Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 New Trier High School in 1909 = Publicity Is Big . Factor in Success of "Enlightenment" Puh1icitv for the pageant "Enli~hten m(·nt," a· ~i~antic task in itself, ha,· bern in charge of H. H. Herron. f·:· tlw Comp1erce deparment at ~e \ · Trier. Thi-. ·work included in the m ain I!Cncral publicity hy postors, aut om< , l>ilc stickers, news articles in scho< ·l and township publications and the pul 1 lication of the Pa~cant Souvenir e<l : tion of 68 pages. P w ters announcinl! the anniv< ·r,an· f"·, ·nt ,,.(· rc dcsi~ned hy ~tudc·nts in t h~· A rt department, ,,·ere done in oil. and th e be st works selected by a committ ee of judges. The winning po~tcr s in th, · contest were placed in attractiY v frallle s and exhibited at point :-; <· ; vantage throu g hout the towmhip . Tl 1· Villa~e hoards · of the ,·a rion.... r(lll' munities co-operateo by granting pn mis sion for the placing of th rst· J H·'l ers. The annin·rsan· :;ou\·c nir tdit ii·J ·lrint ·· cl i:l tlw shops of Llnyd ll (,J]j, tc·r. lnr .. contains a rompktl' ou tl!I JI of the pageant " EnlightennH·nt." ;1 well as valuable :uHl interC' -, ti ni! l ;, toriral fact s about X e\\· Tri er. It beautifully illustrated . .\ s pt'cial ann i n.·r~a r y numl wr tl ' (' \t ·,,· Trier ~t'\\·~ . · tiH' high rlJ, ,, : \n·c kh·. ,,.a ._ iss tt<·d · thi -.; week. and tJ ,, Yt ' \\' ·Trin annual. "l·:c hoe~ ... \\' a-. i· t tilt' tl'aturt' of ;> 11 annin.· rsa n · t-(l iti<· t ~~ ud en h " ·ho did · oubtanding ~t·n i"t' in thr puhlicit~· line \\TH ' R<ilH·r· Ken,·o n. Helen Dn·man and Em il i(' Durham. who were ·ass isted by a ~r(lrr · or more of other student s in the Journali sm, Commercial ancl Ar t dt · partments of the school. Mi ss El sie Guier oi 412 Cr q!· '1 \ a\·cnue is entertaining eight Chir: t~" gue sts at her home totn orr f'". n-cl lll lc' ' -==--- -:-=-.. __; . . --.- . The above illustration shows the development of the high school after the first eight years of its history and is taken from the pages of The Trevian, an historical annual published by the senior class of 1909. a view of ·the school buildings taken from the ~ast. Here \\' C have -· The larger structure is the familiar central section, or administra- tion building of the present school plant. The building in the foreground hou sed, on the main floor , the manual and mechanical arts departments of the school including wood-working, metal-work, forge, drawing, pottery and modeling and other branches. On the second floor was the gymnasium, the scene of many a thrilling inter- sc hool basketba !l contest in the early days. FAST SUBURBAN TRAINS (Central Standard Time) Clean, Comfortable Cars Parcel Racks for Shoppers WILMETTE-CHICAGO Through tickets also sold. slel:'ping car reservations made and baggage checked Ticket Agent-E. E. ORNER-Tclephone 4 South-Week Days Leave Arri,·e I~ea\·e Arrive Wilmette- , Chicap;o Wilmette f'hicago A.:\1 . A.\L A . ~l. The Greatest Offer We Have Ever Made! Tune In ··The Grand Prt ze Eurekaa"every Tuesday,8P.M. Eastern Stand· ard (Day·liKht on th· wor/tl-lomoae Grand Prize E~ VACUU M I I North-Week Days Leave Arrive ChicaJZ:O Wilmette A.:\1. I J ~hieago Leave Arrive Wilmette A.l\1. 5 08 5 45 6.08 6.13 6 26 633 6 38 5.50 630 6 35 6 45 6 57 7 00 7 25 I 12 .06 I8103 I 9 14 10 .17 11 .13 6 55 7 02 7 43 6 51 lAl ·~ 7 14 728 7.20 7 40 728 7 48 7.54 820 8 45 lH 646 6 13 6 19 10 17 I 12 30 B 1.25 A 1.45 2.45 4.35 4.57 630 6 15 6.W 9.45 10 .45 11 .45 3.45 6.00 7.()? 8.05 9.05 10.05 All 05 811 10 All .20 811 .35 812.0l 5 45 A.:\I. 4.26 6 21 9 .44 10 .35 All.3S 811 .50 All 48 6.32 7 .38 8 .34 2.16 3.14 3.40 4.14 A 4.19 4.21 A 4.26 4.35 ,A 4.46 5 . 0~ P.M. 2.52 3 42 4.10 4.39 A 4.45 P.M. Savini) 7P .M. Eastern Stand· ard . 6P.M.Cen· t r a I Standard . ;r~t~.nal pro· CLBANBR. 8 16 A .\r. :\ \ r. P.M. 10 50 655 P.M. A EX~'C'pt Sntnday. · B :-'uturda\' "nh·. A .:\I. lh:htfa('(·...:. I'.\I. holdfl~ (·('. A12 .05 81t20 812 .25 812 45 812 .48 1.05 ------- ---------------- ~----------------------- South- Sundays___ _ Leave ..\rrin· Leave Wilmette Chi('U'!O \\'ilmettr I I _ _ _..,... N _ ort!t -~undays_ __ Lca,·c · Arri,·e Leave Arrive Chicago Wilmette Chieag:o Wilmette - 1------ 1 - - - - - -,-- - - - - :L\1. P.M. A.~L P.M. J P.M. 812 .02 812 .38 A12.40 812 .45 812 51 8 1.23 8 1 12 t .23 4.55 A453 505 A 6 18 5 31 6 01 6 51 753 8.50 9.48 523 500 The opportunity of a lifetime' Get a brand new, genuine Grand Prize Eureka ,. . . . Vacuum Cleanerforonly$:J.OOdownl · ~HI astomshmgly small down payment puts this great cleaner ~ight ~n your own home- and extremely easy terms wdl qutckly make it yours Think of it ! 5.24 6.20 7.15 8.15 9.15 ! 10 .35 !,,,, ..·· · · GREAT SPECIAL TERMS Offer Positively Ends July 3rd 1106 · ·· · · ·· .·· Complete $850 Set oi"'Hi·h-Vacuam" Attachment· P.M. P.M. P.M. ArriYe Chica)!o FREE witb each Eureka purchaaed (Tbia offer mar be withclrawa at aor time) A.\1. .-\ . \[ . 7.04 8 12 12.15 10.16 3.21 P.M. 1250 8 40 10 55 7 40 4.00 P.M. 5 ~7 6 15 7 24 10 .17 ~·~· P.M. 540 453 702 650 9 32 11 4) n . s~ 744 10 05 P.M. 10 50 800 P.M. P.M. 2.06 12 17 1.26 ?. .40 3.25 4.35 6 . ~0 P.M. 8 05 10 .35 P.M. 654 8 44 11 06 3.59 509 But you must hurry I This astonishing special terms educational offer ends soon. Upon request we will deliver a brand new Eureka with complete attachments for FREE trial. Then, if you decide to keep them, pay only $2.00 down. Act now-and enjoy many, many years of the best homecleaning service moll\' y can buy! Write, Phone or Call Today TRADE IN YOUR OLD CLEANER Liberal allowance will be ~anted on the pur. ehaae of a Crancl Pri·· P.M. HOLIDAY SERVICE-On Chri~tmua. 1\ew Ye·tr'H. :\temorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day and Thank8JZhring, 8U;'>Il DAY R('HP.DULE:-; will be in effect. Effc<'tivc April 25, 1026-Subject to ch~nge EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER CO. 1237 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 1734 Eurelra.

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