Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 .. I _. ,....,_ The Gates of Treves .. ~ . '· . ... "A friend of mine bought some recently/' 111a11y 'j'Otmg women tell us. "I could lzardiy f,rfic'i'C the}' cost Oll.ly a dollar. And she W,\'S they're ·wearing wonderful!)·." .. .. A New Process of Construction Now Brings to You (From The Trc-.:ia11, .Vew Tl'ier Ammal for 1909) The Cit,· of 'fre,·es or Trier, which and is constructed of huge block:-; oi i:- the mother of our ~ew Trier, is in sandstone blackened with age. The the Rhine Province, Prussia, on the structure belongs to the third century }.1oscllr ri\'cr . It is said to he the of our era. In the cleYcnth century oldest cit\' of Germany and certainly the ca:-t tower was occupied by a contains ;nore Roman antiquities than Creek lll'rmit named SinH'<,n. On hi . anY other cit,· in l\orthern Europe. death it \\'as com·ertcd into two 1-I~re a scttlt.·m~·nt \\·as probahl~: found- churches. one above the other. cd bY Augustus in tht· territory of the The cathedral, the nudeth oi \\'hich Trc,:r ri. a tribe · of Belgic Gaub that \\'as a basilica erected h~· Valentinian. had het·n conquered by Caesar. Dur- r. probably as a n~arket, is one of, !lw ing the period of the Empire it was oldrst churches 111 Germany. J he one of the most important oi the building contains many relic< amnng pro\'incial cities. them the famou:-; scamkss nr J fnl~· One of ti1e most interesting oi the Coat. said to have htcn worn hy J <."-\1 ... old Roman n:lirs is the Porta :\igra, Chri:-t. According to the kgcnd tht' the picture of \\'hich appear~ nn our Emprc:- s 1 fckna brought it to 'l'n:H. ~rhonl seal. This i:- a fortified city in 110(1. fn the sixteenth n·ntur~· 1t gate tlankecl bY t\\·o tO\\'l'r~. Tt i..; her:lllll' a ,·e n· fruitful :'(! ttrce c,i three :-torits high, ha s t\\'O gatc\\·ay~ n :n·nue. lt is s·a id tn han· attract('d a lllilli(!n and a half pilgrim -:. Tht l~oman palau i:- now only :t picttut·..,qlH' ruin. hut thl' .\II IJ!hithe;t.tn j ... '-till in c:--;n·lknt prv-..t·rYatu,n. I ht· t·a-..t hali i-.. built into till' rctck~· -.irk ,,j :t hill. Thl' galt'\\'a~·..; are at tltt· 11(1rth and ~outh < ·nd~ . l'arh ha,·inl.! 1 thn'l' OJH.:ning:-. the untn ~~nt· kadint..:: tn tht· arena. tiH·:-e at thl' ... ldl'-. to hv I :-<'at~. \,.hi r h arc o 111111 CH !at v d . , v n·n i 'r t·ight thctu~;tiHI "Jll'Ct:t1rlr-.. Till' ckn fc,r the \\'ild hl'a..,b ;tnd tlw challlhn-.. ' ior thl' gladiator-, ;tiT :-till trarc;thk. It i-. hvrl' that t'tlll ... Ltntilll' j ... ..,aiel 111 11a\'r had -.cn·ral thnu-.and Frank \\·ith tllt'ir ll'adtr-. tc1rt1 t11 pit·rt·~ h: · t h l' ". i Ic1 h c a:- t s. The l~otll:tll Ba h:- t'\·i;kntly Jr.trll lt c! ' an itllpCising :-trncttlrt'. 'I hv pn..,tl11 111 '." thc hath:-. the irigidariurn. till' lt'.lll · darit1111 and tlw raldariur11, tlll' ht·a t.111t.: apparatu-. and othn parh oi till' hutl d ing can still he tracc·d . 1 A Superior Chiffon Hose Priced as Low as $1 ·NoT UNTIL the tnanufacture of the hose we are no'v offering. '"as a really satisfactory tnethod of n1aking· a seanzless foot perfected. It is a n1uch less expensive process than n1aking a sean1ed foot and the cost saved in the construction is put into the quality. That's 'vhy '"e '"ere able to secure such a ren1arkablv fine· hose to sell at a dollar. ol -. 'rhe \\·on1an 'vith scn~ltl\'e feet, the one \vho has been searching so Ion·g for a .sean1less foot that fits, 'vill be glad to kno\v these points about our ne'" dollar hose: 1. Thry :tre silk chiffon to the welt and therefore mav he \\·orn with short skirts or · rolled without bulkiness. 2. They are smart looking because they are smc othly and finely knit of pure silk. I t · l ") . · 3. They fit in calf, ankle, instep and toe. And because they fit they wear. 4. There is plenty of "stretch" in the fine lisle· ga·rter top. I .. \Ye carry these hose regularly in white-moonlightsha(lO\v-piping rock-grai n-bisc ttit-lariat-ecstasyrosc ·taupe-shell-French nude. T.N.T. 'Is Highest Honor for New Trier Scholar 'l'be highest all-around distit:ctio~ a student can attain at New Tncr htgh school is election to T. N. T. T!1c mrrr:hers arr chosen on the hasis of. t!1e1r sc ho la rs hip, c haractcr a ncl pa rttrq~a tion and prominence in ~tudcnt actl\' itics. Thev are selcctrd hy the dean s with the a<lvicr of the entire fac~lty. Each year sixteen juniors anrl etght seniors. arc given this honor. . "' · . . AIDS STUDENTS OF GERMAN The Grrman rluh has been organ.ized hy the students <?f th~ German department at New Tncr htgh ~chool for thr purpose of g·i\'ing a.ttentwn to German literature and mustc. and securin~ conversational practicr. Me~t ings ' take place once a 11101.1th \\·tt 1 programs consisting of mttstc, rc~rl itHtS and talks followed hy a soc tal h~ur for conversation and games. A Greater Store for Greater Evanston 1

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