Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 17

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... .-- '·- ~ ·- WILMETTE LIFE Ne~ Trier High School Anniversary Section WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JUNE 11, 1926 HIGH sc· uoOL'S ·GROWTH TERMED "PHENOMENAL" Motto "Not Only Biggest, But the Best" May Soon Come into Vogue at New Trier · ·~ Announce Latest Changes in Cast of Great Pageant In the a. ticlc jJublished last week, the entire cast of characters in the New Trier anniversary pageant was. given. Hmvever, still further changes have been made within the past week, h' h · · d w 1c 1t 1s esirable to announce. Of course, in such a large cast, numberin~ something over 250 people, there 1 h 1 h are sure to Je sue ast ollr changes. ·When these changes are made, it be· '1 1 · · comes 1mposs1 J e to put mto the prmte d programs t h e names o f the new people taking part, and, as a result they do not receive the recognition due them for their work. At the same time, there will be those wl. 1o are named on the program but who do not appear _after all in the production. Hence, It has seemed best to ~nnounce as many such changes as possible. The role of Patriotism will be played by Anna Margaret Kennedy, instead ·of by Eleanor Buckman. In the Legion of Indispensable Facts, these three boys are added: Robert Burtner, Lawrenee Langdon and Perry Owens. Chorus will be represented by Ruth Olson; Tardiness, by Otto Clepp; Boys' Gymnasium, by John Boddie. _A larger group of boys has been appointed as ushers than has been customary heretofore. This time the group includes: Frank Cornell, Ralph J ohan~on, Milburn Forth, Burton Allen, David \Vach man. Grinnell Burke. Stuart \Vesterfield, John Robinson, F'lctcher Carpenter. Phillip Cresw. Leonard Bate.. Richard Houre;l, TTarn· ~fay. Edward Riddle. Joseph Dux. h.ohcrt Denny, Everett Chambers. J eronH' Cooclman. Robert Anderson and DaYid Xutt. wHEN You cAME NEWT~RJER \Vere skirts long or short when you came to New Trier? Did you fox-trot, or two-step, or neither? · \Vas the ankle taboo or was it the ear? For change runs it s course like a . fever. SHOW SCHOOL GROWTH IN GIGANTIC PAGEANT "Enlightenment" Gives · Graphic Story of New Trier's Development ·j·. ..... .. , ~L I ,- . I .. - '1'1 1c growth of New Trier High . . chool. !->incc its opening in 1901 has hecn phr .10menal in every respect: Not · on I.\' I1as tts student body increased from 76 to 1,400 and its faculty from 7 . to 7(jJ, 1 >Ut everything connected with tt I1as grown. B uildings, grounds facilities, number of studies and ~xtra curricular activities are a few of the thing-s connected with New Trier \\'hich have been enlarged during those 25 years. · Jn 1901, the high school had only one building, and that was not finished. The ).{ anual Arts building was added in 1908. This contained the manual training shop, art department and gymnasium. The largest expansion took place in 1911, when the quadranp-lc was completed bv the addition of the auditorium, mess -hall and gvmna si 11m . with the shops to the north. Then the East wing was attached to the main building. In 1923, the addition of the mess hall was made, and this year the new heating plant 1s 111 process of construction. Have Large Library f 0 ne o t 1 1e most important things in the high school of todav is the lihrary. In the early day s or'~c\\' Trier. · · · · ..... The most elaborate presentatior· ever ventured by the dramatic, music and art departments at New Trier Was hair long or short when you came to New Trier? :-Iigh school, wilt be staged Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and 15, in the · Did you tennis, or golf, or croquet? production of "Enlightenment," a Is "Always" the song that the gang loves to hear? oa?"eant commemorative of the twentyfifth annt'versarv of the school, writWas "Bedelia" the tune of the ten bv C. Russell Small of the New day? Trier- faculty. In the accompanying \Vas it motor or horse when you paragraphs is contained a synopsis of the pa«eant which depicts the foundcame to New Trier? r-A nag from the family stable? ing and amazing development of the Or "sixty" with ease if the road township high school. were just clear, Two hif!.h school students, a brother And for Father a neat little fable? and sister, over their books, set themselves to wondering about New T 'rier, Be these as they may when you its past, its growth, its opportunities: came to New Trier, and in their want of knowledge call They're the follies, and fa 6hions, upon "Enlightenment" who forthwith and fads; appears and guides them through a Thev come like the freshmen in dream-pageant of New Trier's history. hordes every year, In fancv she first brings them to But vou made the school, you old the primftive north shore of L~ke grads. Michigan where they see the etnboched spirits of the "Waves," the "Sands" \\. e want you once more, to come and the "Trees" dancing in unreto New Trier strained delight until- the prophetic To see yourselves as you were voice of "Time" \\rarns them of the M " seen. coming of " an. The mirror of pageantry, crystal"Education Enters . . line clear. )' d t1 1e 1 11 lrar,v conststc<l of shelves running Man. in the sv mbolic figure of b m around the three wall s of the assemhh· Reflects all the full years be"Ignorance," is 'sern asleep before his rnom . Xo\\' thr sc hool has a large and tween. "·retched cabin. His wift>. "Vision." \\'t· ll - rquipped lihran·. \\'inifr cd \\'i lson. rocb the cradlr of a newborn child. Oi the extra curn.cular acti,·itirs. the (Reprinted from Xcw Trier PagThi' child. as "Tg-nnrancc" learns in a .C!Tm\·th of dramatic s is perhaps the cant ~ouYenir Rook.) drram. is to he the savior of his most unu sual and intere st ing. Jn the Q f;:~mih· . albeit hi s own father's destrucold dars. when Xt·\\' Trier dramatics 0 I tic ' ll. and is 'to ' he called "Education": \\·yn· in_ their ~rrfancy. there \rere many 1 t I Foster Group Activity for he shall_ lead his striving hut diffirultll'S .\\'hJc'h dn not bother the ac- ~ S rksnondent k111 011t · of the darkness of tor:- and eli rectors nowacla~·s. Onh· one to Augment School Wor 1 futilit,· into the lig-ht of wise and efplay a n·ar wa~ prc . . t·nted then. and re Augmenting the regular academic fertu;:~l livinv. hear~als \\'ere held \\·hctH'Yc r it hapBy H. E. D. work at Xcw Trier is a wealth of "exAnd no\v the children are taken by pt·JH.'d to hr C<lll\'t'Jllent at the time The ticket :-;ale for the pageant. "E·n- tra-cmriculnm" or group activity "F.nlightenmrnt" to that meeting \\'hen the plays " '<' re to he r<'hear:'<'d. li~htcnmcnt." lune 1-t and 15. at the \\'hich enlists \'irtually every student where. in 1899. the decision w;:~s mflde In stead of the large auditorium which ~{.'\\. Trier auclito~· inm. has h"en stu- in ~ome phase of expression along the to build a school. Then with the Xew Trier now has. with it s seating pcndous in the amazing rapidity \Yith line of his own choice. This activity swiftness of dream-changes, they see qpacity of 1.000, there was a small · \\·hich the tickets for both evening per- is found in the score or more of clubs the "Survevor" already at work and assemhly room in which was a plat- forlllanccs have sold out completely. and societies which. in the aggregate, the cornerstone (1901) · already awaitform which would seat about 20 peoAll scats, both on the main floor and thoroughly · coYer the entire field of ing placement: anrl with the fandfulple. and this was used for the' stage in the halcmw. were sold carh· in the the curriculum. ness of dreams. they are regaled by Because of these inadequate facilities, general camp~lign. · Among the more important groups the amusing confusion among the litmany plays were presented at RaAs a result or this "sell-out," and in are the following: tlr forest-folk. the birds. a.nd .~easts, vinia. Now at least four plays a year vic\\' of the matn· · requests for tickets. Honor soc ietv, TNT, New Trier who feel a pardonable 1rrttabtltty at arc put on in the auditorium as well as a· third performilllce has been sched- News (s.chool ·paper), Echoes (year the usurping of their· habitat. operas and pageants every few years. uled. to he given Tuesday afternoon. hook). Ochestra, Commercial cluh, Depict ~c~ool· Growth. Wealth of Organizations June 15. For this matinee, the doors Glee clubs (boys and girls), Student Th~t .the ch1ldren mav reahze t~e The growth of the extracurricular ~Yill open at 1 :30 and the performance council. Hi- Y. Girls' club, G. A. A., ::~stomshmg growth of the school tn activities is shown rn a startling man- will begin at 2 :30. This program. Domecon. Ornithologists, Audoubon, the short span of twenty-five years, ner. In 1908 the clubs and organiza- while it is to accommodate even·onc. is Cercle Francais German ctuh Los "Enlightenment" then shows them the tiol'ls were: Echoes. Glee cluh. Senate, of ~n ecial henefit to grammar- school Quixotes, Model' Boats club, Fo,restry pr~cession of the "qraduati~g Class:s" orchestra. Minervian society, Com- children. club, Service cluh, Dramatic club, wh1c~. yearly, and m unbeltevably tnmercial club and Mechanical club. Now The schools of Wilmette \\·ill di:- Debating club, Rifle club, Radio club, rre.asmg n.umbers have gone f~om, N~w the list has grown to: Honor societv. miss classes that afternoon in order Music cluh, Stamp club, Geology club, Tne~. eq~1pped to employ ~he1r VJtaltty TNT, News, Echbes, orchestra, hand. that their pupils may attend the Scribhlerus· and the various school and mtelhgent enthus1asm .tn the larger Glee clubs, Student council. Hi- Y, pageant. and it is expected that thr athletic br~nches. business of the wo~ld. . Girls' cluh. G. A. A.. Domecon, rrrade schools of the other villages wilt Thus the children have been made Ornitholo~ists. Audouhon, Cercle do likewise. For the matinee performCLUB HEARS CLERGY to realize the value of education. and Francais. German clubs, Los Ouixotes. flnce, all tickets will he reduced in The New Trier high school Hi-Club, the wise founding and remarkable Mode I Boat cluh. Forestrv, \omnwr- price to thirt_\7 -five cents, general ad- formerly known as the Hi- Y, has ac- growth of the school: they have not rial. Service. Dramatic~ Drhating, mission. Alreadv orders from alumni (·uired a reputation this year for bene- vet been made to realize the unlimited Rifle. Radio, Music, Stamp, Geology arc being received In· mail, telephone. firial nrograms and exc:ellent speak- .opportunities the school affords. With and ~crihlcrus cluhs. or by special visits to the school for ers. This year's program was excen- this puroose in mind "Enlightenment" This great growth and improvement Tuesday afternoon. tiona) in that it included talks by takes them to the "Court of King has taken placr in tlH' last quartrr of churchmen of practically all denomina·- Thought" in the near-environs of the a centurv at New Trier High school. The t\Y<'nh·-fifth annivercan· pag- tions. This furthered the purpose of school wlwre, it so hanpens. the King Tf the astonishing growth keeps on. the ~'ant, to he ~iven at Nc\\. Trier nt'xt tiH' Hi-Cluh. which is "to create, main- himself, "Education," is reviewing the school will have to chan!le its motto \fonda,· and Tuesdav. cont~ins special tain and extend throughout the school annlicants for entn· into the school's from "not the hi(Tgesf hut the best" fl";(tnrt" of thr "rtistic literarY and and community . a high standard of "Curriculum." Here have gathered not to "not only the biggest but the best." musical merits of the 'school. · Christian living." (Continued on Page 22) i ageant 1 p S /d S ea D d Brtn ·g · eman ut; T htrd p er/ormance k 1

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