Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 53

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-) \ ', I -... 192() June 11, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE GO TO CAMP SOON 5.1 Miss Ethel M. Hawkinson of Wit..mette and Miss Helen E. Lennon of Evanston left last Monday. for a few weeks' trip in the East. They will stop for the ~esqui-centennial exposition in Philadelphia and visit friends there, as well as in Washington, D. C., Atlantic City, and New York. ~ pii . Vii - Ill ~r, II" I ,, I· ' I I I· t ' /' ,,,. .r I I a. I ) ~ . ., l " I ' .... . co-featured in tlie ·leading roles and make a typical young American couple. The supporting cast is especially well choosen including Zasu Pitts Rodney Hilderbarnd, Ross Me~ Cutcheon, Arthur Housman, Belva :\f cKay, Albert Gran. Julia Swayne VILLAGE THEATRE Gordon and Harry Bailey. The opening scenes of "Let's Get "~rass_," ·the Paramount picture Married," a new Paramount picture whtch wtll l~e an added attraction these starring Richard Dix supported by: tw~ days, J. not a ta.Je of fiction m Loi s \Vilson, ·arc laid in the swirling \\-htch the ~utho~ has. endeavor~d tQ motor traffic of Park avenue and get .over hts porn~ wtth the atd of Riverside Drive, in i\cw York. In s t~tdiO sets or. ~terhng actors. It is a making these sce ne s it was necessary sltce of r~al ltfc and of real people. for Director Gregory La Cava to acIn the ptcturc, the . pectator IS taken tuallv hire traffic. Not that there h~~~ 3,qoo years from our present day was·ti't enough moving along-there ctnltzatJOn , to the _Ba~tyari, a. forgo~ really was too much-hut it was neces- ~on people wh_o sttll ltve. as dtd the1r sarv to have a considerable number torefather_s. thtrty centunes ago. of taxicabs, limou sines and other motor . Portraymg for th e screen an erupYehiclrs which could be guided accord- tl(~ll of ~fo_unt I:a Pelee on the ~r~nch ing to program at ju t the right \\ ~st . Tncltan 1 sland . of ~lartm~que, moment. "·.htch de ~ troyed the ctty of St. P1erre M' \V'l k' and wiped out 28.000 live s, is the huge 1 undertaking which was accomplished IS S . 1 son_ s 11·11111 ~~1 . t 1 uoug 1 traffic. ztg- za~gmg, Sid~\\ tpmg other during the filtning of "Volcano!", \Vilca_rs and forcmg th~m tnto. the c~rb. liam K. Il owar<l's new dramatic proDtx poked . alon_g. 111 a dmk~· ltt_ tle duction for Paramount. whoch will be electric .whtle lllgh-powned gasol~nr ..,h0\\.11 \\'e dne sdav and Thursdav. cars whtzzed pa st al:d ar?un~~ htm . "Tonv Runs \\ii.ld." Fox Films latest In order to accomp~1sh thts 1t wa s 'Tom ~fix production, ,,·ill be the n~cessary to .have right or. ten cars feature attraction on Fridav and SatWith each dnver ~arefully m ~t :ucted urda,·. · f~om a chart showmg the pos1t1on of 'fl;e setting for "Tom· Runs \Vild" h1 s ~ar _a s each sce.ne pro~ressed.. is along the Apache tra.il in Arizona's \~ orkm_g out tl~I S mtrtcate htt of land of \\"onderful scenerv. The action husmcss m the _nll(lst of. h_undreds of of the storv carries the picture to the ot_hcr . autom~htlrs ~vhlrhng do~nl 1 exterior at;d through the interiors of RJ;·e rJl(le. Dnvr wa s much like the ancient Cliff Dwellings, homes of mancuvcnng .a football team, c~ch a race that vanished from America pla~· cr of whtch must know exactly cent urie s ago. what he is to do and \\·here he is to go upon a given signal. In order to · HOYBURN THEATRE accomplish this. La Ca\·a simp b· hired a . ection of traffic atHI trained it . Blanche S\\·cet and Jack Mulhall "Let's Get ~farried" comes to the will he seen thi s Fridav and Saturdav at the Hodntrn in "The Far Crv.' Village theatre next ~fonda~· and Tues- Th-er<' will als.o be a cartoon come.cly cia\·. Tune 14 and 15. Luther Re ed ;-td;tpt~·d it from "The ~fan From concerning- the adnntures of Felix the (;-tt. On ~fonda\·, Tue sday ancl \f cxico," Du S<,uchct\ ~ tage :-;uccc~s. \\'cdnc sda,· the feature attractio~n will Tlwre \\·ill also he a ~frick Scnnrtt he "Hell hrnt for He-aven." in which romc<h·. "Love Sunda,·." featuring :\li rc ha,·. ancl ;-t Pathe · news reel. Pah~· Rutl1 \fill er and Johnny HarOn \\rrcl ne :-;<la,·, Tunc 1(), the ieaturc ron take leading role s. This is one attraction \rill l;e i'The S;-tp," with an of their nc"· comedy-thrillers, which goes at a mile-a-minute pace and ha s ;til sta r C";-t . t inrlu<ling Kenn eth Harl an . a laugh to every mile. There will be D;l\·id Tiutlc-r. .~! ar~· \f c:\ll i." trr and the usual two-reel comcclv and ne\\'s other:-;: Tn ad<~~ti.on. there ":11~. he an c\·cnts to complete the pt:ogram. :\ r :-; o p s Fa h I(' . {_ p t n t h c .\ 1r. an cl a Pa t_hc revie\\·. .. . I THE NEW EVANSTON T_t one _lm·e.; lH·atttllttl. g~m 1 "· r., db. "The Cohrns and Kcllv s" is the feas he~.~ nnt ture attraction at thc ~cw EYanston '- atms,. fn1b and flar e:-;., It .. 1 to mh~ _( n llc ~n .~f oo r ~ s Trenc . l_lcr tl1 ra trc tl1is \\'cek encl. This film is latest F1r~t ::\at1onal tcat urr. rommg ;1 comcdv-drama which is as funny as to. thr , .llla ge theatre Oil Tlltl~->daY. it s title. suggests. The leading roles Fnda,· and Saturda~·. Jun e 1; lR arc taken 1)\· Charles ~[urra,·. George and 19. Sidm'\' anct' Ycra Gonion. -A ll those C'ollc('n promi.;cs to makr <'YClr~·hod~· \\'ho J1a\·e see n Charle s \fmrav in his sit up and tak e notice \Ylwn her _go\\'ns character portra~·als recently v;ill want are fl:t shrcl up on th e s~n' e n : _S1xt~·. of to sec him in this picture. To prove the ptck of TTolly\\"ood s prett1c:-;t g1rl" Charlie'~ popubrity he will he seen fnrm the h;-tckgrnuncl for hrr appear- a!!;-t i11 nrxt \{ondav. Tucsdav and ance in thc ;-;e sce ne ~. \Yrdne:-;cla\· in "The Boob," s-tarring Alfred E. Green dir ec ted the picture Grr t.ntclr Olmstcfl. There \\"ill also he for First X;-tti nnal. The fa .· hion show the. mual comedY and ne\\"S C\"Cnts. is prrcrded h~· somc beautiful sl10ts ~howing ~r ada me Lucy's designing esREDECORATE THEATER tahli!->hmrnt. ?\f ada me Lur~· i" porThe Yillagc thratre is at pre sent tr;:l.\·cd In· George K . Arthur. who is undergoing complete redecoration said to give a splendid perf ormancc in and rrfini;-;hing. The work will take a most difficult role. The entire about two \\'ecb to finish, according fashion show episode is clonr in color. to ]. R. Koppel. manager. who asks which seems to h e <lUitc thc vogue th;-tt p;-ttrons excuse the inconwnience nowadavs. practirally fitting to rausrd In· the \\'ork. \Vhen completed seq urn c.c s s ttc h as those that are seen the the ,{t re will he as a ttrac th·e as in "Trrnc." any one of its size an~·\\'hcre. it is saicl. A Hal Roach comrd\·, "The Golf Bug," a net a Pat he nc\\·s . reel will comAT LEAG UE LU NCH EON plete the hill. ~fr~. Charlr.; P . Evans. re-elected nre:-i<lrnt oi the \\.ilmrttr Le;,(!'ur of \\'omen Votrrs. and ~f rs. C. \V. C0zTHE NE W CAMPUS Should a voung married couple live 7rns. mrmhrr:-;hip chairman. attended "·ithin their. income, or should they the luncheon r-in'n at thr home of thr "put on a hig splnrgc," as the saying nrrsidrnt of thr ::;t;-ttr h';-tr~ur, \frs. T. \Y. \f nrri . .;:'on. FridaY of last wPek. goes. in order to get ahead? This is the problem on \\"hich "Early The affair was e-iYen- to discuss plans to \Vrd." the Fox Films production for the membership campaign. coming to the New Campus theatre ?\fiss Tuliae1te Rn.:;e ~farken.:;, cl;lnghnext Monday and Tuesday, is based. The nlot is cleverly worked out. the trr of ~fr. and \frs. E1ia~ \farkcn.:;, situations are very real and the pa- of 120 Dunce nlacr. rrturnrd rcrf'nth· thetic humor is irrestible. from four montl1s of tra\'el in the Ea . t. Matt Moore and Kathryn Perry arc \\' e~t and South. Stage and Screen News and Reviews St. Augustine's church choir boys arc preparing to leave soon for their annual summer camp at Crystal Lake, Wis. The boys . expect to leave the village early in the week of June 21. They gave a concert recently to raise funds for camp expenses. IVillage Theatre I .c::rus j ·:··----- -------") I I _ i ! Yo·r B.e me 'l'· eatre J. C. Koppel, ltlanagln s D irector I Coattnoou s from 1 ·30 te 11 P , M. JJonclay-Tuesday Double Feat ure P rogram Feature No. 1 ~~GRASS" I ~ Ennlngs ; :a0-9; Jlat. Tues., 3:30 'lon., Tnt·!'., JUill' H Ulcharcl IHx and Iii I ··LET'S GET l 1 I 'i i ~ ..\ Jlc·e· Ua,- In 11 :! RPf'J Comedy and Putht> :Xews "' e·dHc·~da~-, June 16 Kf'nneth Harlan MARRIED" I I ..\)!0'0 I i i I · It's -history taken back 3,000 years from our p resen t day civilizat ion Feature No. ~ - " EARLY TO W ED" M att Moore-Kat h ryn P erry W eel nesda:r-Thursday ~~voLCANO" Bebe Daniels, Ricardo Cortez, Wall ace Beery also I I ~ I I ! ··TH~··~AP" a·atJw In i "MACK SE NN ETT COMEDY" Pathe R eview Friday-Saturday ){f'l'lc·w and ..\e!'O})'S Fables Thurl'i., Fri. un·l Sat. ,J u lit· 1 i, 1f.! a ncl 19 tull<'er \, )J oore 1 I I i I I i News I I i = I .~:~~~~,(~. Jl ul Jloaeh ('omedy arul Pntht· 'X ,.,,·s I I I i I Tom Mix Jn ~~rony Runs Wild" with Jacqueline Loga n "MACK SENNETT COMEDY" with Alice Day Aesoph Fable News . ·!·-·- ·-·- ,- · - ·-·-··' Snt. :\lnt!\..., 2 nntl 4 p, m. NEW EVANSTON "THE BIG PICTURES FIRST" i\0\V SHO\\'I~G Charles Murray.-.George Sidney Vera Gordon ·'The Cohens & Kellys" Comedy :\!0~., Press Tues. AND \VED . News Gertrude Olmsted ... Charles Murray ··The Boob'· f irst Run Comedy Latest News Events THE HOYBURN "AN E VANSTON INST ITUTiON" NO\V SHO\tVING-FRI. AND SAT. Blanehe Sweet .... Jaek Mulhall "The Far Cry" Felix Cat :MON., Tues. AND WED. News Patsy Ruth Miller .... Johnny Harron "Bell Bent lor Beaven" Comedy News

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