lO WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 Shoes.for 'All Occasions Enjoy Foot Happiness and Comfort by We~ring Commercial Club A ids Students in Securing Places The Commercial club was organized by the commerce . department of N~w 'Trier High school to encourage soctal and educational activities among the students of that section, and to provide the means hy which they might secure good positions and rapid advancement in the business world. The cJub has three <livisions. The first consists of all students of the commercial department who wish to join the club. The second is composed of onlv those who have shown a high g-rade -of · scholarship in a year or more ~f work in the commercial subjects. The third consists of only those who have shown exceptional ability for two or more years of commercial work. Membership in the second and third divisions are conferred by unanimous vote of the teachers in the commerce department. Pageant Author .- . ' ti ... ,..: - the ARCH PRESERVER SHOES THE BEA-As illustrated. Being in patent leather, black kid and satin . . Price S 10.00. . . .,. .. I Uncle Sam Furnishes Arms for Rifte Club THE JETTA-A neat Barr pattern, giving the same support of an Oxford, yet light and airy. Featured tn patent and black kid. The Riflle club has been developed at New Trier High school for the purpose of giving instruction and training to the students who wish to learn to shoot. The element of marksmanship is made secondary to the knowledge of how to handle fire arms \Vith the maximum degree of safety. The United States government provides the guns and ammunition and all the traming and practice is done under the strictest supervision. C. Russell Small \. Arch Preseryer Shoe Shop 6 30 Church Street New Carlson Bldg. ~~CREAM l':> DOES "EXCEL !=================ii CO. EXCEL' Why Is EXCEL Ice Cream Served in the Best Homes and Clubs? Because it is made of the very richest, fresh, tubercu· Jar-tested~ pure cream and fresh fruits. In fact, every· thing that goes into the making of EXCEL Ice cream must be the very best the market affords. Better ice cream cannot be made in your home. True, EXCEL Ice Cream is more expensive than any other but, quality considered it is by far the least ex· make, . pensive. ' C. Russell Small, head of the Latin department at New Trier High school, is the author of the great pageant which is to he given in thn·e performances Monday and Tuesday, June H and 15. Preparing the "book" for this unprecedented presentation was obviously a herculean task in it=-df. htlt Mr. Small has accomplished it with remarkable success. ~1 r. Small has been associated with K cw Trier for several years. He is a graduate of Miss. Catherine Murphy, art instruc- Princeton universitv. ~f r. and ~~ r s. tor at New Trier, has supervised the Small reside at -ti Ahhottsford road, costuming for the pageant "Enlighten- ..\Vinnetka. ment." Creations have been made by Miss Irma Moschell and her advanced classes in Home Economics at the school. The Student Council is one of the steps taken by New Trier high school toward student government. The function of the council is purely advisory as far as any actual control over the school is concerned. However, its influence is very great, especially in mat ters affecting student activities. The council meets during the adviser period one dav each week and discusses anv matter -that may he presented to it h)anv councilor. The results of thc~c dis-cussions arc reported hack to each adviser room on the clay following the meeting. The council is supposed to he a channel for the expression of stu den opinion and a council vote has a great deal of influence with the ad ministration. The qualification for membership in the council are higher than for partic ipation in any other shoo) activity. One mrmher is elected from each adviser room and presents the student' s choice of the most reliable and in telligent member of the group. . , J .. Student Council Voices · Viewpoint of Students ') . · .. All ·th<: mu..;ic incidental to th<' an niHrsa ry pageant, "Enligh tl'llllH' ll t ... i~ under th(' supcrYision of ::\1 rs. 1[onll'r E. Cotton, director of music at Xc\\' Trier. a· ncl i:; pr()\'id~d h~· the X<·w Tri<:r High school orchestra. FOR DIS'fi~C'fiVF. PERl'IANENT \VA VING ~ There has at no time been an article put on th~e . market that could not be of inferior quality and I be sold for less money. 1 (Xegreli'cou's Pure Steam J·rocess) As Lo\V ns ·15.00 .' . I Excel Ice Crea~ Co., Inc.. Also HAUl GOODS 1566 Elm,vood Avenue, Evanston . · Wilmette 3160 · Phones University 3087 For discriminate requirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting -· . ~- THE WIGGERY !iitTITE 1314 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. State Street Tel. ~aadolp· 10815