Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 56

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WILMETTE WWWWWW·www····wwwwwww·wWR l LIFE June 11, 1926 LO f&t n · HELP BUILD BLEACHERS Donations from Wilmette merchants to help defray the cost of bleachers at the baseball field on the Village Green were received at the meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce la st · Monday evening. The blcachcrs are now under construction and will be a great com·enience to those who attend the games at the Green this summer. ?\1 r. and ~Irs. Herbert A. ).'Iorin and their daughter. Lydia, 635 ).f aple avenue, spent a few days v,·ith friends in Kankakee, where they a ttcndc<l the ~~ emorial day celebration. WITHOUT COMMISSION lt25 Students Receive Diplomas at N K. E. T. C. Oa De.trable Ho111e· aad Apartment Bulldla. . John Hancock Mutual Ufe lnaur-· A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loaa Aa'eat 112 W. Adam· St., Chleaco ance Company ----------·--·-------·-·· Buy your insurance rn Wilmette REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 1177 Wilmette Ave. Opp. Village Hall LAMP SHADES Hand Made to Order The Lamp ·s tudio 620 E atablished 1 9 1 9 .Davis St. Over DoBrtuib 51.4~ Wilmette. Ill. Phon; Wil. 17 50 Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5%% intPrest. See us on renewals. MONEY · · . The 40t~ annual ~ommencement ot the National Kmdergarte~ and Elementary college was held m Harrison hall Wednesday afternoon, June 9, at 3 o'clock, the commencement address being delivered b~· Horace. ]. Bridges, leader of the Chtcago Ethical society. President Edna Dean Baker gave a short report of the progress of the college during the ycar,-a year which stands out in the history of the school in that it has seen the completion of Harrison hall the removal from (hi' h s1 cao to the nort 1ore an d t 1 1e d ec1· 1cation of the building. Diplomas were presented to 125 voung women who have completed two three or four year courses offere'd bv the college, and eight hanorary scholarships., in recognition of outstanding ability and charac~er, were presented to students, enahhn~ them to return for the third year of training. North Kenilworth Section Scene of Active Building Residences · arc springing up like magic in that section of North Kcnil,\·orth, just east of Ridge. . Hrrr, on Virginia avenue, just west of Brier street, Myron Cornisb, of Oak Park. is building another of tbose beautiful seve n room, brick, English colonial houses. It is unusual. hut pleasing, in design, and is also out of the ordinary in construction. The outside and main cross " ·ails arc of gypsum. ]. \V. · Schrock is the contractor in charge of the work. ~fr. Cornish also built the attractive new house just to the west of tbi s property, and which \V. \\'. Bacr ha s purchased and 110\\' occupies. Da\'id E. Elmgrern, tbe contractor, i~ building a six-room, shingle ~ide rcsi dcncc. in the same Yicinity. for Paul F. Cilhcrt. 1t is a short di~tancc 1H1rt h on Brier street. >\ foundation is being- put in this week ior another new six room, brick residenc·e ior Paul F. Gilbert. at the southwest corner of Roger a\'(:nur and · Brier street. Robert Volk, of Chicago. 1s the contractor for this building. There are also a number oi other ne"" homes in this vicinitY which haH alreadY been completed and arc 110\\' occupi-ed, and it is said plan:- are ttnder way for the erection of a nttmh<:r c,f otl;ers during the summer. E. G. Pauling 5 N. LaSalle St. SATURDAY BRIDE Another bride of Jl.me 12 is ~~iss Audrey Stixrud of \Vinnetka, who bt'comes- the hride of George Elias Ship& Co. man. '] r., of Kenilworth, at Christ Main 0250 _ church, at 8:30 in the evening. One Insurance Policy or Many Important Papers Regardless of how fe"v or how many important papers you have, you can find a private box in our Safe Deposit Vaults just the right size for your needs. The mechanical equipment is supplemented by a prompt, careful and courteous service that makes the State Bank and Trust Company an ideal place for your valuables. List This Week's Events for Bride of Saturday t.\lllong the affairs given this week ior \1 i..;s Dorot 11\' Horhm of R3~ lf ill mad, \\'innetka . .\Yho is to be marril'd ~aturday, June 12. to Jackson K. Der mg, arc the iollo\\·i-ng: the hridge tt'a and h;tndkerrhiei ~hn\\·er ginn Tuc:-da,- ll\· ).fi..;s Alice Froe:-chlt-. iormeriy o{ \\' ilml'tte. and 110\\' (If Chicago: thC' dinncr -dance giHn Ttll·-<'Yening by \1 iss \-irginia Klein ;tt her home in \\'inndka: thl' hr idal shmnr gi\'(:11 J,,·. ~f i. s Eloise Smith (If \\'illlltth' on Tl~ur..,da,·, and the mi:-n·l laneous shmH·r gin·;1 today ll\- \fi ... ~ \·era Ifoerher of \\'iltndtr. - MARRIAGE QUIET AFFAIR wedding- " ·hich " ·ill l>c~nt'-.!--l'd onl~· b~· members of the famih· " ·ill take place at the rc~idenct· o( \fr:'. · Charles P . E,·an~. ()}(j Grc!!,nn· an·l nue, s.,turday cn. ·ning, Tlllll: l<J: \\' hC!I her sister, \fi..,s Fsthcr \-o.,.-. l>t-rome..; the bride of Georg·e ::\ebon \fcCiur~..· '>i l:onn Terr<", \To. Tll(' Rr\·. Stephen A. Ll()yd \\·ill read t IH' ~ . . nlC<.' at R. \.fiss Tf len E\'an..; \\'ill lw her aunt's only attrndant. :\iter moItoring cast on their wedding trip, ).fr. 1lcCiure will take his bridl' to Bonne Terre to live. 1\_ 1 _,_I We have funds to loan on the security of your North Shore real estate. Talk to us about your financial re· STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ORRINGTON AT DAVIS EVANSTON, ILLINOIS quirements. 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston

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