Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 ISuccess Marks Opening of 1 A. R. Eddington D. E. Allen, Jr. New A remarkably beautiful Ma sonic monument will be dedicated at 2 p. 111 . Sunda\· afternoon. June 20. at th<' route which bore 200 gue sts of Samuel North· Shore cemetery. The principal fnsull. Proving their claim that speaker ,rill be ex-Governor A .. 0 . Skokie route has the most modern l7herhart of Minnesota. John \\est electric road in America. road oftir 1 S1 ·1 · r, ern who is head of the Nort 1 , 1nre cials thrilled their guests hy ex I11 >t · r. . · cem_etcr\', is a ·former 1·,vanston re sttions of speed \\'hich at scycra I pomts exceeded 60 miles an hour. dent. The opening of tT1c ne\\' high speed T<"n nars a.~o :\fr . and \fr;-;. \\'c-.t route is sa id to he..· an i1nportant ern \\'C'·n· well kno\\'n in the actiYitie:-. e,·cnt in connection \\'ith the..· deVl·lop - oi the Fir :-;t .~fcthod_ist church of l~\' mcnt of north shorl'. It iurni shc' an..;ton. Durtng their somewhat hn ef transportation directly hct\H'C ll the 1 residence h.erc thl"~' became well <H:loop and Lihcrtp·ille and ~I undelcin . quaintcd \nth. n1~1~y 0f E\·anstnn s Construction of the Sk(lkic \'alley most suh. tanttal Citizens. 410 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 407 route \ra s sta rted in June. 1925. l'om:\1 r. \\'e:-. ttrn an<l a fn\· \firhiRan plction of the big project in one year capitali..;t;-; had hcrome intcrc:-;ted in a is said to be an oubtandinl! achicrc- Chical('o mausoleum company \\·hirh mcnt in speed and efficiency. dicl 11 .nt ma t crializ e hy rea so n oi the ·:·........ .._.c ~..-.c~.._,t~~~ ~~~()~)..... C~t·---~·---l .._,.l,._.t .._.:t. . . n~C..._.Ct .... lt._,.Cte.·. '1\m tvpes of service are gi,·cn, inarti,·il\· of the pr es ident . \\'h('n \\'aukcgan limited train s, running half the se Jvfichigan inve stors clctnanded a ' ! hourh· in both directions. \\·ill make . ; ho\\'-down the control of the comOFFICIAL all li1;1ited . top:; hrt\\'etn the loop and 11 ; 1m · '"; 1:-- turned (1\·cr t() them . .-\t \\'aukegan . Highwood cxpre's tr~tin:-., thi,· pc,int the othC'r stock1wld l'r, in SERVICE STATION oper<lting half hourly in both d1rec- ,i..;lccl that \fr. \\'c·stc rn shnul<l tab· I tions, will make all expres;-; stop.; he- arlin· Cttntr(ll of the C(lrporation. \\'hik thl' nvrc..·:-.:-.ar _ ,. ll'~al fonn :tl I I· t\H'(:n the Loop ancl Jiigh\\'oocl. it ic..; \\·e n· being COibtlll11ll<ttl.'d \f r. :\frs. Archibald \lc\'cil oi ] 1alm l \\·estern di-..c()n·rl'd that tl~e ~r·r th Bl'ach has. rd~t~ned to h(·r honH: af- Shore h-:cl no Cl'me_tt:r.\.· ,,. ~ 1 rt ':·. tllr .t ..H' tt-r a \\·eek ;-; y 1s1t at the home ()! 1 11C't' rultun .tnd _pr<t:-JH n~~ _r·I ~1.11., g 1t .tt hruther and sistn-i n-b\\·. ).fr. ancl suburban n·,Hknr<· rlt,tnrt . I hl·rt · upAffiliated with the :\1 r;o; . Lea 1. Orr, oi 1002 Crt·l·nleai an- nn hl' re:-nln·(l let m.akc a rral n·ntv. tl'n· l>l'fnn· prnr t ·l'd111~ Ut ~·rt ' CI a 11lll'. : -O!.!Tl':tl \Clll11ll t1 11 j t .\· 111 a 11·-! ·It' 11111 . . \ i I \'f I 'f 1 T. r 1 ~{'\'(·ral Ill rlllth, ni im·t·.,til:·;ttiot.l rti tht· ·' r:-.. Jl ugu .1'\. u 11 1 ot· (),l () \f · ap t ' a' l'Artthori::l'd Che'i..'rolct Sales & Scr·;;ict' 11ue left Ja._t ,,·c..·ck t·' attend lin '-(111':-. tl··rilr·n· tlr·rllt 11i (hicagn. :1 . . ill' ttll graduation iro11 1 Cul\'er \!i1ilar~· tiH· Cr('tnha,· rrtad " ·as rhtht'll j,, r : academy. tlti., 1111\\· fan.lttt!" n<'rrrtpr,Ji' . ft j, Itt ratl'rl r·n tiH' di,·irl<· ll\·t\\-rl·n tlw :\fj . . . -0... j., . . ippi :tnrl thl' St. T.:t\\ rt'lll't· rin ·r :\fr:;. Loui:-. :-;. Jh-rkt·r ·()i l!l~ l ~ii1h AI Rodcnkirk, Proprietor _ -, Ired i;-; expecting- to h-a\·l· 1H'Xt \\'l'<·k h;t . . in-... ftH milt--.. nnrth 11i T.akt· Fr· · 332 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 3064 \\·itlt her :;is ter i(1r a ,h11rt trip to <·,t_ .\lrt·a d\' it kt., .._,.,·l·r~tl <·'\:tllli·ki nf -trikinl!h· h(':tlttiiul :t!H l 111 :t"IH (· .,. , ._,. , ~ ,,.... , ,... ,, ~~(l._. l, ._. l ..-.(l._.(l.-.()._.(,,.-.,,....,, .....,, ~ ,, ._. ,,.....,l .-. fl ~( l .... ()._.(, ....,,....,,....~ ·:· Rock Island. architl'rtt trt ·. Till' L!Ttl\ltHI' rnn -titutl' a 'nti:dJ!, . arlHll'll\1111 :111d bnrl · . -..( ;t p<: ~;1 rrkn n r 't -..urpa . . "l'd an~-". h 1 ·r t' I I i1 1 tilt' Clt\1nln·. I .\ rl t · ... rr i 11 1i 1 ·II. 1 , ,- 111 1 · ' \ ' 1 '1'1 h ~ J,, ·r t · I I t'l'1 ll l' t·n· j, Clltlt:l~nt·rl in :tdn·rti . . t·· I 11lt· nt . . in thi-. j...... ,Jl· . F11rthvr an!ltt\11ll't' · I Wholesale and Retail I lllt 'll h cnnn·rni11l(' till' it·aturl' . . .,j tlw I r'lt-di~·at··n· pr<H,!r:ttll ,,-jJ1 Ill' )..!in·n in tht· j~,lle . ()j tll'.Xt \\'Cl·k. Success the nc·w ' route of the Chicago North. Shore and 1\lil\\'aukce company SaturIday. A final railroad tour of in spection of the Dedicate .Masonic Skokie V~lley ~oute Monument June 20 at marked the tnau~uratJOn of N rth ' S'1ore c. emete¥"' $10,000,000 Skokie Valley 0 '" ·J r7'o I EDDINGTON & ALLEN, Inc. North Shore Real Estate Insurance I - I I I I ' I o/ ~ MOTORISTS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS NATIONAL MOTORISTS ASSOCIATION I I ! I 1 1 " ' ' I 1 .lL . .. I . .. I I I I ' ' .. ' - L. A R. AUTO SERVICE I I . ( ... ----------------------------------------------------- MARLAND GASOLINE 1 IN ~MID .. JUNE DAYS In hot weather one wants plenty of fruits and vegetables, things like sandwiches and salads. Cold meats and coo~ing drinks are also very welcome. The Wilmette Cafe offers just what you want. Tires · Crank ·case _ Service With a Smile Tubes Accessories HAVE QUIET WEpDING .\ \\'l·dclin g at which only the im mediate f~milir.; were present. took o1are at thr Congregati.on~l rhurch Thnr s<l;n·. Tune j, when \f i=-s J 1111 (' deC'oYrrh· Germer. flatt~htrr of ).!r. an<l \fr~~ .Lea T. Orr of 1002 Grc rnleaf an·nur. h~camr the bride of F. Gordon Coleman of Smit h port, Pa. Rn·. Steph('n .'\ . Lln~· (l re<lcl thl' mar ri<lge sl'nirl' at -l <·'clnd.:. \fr. Colt- man ancl hi:-. hri<ll· ldt imml'diatl'l." after the..· ceremony to mot0r to Smeth port. · ·. New Floors LAID AND - I Mobiloil and Wahams Tempered Oils DuPont Duco Pain.t For Automobiles and Porch Furniture, · Dries in 20 Minutes. I SURFACED OLD Braun Bros. Phone Wilmette 290 Ridge Rd. at Wilmette A venue The FLOORS RESUR· FACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy P. E. DOWNING PHONE H. P. 566 P. 0. Box 423 .... . -----------------------------------------------------

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