Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE June 11, 1926 English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. William Guise, pastor. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor. Children's Day will be observed SunAll members and friends of the con406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 13!.16. day, June 13, b.y the Sunday school and gregation are asked to reserve the afChurch telephone 3111. congregation. A splendid program of ternoon and evening of Friday, June 25, music, recitations and q.ialogues has been for thP big picnic which will be held in SERVICES prepared. This special service wlll take the place of the regular services and will · th~.T~ ~a~:~~~ ~~rdk ~~:~~~n t~~ ~~~~e![~~i~ 9 a . m. Sunday school and Bible begin at 10 :30. A cordial invitation is First s ervice. t.>Xtf'nded not only to the young people ism" will be the subject of the st-rmon 9 ~~asses. on Jun~ 20. 'fhis subject will . be of 1' l·~O a. m. Second service. and adults of the congregation but the timely mterest because of the present 1 · a. m. _ friends also to be present to help make ~nusual activity in religious matters now { ~IEETI~GS this one of the joyful and happy days m progress on the north shore. Sunday school tea('hers and offict·r!;, on of the year. Friday evening, June 18, at 7 :45 p. m . Mrs. Roy Huibert, 528 Essex road, Junior 'Va.lther League, Friday, June 18, The Luthf'r league will meet Friday, at 8. June 18, at the Strube residence, 216 Kenilworth, entertained her bridge club Golf Terrace. Miss Ethel 'Voolard, one at luncheon Thursday, June 10. The dedication of the new Concordia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theo~gica.l will take place next ~ 01:10 OCIO OCIO OI:ICO !:;unday, at sen1inary St. L to uis, Mo ., where t~e triennia I <'Onvt"ntion of the Synod of Missouri Ohio and other states is now in sessi~n. June 9 to 19. Pastor Meyer will attend thE> d edication exercises and also a part of the synodical sessions. of the faithful members of the league, will be the hostess. There will be the t>lection of officers. A full attendance is desired. · St. Johnts Lutheran 1 :3f .,1 . .. .' .. I M 0 T B S .. :, r l... ., Soldiers' Memorial, Oak Park Granite Cut and Erected by ~. H. AMBERSON 0 and tnoth eggs, and all insect life in upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Furs, etc., by our treatment. MOIWMBMT CO. We make the Better Clue Memorial· 5751 Raveaawood Aveaue Write for Catalogue 1 IREDALEMeiFIREPR80il WAR~HOUSES JVINNETKA 0 n)I:IO OCIO Storage of H ouseltold Goods D 0 HASKEUTE FUMIGATION VAULT 0 e ~ 01:10 'fh e annual outdoor services and f<·stival at the Addison Manual Training- School and Industrial Home for Boys and Girl!':, is set for Sunday afternoon, June 20. Prominent pastors of C'hicaKo will speak. En·ryone is in\'ited to attt>ntl. On Sunday afternoon and c·wning-, June 27, the annual Chicago Sunday school convention of the Luth(>ran churches will be held at Trinity Lutlwran church, Ridgeland and Erie strPets, Oak Park. All Sunday school teachers and officers arc especially in\'ited. Th<> Junior '\Yaltht·r leagu · of St. John's has plamwd a lawn social for Thursday t'\'t·ning-, .Jutw 2!i, for itl'i nH·m· lJers and those who this yl"ar are t-ntt:ring the Senior league. The place \Viii bt· dt:signatt'd later. .I. WILMETTE OCIO Phoue Wt'mzctka 1332 Phone Wilmette 1332 OCIO EVANSTON Congregational Church MiniRt.erl';: Stt>plwn A. Lloyd ·william E. l\lrC'orm:u·k On Friday the ":-oman's Guild, :\Irs. L. L . Pt·rr:r, prt>!<id(·nt, will gathPr for the last time until autumn. This is an important nH ·l'ting for the election of otfkt·rs. lV·ports will bt ' gi\·t·n by th1· \'arious Circles and officers of the Guild. 'T'Iw S(·a .. ( I.... I CAD I LLAC Not. the least important source of the satisfaction which Cadillac ownership brings to Evanston and . North Shore residents is the special Lubrication Serv . . ice at the Evanston Branch. By bringing their Cadillacs to the Service Department at 500 mile intervalst owners .keep them thoroughly and proper! y oiled and greased. The cost of this service is actually less than the retail price of the I ubrican ts alone. It is not even necessary for owners to keep a record of when this lubricating is due. Notice is kept constantly before them by an unobtrusive slip on the face of the speedometer. ..... I I Scouts mP('t em Friday at 7:1:; p . m ., Ewart C'ook, skipp('r. Saw Saturday for the Big Church and ('hur·c·h sdwnl pit·nir on th·' \\.ilmdtc· lk[ll'h at thc> foot of "·ashington H\' t·ntH·. En·rvonP in thP Parish and thf'ir frif·ncls an: in,·itr ·cl. BrinK your own lun<·h hask!·t . Tlw f'hur<·h sl'honl will not ht · ~in its st·n·ic·ps until 1 () o'!·lo('k Sunday morning, a half lvlllr latt·r than usual. · This Sunday is Children's Day. The S!·rYkP will ht· ht·lcl in tlw :-~uclit"rium :111<1 will start JH'nmntly at l 0 :4ii <t. m . Tht· prog-ram is unclPr thf' <lirN·tinn f·f -:\liss Ht>rtha \\"lwc·lork nnd thr P1·imary departnwnt of tht' ("hurch S('hool, but all tlw otlH·t· clt·p;trtm, ·nts will ha\·1· a pnrt. E\·l'l·yonP is im·it1·d. ~<'11t·if!l'nh··lm. clw irma n. <·ntPrtainPil nt it~ lnst mf'l"ting in · tht · :\'··iKhhorhno<l C'ir('Je, will ht· a Vf'ry <h·lig-htfu\ mamwr at tlw honw of :\Tr~ . .J. . n. Olwin. R20 L:tkl' a\·Pnw·. Lunrllf'nn "·qJ IH ' ~t·n·('(] in t!H· g-ardPn, nnd ::\[rs. 01\\'in will lw assbtdl hY :\Irs. I ;, .org"t' Kihhy . . Tw·~1h1y (In :\Tn:. F . .l. · A I ~I"Xt Sundny will bt- thP sPcond Sunday aftt-r T1·initr. Thf'rP will b1· Holy ("ommunion at ~ a. m. ('hurch ~c·J1nnl~ and l!ihlP <·lasst·s at !l :-Hi, nnd Morning l'ntr· ·r with addrt·ss at 11 o'clo('k Today ht·inK ~t. Hantabas' Day thPrt' w11s a ('t·l··hratiun of tilt· Holy C'ommunion at . o'<'lork. On Sunday, .Tunt· 20. tiH' Rt>Y. E. H. TTunt<·r, a nwmlwr nf St. Augustin ··s p·trir-;h, will t'l'lt·hratP tlw fiftieth anniYt·rsar~· of hb ordination to tlH· prit·sthnllcl. Tht' p(·oplt· of St. Augustin<>'s will ioin with him in this f'~IPhration. Rc·Y. :\fr. Huntf'r will celf'brntf' the Holy Communion at the 11 o'(')!)('k scn·irf' Sun<la:-; . .Tunr> 20, assistNl by thP rt·('tor, nn<l will g-iy,. a tnlk to tlw ('on~n·gation on "Fifty Y(·ars in tlw Ministry." St. Augustine's Church ·U... ....... . ...... ·' CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, EVANSTON BRANCH DiviJion o/ Gmeral MotorJ Corporation 'T'he regular .Junf' mE>f'ting of thP Yestry was h,·lcl in tlw rt·ctor's offi('l' 'VPdnt·sday nig·ht of this Wf'ek. 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston University 8600 Rogers Park 913 3 ArranKf'Jn<·nts ha\'P hPPn mad(' for thP Boys' camp at C'rystal Lak(', 'Yis., the f'nd of this month. 'J'hf' boys will lea \'e \\'ilmE>tte ('ither on JunP 21 or 2~. ~"'hoir .,, ., · ~, ., Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday, June 9.

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