Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Announce Big Sale of H I L L & ST 0 N E . · Realtors extend sincere good wishes and congratulations to New Trier High · School on · the occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of its founding. Paul Linden follo\ving recent ales: Twenty-eight lots kno\vn as the Paul Schroeder subdivision of Kenosha, \Vis., near the Nash Manufacturing company plant, to B. Franzen of Kenosha, for $22,000; hungalo'w at 216 \Vood court, \Vilmctte, to Ralph \\'esse! for $9,500; four lots on Gregory avenue and Central Park avenue, \ \ 'ilmettc, to !\f rs. F. R. Stone for $~,400; 185 lots in the Tween Seas Isles subdivision, on Indian river, on Merritts f stand, Fla., for $18~,000, to ~he Rev. Dainel \Vilhite of lndianapoli:., lnd. ~1 r. \Vilhitc turned in a highly improved three hundred . acre farm ncar Indianapolis for $32,000 as part payment, total transaction, $21o,OOO; also, the rental of 459 Drexel avenue. H uhbarcl \Voods, to·;. C. French, manager of the Chicago office of the :Marion Steam Shovel company of Marion, Ohio. Demand for Ho· me Property Shows Properties in Florida Schroeder and company, 407 Active Increase avenue, Wilmette, reports the McGuire and Orr's Winnetka office reports an increased inquiry for residence property dating from early April. Among the sales credited to this oi fire arc the northeast corner of Berkelev avenue and Spruce street \Vinnetka, size 100 hy 190 feet. 'l'hi ~ property \Yas transferred from Arthur M. Cox and C. D. Dallas to Dr. Ed ward Oliver. ~1 r. Richard M. Stearns ltas pur chased the residence of Richard \\·. Carlsten at 326 \Vo(}(lland avcnu l', \Vinnctka. The heme of C. R. Erwin at s: u Roslvn road, Kenilworth, was sold 1< 1 \V. ·~L Gillette of Kenilworth . TIJi , is one of the more distinctive ho111cs ii 11 the village. Dr. Sanger Brown has purcha-..e d the vacant on Ridge road in the Indian Hill subdivision, 350 by 250 feet. D r. Brown bought for investment. Howard R. \Valton has bought t IH · home of Max lmmcrwahr at tht· southeast corner of \Villnw road :tnd Fainiew avcnu.e. This i~ an att rar ti\'e home of the English ~\' Pl', con sisting of right rooms. The lot j, 100 bv 165 feet. Tht~ liome rl'centh· built 1)\· .\1 r Cu-.tav Lindahl 011 '!'ower roaci. tH· ;u Cn·enwoocl avt..'ntu.· , \Vinnetka, ha ~ been -.old to J oscph F. Raible . Th i, is a brick home of Spa_ nish type (li architecture. The total consideration on thc ~t· transactions is in l'Xcess ni $200.000. .\1 cl.uire and nrr report h;n·in g leased about fi ftecn furnished hotnt·~ in \\'iunctka . These arc to he oc rupied. for the most part, hy Chic ; q.~~~ people for the summer months. Edward J. Brundage Sells Sheridan Place Residence Quinlan and Tyson; li1c .. announce the sale of the 11-room brick home at 2878 Sheridan place, ]~vanston, at the Wilmette line, on a lot 141x214, for an undisclosed consideration. The seller is Edward J. Brundage, formerly attorney general for the State oi Illinois, the purchaser is Charles S. Ellis, vice president of the Peabody Coal company. This is one of the finest homes in the ~ortheast section of Evanston. "·ith extcn~ivc \\'Ooded grounds. R. H. Peterson of the Evanston office of Quinlan and Tyson. Inc. and E. E. Adcock of Farnham, Kuhn and company were the brokers. David Bluford of Foreman , Bluford, Steele and Schultz. was the attornev for the · purchaser. 1.1 r. and ~Irs . Forest ;..1 iller, 1027 Green\\'Ood avenue gave a 1 'hard times" party on their la\\'11 Saturday afternoon, June 5, when they entertained twenty boys, schoolmates of their son, Jack. on the occasion of his tenth birthday. . ·' 543 LincolnAvenue 404 LindenAvenue Winnetka Wilmette Winnetka 1544-5 Wilmette 1644-5 Quinlan and Tyson Report Recent North Shore Sales Quin lan and Tyson, Inc., announc e the sale of the nine room. whitt·. frame. 1\e\\' England colonial hou;-; e ;1 1015 Greenwood boulevard, E\'ant so n. on a lot 70 hy 210, from Ida E. Hin ck Icy, the widow of Otis B. Hinckle\· o i Hincklty and Schmitt, fnr.. to · D r George F. Dick and Dr. Gladv-. 1\. Dick. ]. L. Corcoran of the Evan-.to n o fli c e of Qui n Ian a 11 d T y :-;on, Inc.. w a ~ thr broker. T\\'o residence lots \\'ere abo :>ole\. · one in \\'innetka and one in Tligh la nd Park. The one in \Vinnetka \\·a " sold hy 1 f. E. and L. F.. Crosh\· and J. J. ancl ;..r. C. Kntten to ·naYirl Oliver. the huilder. The property i ~ on \Yalnut street, \\'innctka. a1Hl ha s a frontage of 50 f<·ct. F. P. \fal<~nc of thr \\"innetka off1ce of .Quinlan and Tyson. Tnc., was the broke~. F. \\'. Le ..;ter and ,\'iic sold to Pt't('r Ben"on a lot in RtYinia Ilighland~ in Highl:tnd Parle J. H. Luensman ni the \\'innctka office of Ouinlan and Tyson, Inc., was the brok-~r. Do you know that you can owu a H A R T 0 IL BURNER as low aa $50.00 down and about $2 5.00 oer month! .HOUSEHOLD DEVICES -COMPANYHART OIL Better Homes! Better Garages! That is q_t.1 hat you get when tue ~uild for you Cha racter. dignity and econo my are embodied in all BURNERS 15 14 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 175 2 Cairo-Built Homes and Garages-and ordi nary rent wi ll bu ild t hem for you . 74l Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 I I'==:::===::::::::=:= ......=~---~;:=:::::=_ =_ ==.... =;_=.~ . t"' ;..1r. and ;._f rs. Bruce Crandall of Kenilworth arc 110\\' in the East. Aitcr a stay at the \ Vill ard hote l \\'ashington,, D. , C., t hey are spe;Hling a V \'Cek 111 At lant ic Cit\·. From thrrc they plan to go to ~cw York for an extensive visit. Let u s submi t p1ans a nd \\·ork ou t a fi nancing sche m e suitab le t o you r n eeds. PERSONAL INTERESTED SERVICE IN THE SELECTION OF HIGHER-GRADE " .NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES Cairo Building Material Co. 1230 Leon Place Phones Univ. 7614-425 5 soo Davis Street Greenleaf 1 617

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