\f<'Giwrn. Ykfqr C. l\TC'Kf'ie'han. Ruth .J . ~TParns, Frank R. Millington. Ruth n. ~foorP, \Vf\Itf'r L. Moor<'. Aim!! ~f. :\fut> hlh<>r~r, ElizabPth 0. :\fulford. 1\farg-arf't .J. ~t>w mn n. Loui~a 1\f. ~iJJ('S. Torno Tonv·taro Xi!<hiznki. :Elna. :\T. ~ordst('dt, naYid E. Xutt. Yf'ra :\fay Og-an . H"l"n :\f. Olson, :\JildrPd F. Olson, .Janf' E . Owf'n , TinbPrt R. Pag-P . Xath!"!Jl n. Panf'nast . .John n. Pannf;hka, nnth 1\T. Pnrkf'r, ThPndorP H. P(·rn·. John 1'. PnrtPr, :\TarjoriP L . Post. f'nrinn· ' F.. Pottn·. GC'Or!!P ,V. na('illf', "~'rnn R~l\" .. n~('rnft, Yio!Pt Ra Yi·nsC'roft. X a t"a Iii' 1 ~N1fi('l(1. Fay TI··rnif'(· H1·in~·r . FrNlPrir l{··inhol(l. Tiutl1 T. Ri<'~'. Alb··rt E. Ri<l1111·. f'l:lra :\T. TIO!<~ht·rg-c·r. ('hnri(·S n. Hnth. FrNlf·riC'k S. Hummlt·r. Da\·irl L. Hum~f·Y. AliC'c· ~and(·rsnn. Ryhil n. Snxton. -:\farinn E. Rrh<·ll. H:1rohl '"· ~· · hlut·t<·r. FrNll ·rit·k H. ~c-hmitd. Lt ·nn:ncl ~. ~l'hmit z. \Ya ltt·r (~. SC'hr<wdt·r. C'harlt·S r . St'llwartz, \Yarn·ns D. (Contmued from Page 1) a II h 11, e, ln. ,, 1 ... Staehelin, Eunice S. Stoddard. Paula A. Stoerk, Ermyntrude Stokes, George R. Stone, Frank C. Stover, Ada E. Sweet, Estelle l\f. Thalman~: Eleanor I..,.. Thay1 ~ompson, er, .Jay .Judson Eleanor :hrall, Dorothy L. ~ubbs, Ph~ebP D. ruells, Margaret L. Uhe, Hardmg VanSchaack. Constance nm · \Veller, Gertrude C. \Vagner, Margaret l\1. ·walker, (iPorg B. Walkey, Charlotte Waltz, Lf'on V. Ware, Elizabeth J. Webst('r, ·'idn<·Y T . \\'(:bster, Harold G. \Veil, H.aymond J. \Veis, Herbert H. 'Veld, Miriam K \Vhitd1ill, Coralee L. \VhitsPtt, ::\Jartha Leigh 'ViiIiams, Roland "'illiams. the close August 13) . · of the summer session ' Harriet E. Andrewson, Blunt, .John Dewar, Alice !\laria·n H. R. Enright, Bernice L. Fleming, Helen J. Fraser, Gordon \V. Gibson, Harriet Ht-'SS, Bruce \V. Hulbert, John Omar ' Jew('ll, Evelyn H .·Johnson, 1-Jell:'n F. Lanigan, Tom K. ::\lcGinley, Haig Nahigian, Ralph J. OrMrs. F. Briggs of 102 Fifth street n<·r, Janws :\f. Slwldon, Stanlf'Y N. Sor(·nson, Charles :.\f. Troy, Ali<'!'. Yan Ars- entertained as her guests Friday of dell, Pierre Joseph Yan Dl" ~orth, last week, Mrs. R. L. Gelzer and Mrs. · Merle Wyld. John Brymann of Toledo. r' e I, r Upstanding Quality Does Stand Up! counts when you seek a car of real Q UALITY stamina, endurance, longevity- all of which are now traits and characteristics tn both Chandler and Cleveland Sixes. 1 e I, II f f For one thing, these beautiful cars are built, not just assembled. What's more, there are few cars at any price that receive as many exacting inspections. Experts in both plants carefully go over every car inch by inch, testing this, testing that. testing everything. Bob Chandler and Cleveland are particularly noted for their big, powerful motors-of quiet, long-lived "L" head design, with high-pressure lubrication. And both cars have the great labor-saving, worry-saving, car-saving advantages of .. One Shot" centralized chassis lubrication! Study the Sixes. Ride in them one after another. Learn all of the facts. Then you can choose with certainty. ., CHANDLER· CLEVELAND' MOTORS CORPORATION Cleveland. Ohio Tom Hay & Son, Inc., 1838 Ridge Avenue Evanston

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