Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 44

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44 WILM ETTE easy matter to summon the entire group and that's just what happened one bright day with the result as pictured on Page 18 of this issue The enrollment reached 129 before the close of 1902 and th'e teaching staff was increased from seven to ten. The school was showing signs of rapid development even in those early days and the Board of Education was adding department s with considerable alacrity to meet the increasing deman"ds of the student body. Many students from the villages of New Trier township had been attending high schools in Evanston and LIFE 1 June 11, 1926 NO TROUBLE TO SNAP ENTIRE SCHOOL IN '02 Handful of Students and Meager Teaching Force . Made Job Easy for Photographer To photograph the entire N cw Trier High school organization-faculty, students and others connected with the school's activities, would be a task to puzzle the most ingenious camera man, but back in 1902 it was a comparatively Chicago but the added facilities of the township high school soon attracted them and by 1907 t~e enrollment had reached 268. Earlv m 1909 the school boasted 340 stude-nts and the teachipg staff numbered twenty-four. Since that time the growth has been nothing short of amazing. The Finale of "Enlightenment," the New Trier t\venty-fifth anniversary pageant, constitutes a setting of the verses of the Ne,,· Trier Song of Praise, penned hy . Mi ss Olive L. Grover, of the Art department of the school. SCHOOL ARRANGEMENT DESCRmED AS UNIQUE Educators from Various Parts of the Country Study High School's Building Plan The New Trier High school grounds, which arc but a short distance from the sl~orc of Lake Michigan, comprise thirt\"- t\\'0 acres of land, surrounded by ~ grove of young forest trees and adorned hy expert landscape garden ing. About nine acre s to the north of the sc hool buildings arc devoted to an athletic field, comprising a regulation cia,· and sod baseball diamond, a foot hali and soccer field, a quarter-mile cinder running track, outdoor baskethall courts and eight tennis court s. The school plant is unique-so much so that , yearly, many educators from other state s visit it to make a special stll(h· of its unu sual efficiency. The arch.itects han: followed the group plan . \\'ith the exception of th e central building and it s two wing s the huildings arc all of one -s tory con..-t ruction. The grouping is such as to form a quaclrangll'. the so uth :-.irlc of \\'hich is open to \Yinnetka anmH· . :\-. you approach thr group, the assembly hall. sea ting 1.200 pcoplr. and the dinin g hal!, accommodating 1.000 "tude 11 h at one time. are on the kit . On th e right arc the boy s' gy111nasium. the nata toriunl and the gi,rls ' gymnasium . The main point of interl'-,t. h<l\\'CYer. is thl' central huilding. ,,·ith its fantiliar. ma ssive tn\\·c r. This huilcling. with ih \\·ings, forms tht· n11rth :-ide ni th~· quadrangle. To tlw north c.f the central building are tin· machine, fon~~ · and wOOO\\·nrking shop:'. Iler e ab<l arc located the lwating an d t·lertri c lighting planb. The huilclin g-, arL· 11i ntoclem. hrirk construction. " .it h :-. t () n e and t err a c(1t t a trimming:', and are rloignccl to ac commodate iront 1,200 to 1.500 pupil . . . The school i:-; l' quippeci with tlw late-.t modern appliann· s, including a vacuum cleaning ~ystcm, an interi or tele phone -;~·'item. apparatu s ior ltumiclifving tltr air, nwt or-dri,·en ma chincr~: ir~ the . . hops. · pn·ssed :-tecl g~ mna sium and corridor locker s anrl a lfahl pnemnatic clock system. A central heating plant with a combinccl boiler capacit~· (It ()()() hor ,..;e power iurni shes steam ior heating. all the building~ . TlH· 1>11iler~ are equippr(l \Yith traveling chai'n grate s for stokin~. Thl' nntilating ian s arc dri,·rn by yariahk speed motors . A 100 K. \\' .. al tcrtta tir1g- currcn t t 11 rl>o-gcnera tor furnishr=' electricity for lighting and power. To prc\'Cnt the pos sibility of accidents in ca,..;e of fire. a complete fire -alarm sYstem l1as he en in:->talled. l'nder nrdinar , circunt,..;tances all pupib anrl teachers can get out of the build ing 111 an emergency \\'ithin three minutes. --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------..---------- · I "I "" " .. . . c7futhentic ~tyle Evanston stores are continually alert to present the newestfrom foremost style creators, they bring the authentic to you. It Pays to Shop in vans ton EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE @19.!6, Et· a11sto11 +-------------------------------+ Va~ation Luggage Clwmber of Commerce Overnight Bags, $7.50 to $30.0G H a t Box Specials, $3.75, $5.00, $9.50 W ardrobe Trunk Specials, $44.00 and $50.00 ~-----------------------------· ~ H~W VOQK · EST. l859 CH lcAGO I

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