Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 58

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WILMETTE LIFE June 11, l~l6 NEWEST BOOKS AND BOOK REVIEWS BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHTS .. HOME TALENT" Fountain· Square Evanston Phone University 1024 Drli\'eries twice daily to the North Shore. Phone in your book orders. \iVilmette 600. By Louise Closser Hale. Henry Holt A Co. Tn "Home Talent" Louise Closser Hale has written an interesting sto ry of the . tage. Interesting because to thr poor layman who pays a fabulous price to sit httmhlv before the row of footlight . ' that row marks the heginning of an enchanted land in which Mrs. Hale is an intimate. It is interesting to hear the inside storv of a "first night," the terrible stage fright which makes the cast go about hoping that theY "·ill he run over before thr zero l;our, the good will of dirl'ctors. otl1er players, friends, which buoy~ up their fainting courage: it is intrre . t ing to hear something of directors and the <lirecting of a pia~· . the way it sh.apes itsclf as the . rehearsals go on. as surely as clay takes on mcaning under the sculptor's hand~. Book Suggestions ADVENTURES OF AN ILLUSTRATOR t.l..t ksoeoh Pennell Lillll'. liro-tt~,. ............ $12.50 THE TREE FOLK By Henry Turner Railev Washbum & Thomas ...... ~$2.00 ART THROUGH THE AGES By Helen Gardner Harcourt. Brace ... . ........ $4.00 \VHEN ] A 1\1 E S G 0 R D 0 N BENNETT WAS CALIPH OF BAGDAD By Albert Stevens Crockett Fwzk & 1Va.CJ11alls ......... $2.00 PRODIGALS OF MONTE CARLO By E. Phillips Oppenheim Little, Brown .............. $2.00 I~DIA By Sir Valentine Chirol Scribners .................. $3.00 Best Sellers of the Week FICTION COUNT BRUGA By Ben Hecht Bmti c:.. Li<'cright .......... $2.00 THE BAT By Mary Roberts Rhinehart Doran ..................... $2.00 ·S~O\VSHOE AL'S BEDTIME STORIES Contributors Gttild ......... . $1.50 Thr plot of the . hook is not startling-. the style in which it is written. while it i. competent. is not inspired. It is the story of how Sharlie Flagg, who thought her l1eart's desire lay on the stage, finds it is in being a good man':; \Yifr, after all. Sharlie. with her winning personalit~· and her red hair. has never found a better out·lrt for her talent for acting than "The Door of TTopr Dramatic Society" in High Plattir. until sttcl<lrnly finding a way to raise the neces-· sarv carfare and breaking away from D:r Ludy lUurasakl This continuation of "The Tale of Genji" is even more delightful than the first volume, called one of the world's g-rea.t masterpieces. THE SACRF.D TREE Houghton Mifflin Co. $3.50 NON-FICTION THE ARCTURUS ADVENTURE By William Beebe Ol R TIMES By Mark Sullivan .. Put11am ...............·... $6.00 Scrib~lcrs .................. $5.00 MAPE Appleton ..... ~ ...·........ $2.50 By Andre Maurois Beauty Lies in At the Public Library SORRELL AND SON By \Varwick Deeping Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ur,. lesskeptalwaysclean and healthy, EYES lack,this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine! It cleanses EYES of irritating· pat· tides and keeps them clear and bright. Cont~ins no belladonna. Our illsuh'ated boelcs on "Eye Care" or "E~·e Beauty" are 'fREE on requat. dyspeptic aunt, she sets forth over though not very musical has its place. the long well-worn trail to New York. It is derived from "think," "opinion" But Sharlie, unlike most of her kind, and "belief," and applies to that well has a luckv star. And on her first known individual which thinks without day in New- York she happens to walk I observing, forms an opin ion which past the stage door of the theatre pleases him and then sticks to it. The· where temperamental Alexis Orso is idea is all right hut the word is not raging against his red haired leading hali so good as the one coined for lady, who is always late for rehears- Chicago atnwsphcrc-"smog." als. Catching sight of Sharlie he has lt looks as ii Floyd Dell after some an inspiration, and dragging her in, rather futile wandering \vrre returninserts her in the l<:ading lady's part. ing to ground he kno\\·s. I lis latest Sharlie makes good, and then after hook i~ "Lm-e in Greenwich Village. ·· the necessary trials and vicissitudes decide she loves Ben Dorsey of High WILMETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY Platte better than her career. A group of \\"ort ll "" h ilr hooks are recolllll!cnded ll\· :\f r ~. Davis of the WONDERS REAL AND UN- La n r l'1 hranch o-f the \\ · i!met t e P uhI it· Lihran· : Critical \\"oodcuts. 1)\· Stuart REAL Pratt ··. herman: Fabulous Fort it;:-, 1)\" ~f ea<ie :\finnigrrode; Doctor Loob ~~t "THE YOUNG FOLKS BOOK OF Biography, hy Jo seph Collin . . ; Crass, INVENTIONS" hy ~f crian C. Coppn: Fir:-.t Aid to the Opera Goer. hy :\f. F. \Vat kin~: By T. C. Bridges, and "THE YOUNG FOLKS BOOK OF ~frn, \\'o111cn and fxhost-;, 1)\· Anl\· LO\n·ll: Androcle s and th(' r:ion. h~ MYTHS" Georgr Bernard Sha\\": Tide :\f ark: . ll\· Tomlin:--nn: Dian· oi a Dude By Amy Cruse. \\'r;1ngler. b~· Struth.c.:r;-; Burt: The Little Brown & Co. Small House Primer. ll\· Ed\\·in Honta. These boob han· !;ern loaned for T"·o more fascinating hooks ha\'r -.ix \\Tcb 1J,· the \fa in Lihrar\' on hern added to the series published for young people hy Little Bro\\"il and \\'ilmL·ttc ;l\·cntlL'. The Laurel h~anch is in the Laurel . . chool and is open compan~· ahout the interesting thing.;; from 2 until ~ (lll :--rhonl dav:-- . of thr world. Yacatinn privilege :-; will lw· <.·xtt-ndecl First there is tl, c "Young Folk:-to t he patron :- nf thr \YilnH'tlt' Puhlir B~ok · 11f Invention ~. " It is a good thmg for ~·outh · in thi-; hla-;L' a<re Lihrary (rnm no,,· until Sept ·mhcr which ha:-. ceased to rai:-;e an l.~::._ 30. TIH'~t· aJir,,,. th e rhildrt·n to takt' ' -" t<l ric . ; :-tnd non hrow ~t th~ sight of men flying out ten hook .; . fi, L fi c t i 011 . about ltkr httcb or swimming tttHlcr .'\ dulh maY haY<· tt'n ficti < !ll (lr non \rater like fish. to call atte11 tion to . thr number of rcallv remarkable fiction . Spe cial arrangement . . n1a . ' · IH· made t l1ings by which \\"C' a~e surrounded. \Ve oursrh·es have hrcome as u~ect to \rith the librarian. the wondrr.'i of fire and gla~s a<> the younger generation to tl1e radio. Yet Wilmette Man Associates they \\"ere far more momentous di . With Subdivision Project cm·erirs ,,·hen th(·\· were made cenCenr)..!'e S. Clntv. a rl'-,idcnt oi \\"il turie . ago. It is ·a Yen· fair l;iston· of thr racr. this tracing of it In· it.s 111l'tte i(,r 111:111\" \Tar .... rl'tttrtll·d frotn wn·k i nv e n t i,., !1 s a 11 d Ill a k e s b e:- i d r ' . a · n ·n \\.l·'t Palm B~- a~· h. Fla .. la,t interesting ston·. · n·ry 11.1t1Ch l'tlt hu:--t·d ;1itt'!' "IH'IH!ing The other hook "The Young Folh t h<" ,,·inter there. ~I r. Clutt· i:-- n·tnrninl!' to ~;t\·;tnnall. Book of :\f~· ths" i:-; a \\·ork. l)('autiiulh· illustrated hy dra\\"ings and fl'l>ro - Ca .. soon. a iact " ·hich ma,· he oi cluctions of. famous pictures. telling some interest to members · of the he j.., t:-> thr myths and legends of the variou;-; :\n1t·rican Legi(Jn. ....ince rrprc-,ent thl" :\atinnal ~f< · Tnc,rial 11111 races of the earth. It gi\·e . an opportunit\· to trace tl1r ,.<·rsih· a~S(JCiation in that" cit,·. in th ... parallel stories which ha·n rome down dtn'lopmt·nt 0f l"nin·r..;al Cit~·. a 'uh to us pointing to a common ancestrv d i vi..., ion r x pI o i t r d t x c I u.., in h; i or i u0r CC11l1111011 expr.rience of the race. tttre ho111e..; for thr 111L'Il1he.r-; oi thl· fn Greece Orpheus has to seek Eun·- American Legion . ).fr. Clute expert..; tn 1Ja\·r hi s fam dice in the Land of Shades. while ·in India Sitra is carried off ln· the ,dck- ily \rith him in the South a ~hort rd Ravanna, and her husl;and. Rama, ti Ill e. goes to search for her. Mary Jane and Leona Orr, daughters Tt is well written anrl intrresting to read from cover to con·r as well of ~~ r. and ~f rs. Lea J. Orr of 1002 as being very valuable as a hook of Greenleaf avenue. are ~pending the month of June " ·ith their grandmother rd erence. in Ohio. ).frs. Jol1n \\"elton Fisher, Jr., 826 Grren\\"ood avenue. i:-; entertaining at The English langu age has bern enbridge :\f on clay C\"<:ning in honor of riched by a nr\v word. "thohbing," 1f is~ Priscilla LIO\·d. whose marriage ere a ted hy ).f r. Hensh a"" \\'ani. which wilt be an cn·nt o( J unc 29. a JUST PARAGRAPHS -0- Kuopf ..................... $2.50 SHO\V BUSINESS By Thyra Samter \Vin slow Knopf ..................... $2.50 PIG IRON By Charles G. Norris Dtttion .................... $2.00 ABRAHAM LINCOLN By Carl Sandburg Harcourt, Brace .......... $10.00 GROWING UP WITH A CITY By Louise de Koven Bowen One of F arnot's DOUBLY A PRIZE NOVEL Femina Vie Heureu1e Prize Jor ··IJae But Englilh Nooel bga Woman" Best Noveh The Murine Company nt:pt. 33, Chicqo PRECIOUS BANE By MARY WEBB French Committee'& Annual Prize for "the But Work oj Fiction" $2.00 at all6oolr·tor·· THE HIGH ADVENTURE By JEFFERY FARNOL A romantic tale of lusty ad- Little, Brown .............. $2.50 CITIES OF MANY MEN By Hobart Chatfield Taylor Houghton Miffli_n , ......... $5.00 venture by the famous author of "The Broad Highway." r · $ 2. o o at all Bookseller· E. P. D1JTI'ON & CO. NEW YORK -- LITTLE, BROWN Publishers. Boston ~ CO.

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