Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 41

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June 11, 1926 .w I L M E T T E LIFE NEW TRIER ACHIEVES HONORS IN ATHLETICS Football, Basketball, Swimming and Soccer Teams Win Glory for School The twenty-fifth anniversary of New Trier high school finds the school on a scholastic plane with the best college preparatory institutions of the country. \Vhile ranking among the first in strictly curricular activities, the school has not lagged in promoting the physical side of the students. In physical education and athletics New Trier has always held a place in the foremost ranks of the prep schools in the Chicag-o area. :Many of its teams have "·on national recognition and seldom a year passes hut New Trier leads in some form of sport:-. For the first five vcars of the school there \\'ere 110 g-ym classes. New Trier teams ,,·ere forced to plav all their "intcrschc;lastic g-ames in foreign territory. In 1906 the northeast \Ying of the administration huilcling was constructed providing a gymnasuim on the third floor. In 1907, ~e"· Trier secured hl'r fir:-.t physical director in the person ni ~I r. :\lhert:-;,on . The pre::-.ent gymnasium was not opened until 1912. ' Football Starts in 1914 l'ntil 1914, football was prohibited at the ~chnul hccapse of the great danger oi injury iron1 the game as played in t ho-,t· days he iore the so-ca lled "open"' {.!;tme '"a' introduced. In that year the fir::-.t ioothall team ,,·as orga1;izcd and \\'. !.. Childs assumed the job as Ct·arh . "Duke," as Coach Childs is ian 1iliarly kno\\'n, no\\' holds the posi tion oi di rector of athletics. Later inothall \\·as placed in charge of \\'. A. · ~nyckr. who. in 1020. produced a cham pion:- hip ::-.quad. lIe de,·e loped "B()h" \\'icJH·rh·, thl' outstanding football star oi .\'e\\' Trier. Fron1 11>2! to I 92.1. "Tillie" Linden, forilll'r Illinoi s l'lld. was football coach. 1:! If)2-l. "Duke" Childs directed the tt:a111 again. la :-;t season, Aschenbach \\'a .; named coach. The ~<:\\' Trier track men arc in char~t· (li Coach ~ay . Phenomenal Success "Duke" Childs has been the baskethall c()ach contimwuslY since 1909. Tn that fidel ht· has achic~· ed a phenomenal "ttrces:--. Championships under his guidance ha\'t' been numerous and his tc :tms have frequently appeared \Yith telling ::-.uccess in state and national comtwtitinn. ~occcr at :\e\\' Trier has been in charge oi Jack Pater:-~on since 1915. During that time his tram has won the Suburban league title each season and ha:- ddeated the hcst prep school teams in the countrY. S\\'imm in g sq tta(l s. han been under the supcn·ision of Coach Jackson for sneral ,·e;us. In this field. also. l\c\\' Trier has been pre-eminent in the high srlwl)l rla~s. Since coming to Ne\\' Tril'r nine ~·ear-; ago. Coach Jark~on ha.; led his men to eight championship:-; . The s\\'immers have also won the Cook Count~· championship four times and the North\\'cstern Tnterschola . tic t\\·ice. For tht girls at New Trier hockey. s\\'imming-. indoor ha schall a nd tt't 1ni s han' been the principal sport :->. "Enlight enm ent," the pageant to be presented in connection \\'ith the t m~ nty -fift h annivcr:-~ary of New Trier j High school. is defined as an allego ri ca l storY of the Enlightenment !'ecured hY Education as it ha s deYt'loped at 1\cw Trier. ~[ r . and ~f rs. George Chapman of St. John s, Mich .. were in Wilmette ·over thi s past week-end as the guests of Mr s. Chapman's brother -in -law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kremer, of 723 Laurel avenue. The Great Masonic · Monument 1n North Shore C emetery is now completed and will be dedicated by a program of music, ad· dresses and scripture reading at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 20, 1926. See news columns for brief description of this superb and im· posing Doric Memorial to Masons who have gone before. Hundreds Now Know That North Shore Cemetery is the Finest Landscape Garden place of interment in America. It is unequalled in the following features: (a) The surface is pleasingly undulatingnot a level half-acre. It is on the divide between the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence river basins and 125 ft. above Lake Michigan. (b ) Best drainage system possible. (c) Upwards of 70 varieties of TREES and as many varieties of BLOOMING SHRUBS. a veritable ARBORETUM. - nothing equal to it elsewhere in the u.s. (d) No GRAVE MARKERS above ground (e) (f) ( g) (h) and in three sections no 'monumentsthe garden effect complete. No repulsive stone-yard scenes. The most imposing CEMETERY ENTRANCE in the country-massive light granite. Finest CENTRAL MONUMENT in MASONIC SECTION. worth driving 100 miles to see . . Greater display of ROSES-from June to October- than in any other place of interment in U. S. Its architecturally beautiful stone ADMINISTRATION BUILDING inaugurates a new era in American cemetery architecture. In beauty-of both exterior and interior- and in practicability and permanency it surpasses all other American cemetery office buildings. (i) Its summer and winter SPECIAL CARE of graves is admired by all visitors. the only place of interment in Lake County with this feature. (j) The. only cemetery in Lake County or the North Shore which has a complete GREENHOUSE range growing a fine line of plants and flowers for the occommodation of its lot-owners and the public generally. ( k ) Its NURSERY contains the best lot of evergreens in the U. S., also more than 60,000 young deciduous trees and shrubs. grown primarily for . use in landscaping the Cemetery, but open to purchase at reasonable prices by lotowners and the general public. (1) NORTH SHORE is one of the few cemeteries in the country protected by an ample PERPETUAL CARE FUND placed with a trust company as a TRUST FUND beginning with the first lot sold and filing name of each purchaser with periodical deposits on the basis of $17,000 per acre, abso .. lutely beyond the reach of the man .. agement for all time. the income only to be used for the care and protection of the Cemetery. (m) NORTH SHORE CEMETERY is for white people only. NORTH SHORE CEMETERY is for people who care for BEAUTY AND PER. M ANENCY. PRICES OF LOTS WILL BE ADVANCED OCCASIONALLY. AS THEY ARE VERY MUCH LOWER THAN PRICES OF LOTS OF SIMILAR AREAS IN THE LEADING CHICAGO CEMETERY. North Shore Cemetery JOHN WESTERN. President P. 0. Address North Chicago. Ill. Tel. North Chicago 1067 VISITORS WELCOME Free auto servtce between Cemetery and North Chicago R. R. Stations.

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