Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE 0 ··-a-a-·-·-a-a-~--.- . LIFE: ·June 11, 1926 Be Safe for the ·Beach! I Classes in swimmirt£ and diving for beginners. swimmers. and expens. from 6 ro 8o years of .age. Special instruction for those who nl'ed it. 1 French Club of New Trier Ends Big Season Le Cercle Francais of New Trier high school whose purpose is · to stimulate interest in the French language and in French customs, has accomplished much this year. It has hr lei regl;Jiar meetings devoted to programs of French songs, stories and readings, besides having monthly addresses by outside speake rs, who have been procured through Monsieur Glace, the club sponsor. Active membership in the organization is restricted to those \rho have an average of n or above in French. The French club ha s been connected this Year with Le Petit Causerie of Glencoe,· and the seniors in the New Trier club were junior melllhers of the Glencoe group. Dean Harper Gets Title to Suit His Job at New Trier Diligent I 1 J i J New Trier High Natatorium I I I Opens June 21 for 8 weeks of teaching. Clear. sparkling, filtued water. free from dangerous holes ! and currents. I I I Domecon at New Trier I Stands for Good Cooks Economics department at New Trier 1 High school have organized the The student s enrolled in the Home D.omecon club. Members of the club make visits to commercial establishments d.ealing with food and textile manufactures, and meetings at the schoo l arc addressed hv authorities in the domestic science field. The members have entertained their mothers at teas, and once a semester give an exhibition of their work. This is usually in the form of a fashion or food play, given in the auditorium with girls from New Trier and the eighth grade classes of the grammar schools invited as guests. Beats the Beach For Expeit Instruction-CareFor Information ful Supervision, Absolute Safety. EDGAR B. JACKSON 9 A. M.-3 P.M. 2.400 I 1 I I 1 I <·-.-.--------·:· Winnetka University 6448 Evoening Calls _I Flowers for the Dean George A. Harper · of New Trier High school , who ha s a leave of ah. cnce for a year to go to Tucson, Ariz., for hi s health, became a member of the high sc hool faculty in the fall of 1906. nv 1913 he had taken on all duties of· dean, but he did not receiv e the official title until 1919. He gradually absorbed th e duties of looking after cases of tardiness and absence and di scipline until , as he expressed it, he was given "the title to fit the job." Before assuming this respon sibility, Mr. Harper \Vas head of the Mathematics department. In remini scing about the ea rly days at ~c,,· Trier. Dean Harper recalls the lunch room ""hich formerly occupied space under the main stainYay, where there · ,,·as a counter at " ·hich one of the women of the iacult\' ser\'cd coffee . fn those dav s, evet·yonc had to bring his own lunch. · Dean Harper stated that the reason whv the clas~rooms arc sma ll is bec;nisc the School hoard wanted the sizr of the classe~ to he between 17 and 23 pupils. The classes arc on ly a hit larger no,,·. Dean Harper has witnessed the growth of the school Robert Kenyon almost since its beginning, as he joined the teaching staff five years after the Robert Kenyon, 1011 Gre<:nWllOd upe ning (lf !\ l:\Y Tri<'r. a\'cnuc. \Yilm ctte, has had much to do in recent 'n'eb with tht' production The pageant "Enlightenment" opens of an attractin: publication entitled with the sta nzas of "Dedication," irom the 1\t,\' Trier Annin·r 'i ary Pageant Portfolio. Robert, " ·ho is ntH.' nf the the pen of \\' illiam Lanfcrman. mmt diligent student:- at the :chool, is responsible for the collection oi a wealth of material for the -,oun:nir edition. In addition to the work (111 the Portfolio. lH· has been an able as:-.i~tant in the Pagl'ant publicity department. oi which I f. I!. llerrnn, nH'll1hn fli the facultY in rnnnerti<,n \\·ith the l'(lllllliC'rria I iiepa rt nwn t, is chairman . h~ohert is al:--11 editor oi Erll(I<' S, thL· :\n\· Trier year h(!nk. . 'I June Bride and New Club at High School Does Good Work This Year ;\('w Tril"r high scllrHll';; llC\H'st rluh. till· ~rrihkrus rluh. ha:-. been Yen- actin· run~idning th(' ial't that it. " ac:; ju.;t nrganize<l this year. ~lt·nJhtr:-hip in the 11rganii':ltinn i..; limitvd to thn:-t· "ho :- <: paper-., :-uhrnittcd i(lr try(1\lt.; han.· t h l' 11 Hh t Iller it arc (l r cling to t b c \(lllltnittt'r (1f tc·acher .; which judge s 1hem. .'\iter t lH· 2j c h artt'r mcm her;; wcre clw ;;cn , thn· derted to the cluh :-.en·n mort' . t.udent;; ll\· judgingthe trYout paper.... ;f iH' club lH·Id IIJ.;lllY ,,·o rth\\"hik mectin):!s 1 thrnugh()ut the year. and entered rnmpo-,ition:-. in tiH· \\'illiam-., prize conte . . t. T\\"o ui ib lllL'Illh<·r.; won prize;; in the Barnett prize ci,·ic -; contt·:-. t, and one in the Harnett prize bird ess ay rnnte;;t. Graduate J UN E g1ves us Brides, Graduates and Flowers. B r i d a I Showers and Bouquets, Colonial Bouquets, Corsages, Ar m Bouquets and all o t h e r choice Cut Flow.ers. I GLE-E CLUBS PROSPER Hoy-,' and CirJ..;' Glee rluh:-; ni :\cw HENRY ILG Member of "Florists' Telegraph Ass'n" Trier high -,c hon!, which have · fnrni~hed surh fine mu :-. ir during the ~· car for the opera and in concrrts, h a v c fin ish r <1 an o t h c· r s u cc c s sf ul s r ason. ~r embers are chosen for the . e organizations hy tryouts, \Yhich are usnally held at the beginning of the fall semester. These clubs furnish mu sic for assembly program.;, Chri stmas, Cnmmenc<.'m(·nt and outsidr engagements . -----P-in_e_a_n_d_c_e_n_t_er_s_t_s.________ vv __ I_N_N_E_T __ K_A _________ P_h_o_ne __ vv_i_n_n_._3_IJ _____ I--- THREE HISTORICAL EVENTS Thr pagrant "En light enment." to he ~tagecl at :\<'\\" Trier Tligh school \fnnclay and Tucsda~·. June 14 and 15. rl'prescnt.; the third ~neat commemorative Yl ' ll t me in the ll.iston· of the school. 'l'hl' fir-.,t i~ found in ti1c publication of "T il<' Tn·Yian." first hi storical annual, \\"hich anncarcd in 11J09 : tl1e second. th e 1rrrat "Pi lgrim Pagrant, pre se nted in 1921.

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