Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 12

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12 .Mr. and Mrs. E. D. P a rmelee, formerly of Keni lwor th, ente rtained the evening bridge club at dinner Monday at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lctomis Hypes of Glencoe, where they are staying w hile M r s. Hypes is in t he E a st. WILMETTE LIFE .June 11, 1926 _ J PALACE CASH Uaiv.2720 PHONEMARKETPHONE ft ·. Uaiv.2720 1559 Sbe...aa A.ve., Evaastoa The North Shore's Leading Market Fresh ·Long Island Duck 43e .------------ ------------Fresh Prime Beef Tenderloin 4Se Very Best Bacon Mrs. Samuel Comley, forme rly Miss Helen Cresap of Ken ilworth, has go ne East to Vassar college to atten d her second class reunion. She wi ll a lso be a guest at two house parties, one on Long I. land, and the other in the HAVE pAY ON LAKE ~fr. and ~~ rs. Charles Gregory King-, I Adirondacks. ~{rs. \Villiam Sprenger of Melrose III of Cleveland. announce the birth of 'a son, Charles Gregory King, Jr., avenue, Kenilworth, recently gave a in Cleveland, 1fay 29. Mrs. King was delightful party for the graduating forme rlY }.fiss 1[an· Elizabeth Gaskell, class of the Joseph Scars school, of daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. William ,,·hich her son, Billy, is a member, and Te rn· Gaskell of Sheridan road, Kenil- ior a fe'" other young people. The guests, thirty in number, were t<Jken worth. -oin a bus to Po\\'ers lake and spent the }.[rs. Grant Ridg,yay of 207 Cumber- day boating, bat ~1ing and ecfating. They land avenue, 1frs. Hugh Littel of 322 had a mid-day ( m.ncr at a arm 1 1 0use, \ Yoodstock avenue, and ~[rs. Rufus B. and after the s:rvmg of a .supper, they Stolp of 336 \Van,·ick road, recently motored home 111 the ev~mng. left Keni lworth to motor to Rockford ' Mrs. \\'illiam A. Englar. formerly of and Freeport, 111. Kcnil\\'orth, has come on from her -o~f rs. Rov C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, home in Pasadena, and is the gue~t of Kenihvortl~. has gone to Germantown, 11rs. Edwin Stevens of the Orrington Pa .. to visit her son. Gilbert Osgood, hotel. Mrs. Englar is on her \\·ay to \\'ho was taken there from Princeton Tomaha\\'k, \Vis., \\·here she \\'ill spend the summer \\·it h her sister. ~~ r~ . F(l ~I university on account of illness. tcr. -0-o-~.{ rs. 1-Itlgh Foresman of Essex road. ~1r~ . \\'arr('n Pta:-;e of 320 Lricester Kenilworth. entertained a group of south side friends at luncheon at her road, Kenil\\'orth. entertained hrr bridge cluh at luncheon Tuc -; ;la,·. farm in Barrington Saturday, June 5. Tune 1. :\f rs . \V. I. \\ otHl\\'ard a1~d --oOn \Ycclncsday, June 9, Mrs. Carl ·~1 rs: Charles K. lllack\\'ood " ·ere her Keith of 310 \ Vanvick road, Kenil- guests. -0\\'Orth, enter tained the ~~ ah J ongg club at luncheon. Friday evening, J tll1l' -l. the ('xhibi-otion (1f " ·ork oi the J ostph Scars schonl ~fiss lsahelle and :\1 i~s Louise Love- " ·as hl'ld. En·ry department made a dale and AI Lov~dak. 42 Kenil\\'orth remarkable showing, it i~ announced, a\'enue. motored to :\laclison. \Vi:-~., last and a, largr as . emhlagc of parents and \\·eek-cn<.l. friend~ \\'as present . -o- 011 iss :\f argarct Barku s. 24 Cum nor ~fr~. Tl'arn· \V. :\fon~ of 1~7 \\.(·o<l road, Kc:n ih\·ort h. ret urncd ~f on cia~· stock a\·enu~· . Kenil\\'orth. wa ;; hostl' ." from her trip to Annapolis. to tlw \\'omen' :' Forcil!n :\fj .., ~i<·nan· -o~ocich· of the \\'ilm(:ttc \fcthc·di ~ t (Sliced)~ ~f rs. Charles K . Black\\·ond, \\'!1<1 had rl1ur<· h. Thnr~day . been visiting in Kenil\\'orth, n:turncd - 0to California Saturday. June 5. :\Tr~. hh,·:trd 1T. J. Phclt h . 3.?X ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111 1 1 1 11111111111 1 11111 11 11111 1 1~ Leice ~ tl'l' road. Kenilworth. and lwr -,on. Au~ten. \\'ho ha" ju~t Cll11lpkt('d hi~ ..;er(lnd n·ar at Yak. ~ ail ~aturcLt\ · iront :\('\\' \'(Irk tn ~ptnd thl' ~ umtlH:r in Furnpt·. I Kenilworth Happenings 1 ~ . y· . ~ '~ . )oo ' ... ! " l .. .. 1926 Fresh Dressed Broilers 49e -t,. -_.) ~1 ' 1926 Genuine Spring Leg of Lamb ' 4Se .- lbs. $1.25 ' .. I - SPECIAL I -o\f r -. . .1 .. \ . Culhvrt . , nn. 220 :\l t·lr n, t· ;t\'('11\lt·. n ·turtll·d tn K<"nihr(lrth thi -. wn·k ir<·lll 1H·r \\il tkr JH,11H· in Pa <t ADVERTISING OFFE.R Good only during the ntonth of Jun e --' .. · c <kna . - 0- Tit(' \<,lll lt_: marr ie d JH ·c,1·k·, hr idg<' club j.., llll'l'ting thi.., ('\'t'll i nl! \\ith \lr '. l~ichard 'l';t,·lor. 1J01J Oak ;l\ l'lllH' 1·: , an...,l< ·ll. ion.ttt· rl~· 11i T't·nilwortl!. . -0- .. ' ' \1 r. and PHOTOGRAPHS for only \\'l lrth \\Tl'k D . Fi r,nrl. 133 Kl'n il an·nnl'. kit K('nih,·nrth J:t, t ior a Yacat i1·11 111 Exrvbir .r -0- ~f r-- . ~ . ·· , ~prin .~-.. ~f o. $5 Jane l~idg\\ay. 20i Cumhnbnd ;J,·cntH·. \\'ill arrin· in l(cnih\ortlt Tm·:-day. June 1~. aiter spcncling tht: winter at :chmd in Bo~ton. \fj,~ . -oF ·l'clerick Littk. 514 E:-...,rx road. returned to hi:-. home in K<"nih\'<lrth la~t .\Ytek aiter an around-tht · \\(lrld tonr. _ 12-4x6 French Gray $5.00 6- Sx8 " " $5.00 3-6x l0 " ·· $5.00 l -8x10 " " $5.00 - ?\f r. and U r ...;. C. Cr. Burn ham. ~31, Roslyn road. Kenil\\'orth. arc again at after their trip to Europe. 1 home -o- .. - - c-:- p~ E~ .;,. 6 6 Greg~,; A-.,,,~ Wii ,;;-<!;;, ln.- 1:-d ii ke- -ho~e - .n I 3 rou~n. For a small down payment and the balance like rent. You' ll enjoy the ideal surroundings. The North Shore Golf Club is just across the road . Sewer. water. roads. gas a'nd electric mains are all 1n and paid for. Telephone Wilmette 974 -J or stgn and return ·this 1 i ~~ ~ Summe· Camps I 615 DAVIS ST. I ~ ~ Glen ~ iew Borders. -I I Please tell m e about you r financin g pla n. ··1-1- -1- Name . . . . , .. . .. . . , .·. .. .... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . m-.,..~-~--·-·-"-·-·-·-- ··-·-oe.·-n-·-·-·!· ' I H o:ybum Building EVANSTON Arc you se iHling your boy or girl to Summer Camp; or away to School this fall , if so no te: All t he best sc hools and camps of t he U ni ted S ta tes have for 20 years mainta in ed a Cent ral office in Chicago to g ive catalogs and advire f ree to yo u. Come in, wr ite or phone: · · AMERICAN SCHOOLS' AND CAMPS' ASS'N 1204 Stevens Bldg. Tel. Cen. 6648 1 ( At 17 N. State St., Chicago)

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