June 11, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE .. i . . ..' Methodist Church .sunday morning at 11 a. m., Dr. Wilham D. Schermerhorn will preach. 9 :30 a. m. Children's Day in the church school. As usual, the Sunday school hour will be combined with the morning service. The Sunday school' will assemble at 10:30 a. m. for marking attendance. There will be a special prog-ram for ehildren and a special sermon for adults. :Monday, 7:30 L'ruops 3 and 6. ~ Nex~ I Baptist Church A co.mbined service of the church congregat10n and Sunday school will be held at 10 :30. There · will be a varied program demonstrating the work of the various departments of the school, with graduation exercises between certain departments. The service of dedication of infants and young children will also be included. Tlw friends are urged LO eomf' pr·omptly at 10 :30 . This church co-operates with the other churches in the village in the fellowship services ueing held at th(· )lethodist church at 7 :30 p. m. )fi<lwl·t:-k mN.· ting for prayer, praise and fl'llowship, Wednesday, 8 p .m. Camp Fire Girls ::O.londay aftt·rnoon at ----------------------------------------------------!stablislatd 1854 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funwal Directors for 72 Y tars ] or dan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost p£ funerals considerably 612 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 p. - m. Boy Scouts. 'lTCIOPS .,. ~.1 ... Tuesday, 4 p. m. and 4· Girl Scouts. p. l. '· I \Vednesday, 4 T roops 1 and 2. 8 )y - CHICAGO 200 E. Erie St. Phone Superior 7709-7110 m. Girl Scouts. . p. m. Mid-week sen ·ice conducted 3 the minister. .I. . i .1. I I ' - .. . . Thursday evening I_ ::::ol( The annual meeting of thr Rock River f'onference \V. H. M. S. will be held \Veekly n·ht'arsal of the choir, \\'e<lnf·sday, June 16, at the First Metho- da.r at 8 p. m. = ctist c·hur<'h, Oak Park, beginning- at 10 a . m. It is hopNl that a larg(· dc·l('g-aTh e \Vilmettt:- Baptist church is locatt·d tion from thh; chureh will attf·nd. at the corner of Fon·st and Wilmette . Thursday, 2 p. m. Th<' r<'gular meet- a\'enues. The pastor, Rev. l<'rancis Ing of the \V. H. 1\f. S. will b(' hf>ld in Stiflt-r, may he :wt:-n in his study durin,; tlw Young Peopl<·'s Housf'. Mrs. Wheeler tht· mornings of tht> week txeept )Jonand ~trs. Humphries are to be the host- day, and at other timt·S uy appointment. PSS('S. Secretaries will gin' the outlook TlH: (·burch offi ·e i::; open daily from ~~ to 12 and 1 to ::;, closing at 12 o'clock on for the coming year of 1926-27 . ~:tturday . Offi<.:\:: telephone, Wilmette 22:35. 8 n. m. Choir rehearsal. Jwarsal. ~aturday, Cu~s. a:l'h7u:r3s~- ~--------------~----------------------------------· First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A.M. \Vednesday Testimonial Meeting-8 P. :M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. 4 p. 11 1. Junior rhoir rf'- T I . . ( ..... UNIVERSITY ROMANCE ~f r. and Mrs. 'Henn· Todd HYatt of Orlando, · Fla., formerly of \Vi;metka, announce the engagement of their daughter, ~1 arge, to James Cezanne Kelsey of Chicago. The wedding will take place the latter part of this month. ~{iss H,·att ts a member oi the Delta Gamma· sororitv of !\orth\\·estern universitv. Mr. Kelscv is an alumnus oi Northwestern universitv and the Cniversity of Florida. · Subject of the Lesson Sermon ' .... I Sunday Rn·nlng Servl«'e f'ontinuing the lTnion ~unday (·\·ening f:f>ryicr·" in the MPthodist church, Dr. Stans ~. will c.mduct the service at 7 :30 and prearh. Ht~ rman Baker. director of th£' big- choir, will haw full supnort in Pr<'Sf-nting tlw music of tlw evening. 1\Ir. Rakf'r has tf>nd<>red his rPsignation to takt' a VPry fine position of music teachf>r in th(· College at Rochester, N. Y. This will be his last service with us, much to thf' rleep regret of everyone who knows him and his work with the choir. En·ryone is heartily invit<>d to this servIN'. You will he gr<"f't('d by young people and you will be glad you came. ~[r. and Mrs. George Hughes Dun- June 13 th-HGod the Preserver of Man" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A.M. to 6 P. 11. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ~ ~ ~ E = Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1'. \Yilson. \\'ho ..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI.'I The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Servicea and viait the Reading Room i I ..... t can of 701 Central annue, entertained their cousin, Matthew Forrester Agar of London, England, and Harry Conrad of Buenos Aires. Argentine Republic, o\·er the week-end. stopped in \Vilmette on their way from their home in Puente, Cal.. to the East, for a visit with ~1r. and :\ft:s. R. R. Fontham of 121 Third street. left the latter part of May for abroad, and are no,,· 111 An t'werp. ~f rs. Elder of (}25 ~f apk ave:\f rs. F. Briggs of 102 Fifth street nne sailed Saturda,·. ~fa v 29. trom has as her l!llest this ,,·rrk her t\YO Kew \·ork 1 with a party o-f friend~. to daughter~. Mrs. ]. A. Matzer of St. travel extensively on the continent. Louis and Mrs E. C Redner of Dowa- ~f rs. Elder will- be away until Sepgiac. Mich. 'emher 1. --o- J. G. -o- · 0 .. ,. ' ~ ; c . .. : It l 0 Cl l : l · 4 · ' Phone· Wilmette 2600-2601 721 Wilmette, IlJ Main Street · Motors Service, Inc. I ·~ Everything for the Automobil1 We Now Have An OIL SPRAY .... I This model Elgin or Waltham Watch in solid gold or gold filled case from $25.00 up · A large variety of IOK and 14K Gold Emblem Rings from $10.00 up This model Elgin or Waltham Watch in solid gold or gold filled case from $25.00 up W.: hanttl.: ··Howard" watt· he~ . driven by compressed air with which \Ve can eliminate all chassis and spring · I SQUEEKS Very J. C. Slown Latt>st Fashion of and fancy Head Necklal'e' from $2.50 up ... , . Quickly. A. B. Van Deu11n Beautiful line of silver, gold filled, solid gold and pl.ttinum front cuff links from $1.50 to $25.00 A large variety of 14 and isK Gold Wrist Watches, rngraved, also litt with Diamonds and Sapphires from $15.08 to $250.00 DOMINIG p AOLIARULO OPTIO~ JEWELER & U66 'WlLMBTl'E A.VBNUB ,.j , Beautiful Sparkling Blu.: White Diamonds in ISK or platinum Mounts from WILMETfE, ILL. $75.00 to $500.00